GWAS (SAT) 08/26/2000 Palacio de los Deportes, Iztacalco, Distrito Federal [DJ Spectro, RB] Attendance: 3000
1) Skayde & Turbo b Black Thunder & Darko
2) Blackman Jr., Kato Kung Lee Jr., Kung Fu Jr. b Cripta, Diamante Blanco, Negro Peralta Blackman Jr & Kato Kung Lee Jr & Kung Fu Jr vs Cripta & Diamante Blanco & Negro Peralta | GWAS (posted by Lucha Click) GWAS  CRIPTA,DIAMANTE Y NEGRO PERALTA VS KUNG FU JR,KATO KUNG LEE JR Y BLACK MAN JR (posted by DJSPECTRORELOAD) GWAS (August 26th, 2000) (PPV) (posted by Roy Lucier CMLL) Kung fu Jr., Kato Kung lee Jr y Black Man Jr. VS Cripta, diamante blanco y negro peralta (posted by El Mil Iris)
3) Chicano Power Jr., El Sismo, Maniacop b Águila Solitaria, Thor, Trueno GWAS (August 26th, 2000) (PPV) (posted by Roy Lucier CMLL)
4) Enrique Vera, Máquina Salvaje, Negro Navarro, Súper Muñeco DQ Big Warrior, Doink The Clown, El Hijo Del Espanto, El Indómito Enrique Vera & M. Salvaje & N. Navarro & Súper Muñeco vs Big Warrior & Doink & H. Espanto & Indómito (posted by Lucha Click) GWAS (August 26th, 2000) (PPV) (posted by Roy Lucier CMLL)
5) Rocco Valente, Tony Arce, Vulcano b Andy Barrow, Conde Bartok, Halcón Dorado Jr. [hair] GWAS (August 26th, 2000) (PPV) (posted by Roy Lucier CMLL) GWAS LOS DESTRUCTORES VS HALCON DORADO JR,A.BARROW Y DRAKO CABELLERAS VS CABELLERAS AGOSTO 26 2000 (posted by DJSPECTRORELOAD) Los Destructores vs Drako/Andy Barrow/Halcon Dorado Jr (GWAS 8/26/2000) (posted by Roy Lucier CMLL) Los Destructores vs. Conde Bartok & Drako & Andy Barrow / Cabelleras vs. Cabelleras (posted by Lucha Click) Rocco Valente & Tony Arce & Vulcano vs Andy Barrow & Conde Bartok & Halcón Dorado Jr. [hair] (posted by Lucha Click)
6) La Parka (Tapia) & Shu el Guerrero b Fishman & Máscara Sagrada [losers advance]  (posted by El Mil Iris) 08 26 2000 Palacio de Los Deportes Cuadrangular de mascaras  FISHMAN,LA PARKA,MASCARA SAGRADA Y SHU (posted by DJSPECTRORELOAD) GWAS (August 26th, 2000) (PPV) (posted by Roy Lucier CMLL) Part 1 (posted by WarriorsX2000) Part 2 (posted by WarriorsX2000)
7) Máscara Sagrada b Fishman [mask] Fishman vs Mascara Sagrada (posted by LuchaLibreDeMexico) GWAS (August 26th, 2000) (PPV) (posted by Roy Lucier CMLL) Mascara Sagrada vs Fishman - Mascara vs Mascara - (posted by El Mil Iris)

Last Updated: 2025-01-18 18:47:28

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