
source: https://scontent-ord5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/386074696_716351777199469_6140897644311802863_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5614bc&_nc_ohc=u_mEDdSvtZgAX80Tor4&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2.xx&oh=00_AfD91LBOTnYuJhkt_nVEsBV7XEXPNWgeY6f-TB0-U3yBMg&oe=6522257B


The Crash (FRI) 11/03/2023 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California [Mas Lucah, The Crash, TJ Sports]
***The Crash 12th Anniversary***
1) Gallo Extreme b Anubis ©, Rey Furia, Noisy Boy, El Rey [The Crash JUNIOR, Ladder] 1a LUCHA  EL REY VS NOISYBOY  VS  REY FURIA  VS  GALLO EXTREME  VS  ANUBBIS   CAMPEONATO CRUCERO JR. (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Anubis vs Rey Furia vs Gallo Xtreme vs El Rey vs Noisy Boy | LUCHA DE CAMPEONATO CRUCERO THE CRASH (posted by Arena Clandestina) El Rey vs Noisy Boy vs Rey Furia vs Gallo Extreme vs Anubbis | XII Aniversario The Crash (posted by mluchatv) Noisyboy SE JUEGA LA VIDA Desde LAS ALTURAS Para GANAR El campeonato Crucero jr THE CRASH (posted by 2A3CAIDAS)
2) Julissa b Dulce Tormenta ©, Zamaya, Keyra, Trish Adora [The Crash WOMEN] 2a LUCHA TRISH ADORA VS ZAMAYA VS KEYRA VS JULISSA VS DULCE TORMENTA CAMPEONATO FEMENIL THE CRASH (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Trish Adora vs Zamaya vs Keyra vs Julissa vs Dulce Tormenta | XII Aniversario The Crash Lucha Libre (posted by mluchatv) Yulissa EX WWE es campeona. LA ULTIMA LUCHA de Dulce Tormenta en THE CRASH (posted by 2A3CAIDAS)
Julissa, former NXT wrestler Yulissa Leon, won the championship
3) Diva Salvaje & Jessy Ventura b Microman & Toto and Black Danger & Emperador Azteca (Indie) 3a LUCHA   EMPERADOR AZTECA BLACK DANGER  VS  TOTO MICRIMAN  VS  JESSY VENTURA DIVA SALVAJE (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Emperador Azteca y Black Danger vs Toto y Microman vs Las Shotas | XII Aniversario The Crash (posted by mluchatv) Jessy Ventura LE QUITA LA MASCARA  a Microman (posted by 2A3CAIDAS) Micro Man & Toto vs Las Shotas vs Emperador Azteca & Black Danger ||  (posted by Arena Clandestina)
4) Aeroboy b Séptimo Dragón, Pierroth, Canis Lupus NG, Gran León [TLC] 4a LUCHA   SEPTIMO DRAGON  VS  CANIS LUPUS NG  VS  GRAN LEON  VS  AEROBOY  VS  PIERROTH JR (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) AeroBoy, Gran Leon, Pierroth jr y Septimo Dragon. QUIEBRAN Sillas, Mesas y Escaleras Y SUS CUERPOS (posted by 2A3CAIDAS) Séptimo Dragón vs  Hijo de Canis Lupus vs Gran León vs Aeroboy VS Pierroth Jr. | XII Aniversario TC (posted by mluchatv)
5) Bestia 666 & Rey Horus b Bryan Keith & Lance Anoai 5a LUCHA   LANCE ANOAI, BRYAN KEITH  VS  REY HORUS, BESTIA 666 (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) LA REBELION REGRESA a Casa a THE CRASH (posted by 2A3CAIDAS) Lance Anoa’i vs Bryan Keith vs Rey Horus vs Bestia 666 | XII Aniversario The Crash Lucha Libre (posted by mluchatv)
6) Destiny © b Tonalli [The Crash CRUISER] 6a LUCHA   (R)TONALLI  VS  DESTINY (C)  CAMPEONATO CRUCERO THE CRASH (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) AFICIONADO se Puso VIOLENTO en Una GRAN LUCHA DE CAMPEONATO Entre Destiny VS Tonalli (posted by 2A3CAIDAS) Destiny (Campeón) vs Tonalli (Retador) LUCHA POR EL CAMPEONATO CRUCERO JR THE CRASH  (posted by Arena Clandestina) Por el Campeonato Crucero The Crash Destiny (c) vs Tonalli | XII Aniversario The Crash Lucha Libre (posted by mluchatv)
7) Andrade b Galeno del Mal, Metalik 7a LUCHA   GALENO DEL MAL  VS  METALIK  VS  ANDRADE EL IDOLO (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Andrade vs Gran Metalic vs Galeno (posted by Arena Clandestina) Galeno Del Mal vs Metalik vs Andrade El Ídolo | XII Aniversario de The Crash Lucha Libre (posted by mluchatv) Una B0MB4!!! LAS NUEVAS RIVALIDADES THE CRASH Con Elenco AEW (posted by 2A3CAIDAS)
Andrade wants the heavyweight championship
8) Mamba b D Luxe [hair] 8a LUCHA   D-LUXE  VS  MAMBA  CABELLERA  VS  CABELLERA (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Cabellera vs Cabellera: Mamba  vs D-Luxe | XII Aniversario The Crash Lucha Libre (posted by mluchatv) D'LUXE DEFEATED IN (posted by Lucha Libre Voz) Mamba vs D-Luxe || CABELLERA VS CABELLERA  (posted by Arena Clandestina) Mamba y D'luxe SE DESTROZARON en Lucha de CABELLERAS  en el  XII ANIVERSARIO THE CRASH (posted by 2A3CAIDAS)

source: https://www.maslucha.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/FjPoF3qXgAAKKr8.jpeg


DTU (THU) 12/15/2022 Arena Aficion
***DTU 15th Anniversary***
1) Güerito Power, Rebel, Shao b Maddy La Hija Del Barrio, Muerta Azteca, Renacido DTU XV Aniversario | Violento Jack, Aero Boy, Los Hermanos de la Jungla, Arez, Mamba y más (posted by mluchatv) Maddy, Renacido y Muerte Azteca vs Rebel, Shao y Guerito Power | XV Aniversario DTU (posted by mluchatv)
2) Black Fire b Struendo, Samuray Azteca, Histeriosis, Discipulo 13, Magia Infernal Black Fire vs Samuray Azteca vs Histeriosis, Discípulo 13 vs Magia Infernal y Struendo | DTU (posted by mluchatv) DTU XV Aniversario | Violento Jack, Aero Boy, Los Hermanos de la Jungla, Arez, Mamba y más (posted by mluchatv)
3) Adrian Alanis, Liam Gray, Shocko b Kaleth, Raúl Vidal Jr., Soberbia DTU XV Aniversario | Violento Jack, Aero Boy, Los Hermanos de la Jungla, Arez, Mamba y más (posted by mluchatv) Shocko, Liam Gray y Adrian Alanis vs Raúl Vidal Jr., Kaleth y Soberbia | XV Aniversario DTU (posted by mluchatv)
4) Mamba b Exótico DTU XV Aniversario | Violento Jack, Aero Boy, Los Hermanos de la Jungla, Arez, Mamba y más (posted by mluchatv) Mano a Mano: Mamba vs El Exótico | XV ANIVERSARIO DTU (posted by mluchatv)
5) Lokillo b Arez DTU XV Aniversario | Violento Jack, Aero Boy, Los Hermanos de la Jungla, Arez, Mamba y más (posted by mluchatv) Mano a Mano: Arez vs Lokillo | XV Aniversario DTU (posted by mluchatv)
6) Lunatik Extreme, Ovett Jr., Súper Boy b Black Fire, Demon Boy, Hard Boy DTU XV Aniversario | Violento Jack, Aero Boy, Los Hermanos de la Jungla, Arez, Mamba y más (posted by mluchatv) Hard Boy, Black Fire y Demon Boy vs Ovett Jr., Súper Boy y Lunatik Extrem | XV Aniversario DTU (posted by mluchatv)
7) SB KENTo & Takuma b Aero Panther & Fight Panther Jr. © and Kastigador & Vengador [DTU NEXO] Campeonato Nexo DTU: SB Kento y Takuma vs Aeropanther y Fight Panther Jr. vs Vengador y Kastigador. (posted by mluchatv) DTU XV Aniversario | Violento Jack, Aero Boy, Los Hermanos de la Jungla, Arez, Mamba y más (posted by mluchatv)
title change
8) Aero Boy & Violento Jack b Makabre & Paranoiko and Avorto & Demus [utlraviolent] DTU XV Aniversario | Violento Jack, Aero Boy, Los Hermanos de la Jungla, Arez, Mamba y más (posted by mluchatv) Miedo Extremo y Aero Boy vs Demus y Avorto vs Paranoiko y Makabre | XV Aniversario DTU (posted by mluchatv)

source: https://scontent-dus1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/s720x720/260843518_3142022996126113_6476760039394116950_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=D1JrprEl6RUAX9iJh7Q&_nc_ht=scontent-dus1-1.xx&edm=AJdBtusEAAAA&oh=336dfea6bb6eb8b11fef58d24041de9b&oe=61B599D8


IWRG (THU) 12/16/2021 Arena Naucalpan [Cronista del Ring, IWRG, Lucha Central, Mas Lucha]
***Moreno Family 59th Anniversary show***
1) Limbo & Shalom b Hell Boy & Rey Halcón
2) Benga Lee, Diosa Quetzal, Noisy Boy b Fly Warrior, Lolita, Satania Revolución 59 | Diosa Quetzal regresó a la Arena Naucalpan | IWRG (posted by mluchatv)
Bengalee, recently back from injury, dove off the first floor during the match
3) Gran Pandemónium, Hijo de Pandemónium, Pandemónium Jr. b Freelance, Rasputín, Sick Boy
Freelance had a bad scare on a head injury, but appeared fine later. Sick Boy finished up his IWRG run with this match.
4) Arez, Látigo, Toxin b Oficial 911, Oficial AK47, Oficial Fierro Revolución 59 | ¡Hay guerra en el ring entre Vipers y Oficiales! | IWRG (posted by mluchatv)
Jessy Ventura challenged Toxin to another IWRG Mexico title match, got attacked by the Vipers.
5) Big Mami, Hijo del Alebrije, Niño Hamburguesa b Big Boy, Big Chico Che, Big Mike
Black Terry was honored after the match.
6) Alpha Wolf & Dragón Bane b Aster Boy & Demonic Flamita LUCHA SEMIFINAL SORPRESA - El retorno, Revolución 59 | Regresaron Los Golpeadores a IWRG, Hijo de Cannis Lupus ahora es Alpha Wolf (posted by mluchatv)
Return of Los Golepadors to IWRG
7) Hijo de LA Park, LA Park, LA Park Jr. b Hijo del Espectro Jr., Jessy Ventura, Psycho Clown Revolución 59 | Psycho Clown se enfrenta a L.A. Park en el Aniversario de la Arena Naucalpan | IWRG (posted by mluchatv)

source: https://scontent-dus1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/s720x720/186243881_1690261917829828_7475865384692330927_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=N-yplWMQxbMAX-iMa5D&_nc_ht=scontent-dus1-1.xx&tp=7&oh=fb2062c48f0d09ce18fa32ae24f5319d&oe=60C6B4B4


WWS (SUN) 05/30/2021 Foro Cultural Mujam, Cuauhtémoc, Distrito Federal [Mas Lucha]
***WWS 8th Anniversary***
1) Blue Danger b Kali KALI VS. BLUE DANGER‼️ (posted by Desde las cuerdas con Mariano) Women Wrestling Stars 8vo Aniversario | Museo del Juguete Antiguo México (posted by mluchatv)
2) Pily La Ametralladora & Skarlet b Sky & Therius Women Wrestling Stars 8vo Aniversario | Museo del Juguete Antiguo México (posted by mluchatv)
3) Hera & Ishtar b Dulce Luna & Miss Olympia Women Wrestling Stars 8vo Aniversario | Museo del Juguete Antiguo México (posted by mluchatv)
4) Starfire b Krazy Star, Diosa Atenea, Arumi [COPA MUJAM] Women Wrestling Stars 8vo Aniversario | Museo del Juguete Antiguo México (posted by mluchatv)
5) Lilith Dark DRAW Chik Tormenta [WWS WOMEN, MARTINEZ WOMEN] CAMPEONATO VS. CAMPEONATO‼️⭐ (posted by Desde las cuerdas con Mariano) Women Wrestling Stars 8vo Aniversario | Museo del Juguete Antiguo México (posted by mluchatv)
neither title changes hands

source: https://scontent-dus1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/s720x720/178546868_2931210493867749_169510969812614772_n.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=4Nq7_utVL2UAX80dvt6&_nc_ht=scontent-dus1-1.xx&tp=7&oh=613852698fd51b29fdf1a46cb0460c79&oe=60AC723E


Vanguardia (SAT) 05/15/2021 Deportivo 11 de Julio, Pachuca, Hidalgo [Critero Hidalgo]
***Vanguardia 2nd Anniversary***
1) Gallo Extreme (Baja California) & Slaiper b Ovett Jr. & Rencor and Dragón Boy & Rayito Mexicano 2 años en 1 noche | Aniversario de Vanguardia. (posted by mluchatv) Slaiper y Gallo Extreme vs Ovett Jr. y Rencor vs Dragon Boy y Rayito Mexicano | *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv)
2) Amnesia Jr. & Rey Furia b Drolux & Moria © [BMLL TAG] 2 años en 1 noche | Aniversario de Vanguardia. (posted by mluchatv) Moria y Drolux vs Rey Furia y Amnesia Jr. | Campeonatos de Parejas de BMLL | *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv)
3) Colmillo Blanco, Rey Dragón, Star Fire b Dayami, Devitt Rodríguez, Edward Gutierrez 2 años en 1 noche | Aniversario de Vanguardia. (posted by mluchatv) Star Fire y el Sindicato vs Dayami y el Fresh Club | 2do Aniversario de Vanguardia *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv)
4) Látigo b Mirage 2 años en 1 noche | Aniversario de Vanguardia. (posted by mluchatv) Látigo vs Mirage | 2do Aniversario de Vanguardia *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv)
5) Ciclón Infernal © b Calibus [IAW JUNIOR] 2 años en 1 noche | Aniversario de Vanguardia. (posted by mluchatv) Calibus vs Ciclón Infernal | Campeonato IAW Junior | 2do Aniversario de Vanguardia *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv)
6) Skayde vs Símbolo Azteca 2 años en 1 noche | Aniversario de Vanguardia. (posted by mluchatv) Skayde vs Símbolo Azteca | 2do Aniversario de Vanguardia | *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv)
7) Aeroboy b Jitsu [ELL CHAMP] 2 años en 1 noche | Aniversario de Vanguardia. (posted by mluchatv) Aero Boy vs Jitsu | Campeonato Arena Nacionalista | 2do Aniversario de Vanguardia *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv)
8) Puma King b Gasparín Jr. 2 años en 1 noche | Aniversario de Vanguardia. (posted by mluchatv) Puma King vs Gasparín Jr. | 2do Aniversario de Vanguardia *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv)
9) Jimmy b El Mago [VANGUARIDA EXTRAORDINARO, final] 2 años en 1 noche | Aniversario de Vanguardia. (posted by mluchatv) Jimmy vs El Mago | Campeonato Extraordinario de Vanguardia | 2do Aniversario *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv)
10) Billy & Jeff Killer b Crazy King & Miedo Extremo © and Trauma I & Trauma II [VANGUARDIA TAG] 2 años en 1 noche | Aniversario de Vanguardia. (posted by mluchatv) Macizos vs Traumas vs Fugitivos | Campeonato de Parejas de Vanguardia (posted by mluchatv) Traumas vs Macizos vs Fugitivos | Campeonatos de Parejas de Vanguardia | *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv)
Dark Biker helped Billy & Jeff Killer win. Traumas were not involved in the finish and unhappy.
11) Lobo Blanco Jr. b Cíclope [glass] 2 años en 1 noche | Aniversario de Vanguardia. (posted by mluchatv) Cíclope vs Lobo Blanco Jr. | Lámparas y paneles de vidrio | Vanguardia *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv)

source: https://scontent-ort2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/132191083_3803132593052084_4975078319678629945_o.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=zAFkSg_5cGIAX_3Qx_H&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-1.xx&oh=4bb4e4df435f91c25ccd115db64a9258&oe=60096AC6


DTU (SUN) 12/27/2020 Tulancingo, Hidalgo
***DTU 13th Anniversary***
1) Mr. Solo vs Black Pistol, Platinum, Forajido
2) Sindrome, Struendo, Zuzu Divine vs Hormiga, Kevin, Princesa Azul
3) León Dorado Jr. vs Rey León, Fight Panther Jr.
4) Avorto & Disturbio vs Hijo De Pólux Jr. & Paranoiko and Fulgor & Toxin
5) Aero Panther, Dariux, Joe Lider vs Crazy Boy, Gran Cobra, Samuray Jr.
6) Último Guerrero vs Camuflaje, Kaleth, Blaze

source: https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/79159917_2804859092879444_6344208837028872192_o.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_ohc=Do0JAfcQKJkAQmPHwGw5Sz_R4XPHg3kTaE1tMeaDWr7oSCNjXmo3bI_ZQ&_nc_ht=scontent.xx&oh=f18bbb9738a01e67423a95cb40abd5de&oe=5E3F253B


DTU (THU) 12/19/2019 Arena Aficion [Criterio Hidalgo, Cuadrilatero TV, DTU, Marco Iván Patiño López]
***DTU ONCE***
1) Frazzer & Sniper b ? & ??
exhibition/trainees match
2) Destino, Forajido, Uri vs ?, ??, ???
3) Samuray Jr. b Aero Panther, Mandíbula, Dark Power, Fight Panther, Dariux, Drolux, Fly Danger, Dragón Suicida, Vengador Radioactivo
4) Hahastary, Princesa Azul, Sagitarius, Zuzu Divine b Anarqua, El Malakrari, Hijo Del Power, Kevin
5) Calibus, Kaleth, Mr. Iguana b El Exótico, Moria, Shun Skywalker
Calibus beat Shun Skywalker
6) Black Fire & Tiburón b Diva Salvaje & Fantasma de la Ópera
7) Hard Boy & Paranoiko b Crazy Boy & Hijo De Dr. Pólux and Aborto & Chaneke
8) Penta El Zero M & Rey Fénix (LU) b Aero Boy & Camuflaje

source: https://scontent-ort2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/71843037_3001405659875140_9052789963220844544_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&_nc_eui2=AeHvDxMg3z3AI9Ge-Qpu2vY57gEe7xF4F57er5fFt6LMSoScIsiX2h42-uD4TebMM0bOwQ5szCq3u7fUlKqeyzi2PcFcON-YOn965cH6PoeJXg&_nc_oc=AQlrj60gaoNOKlqAwQy_xkY_zA_D7fQM2AE8CK3aK4Q3FcGk64NK_q1GUvCh_LGUrXc&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-1.xx&oh=af1ba819140bba0c2489c487e3de8181&oe=5E320E6C


The Crash (FRI) 11/01/2019 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California [Lucha Central, So Cal Uncensored, SuperLuchas, The Crash, Zona Ruda]
***The Crash 8th Anniversary***
1) Terror Azteca b Ovett Jr., Baby Xtreme, Soldado Del Invierno, Próximo [TLC, THE CRASH JUNIOR] | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Terror Azteca vs Toto vs Proximo vs Winter S. | (posted by Arena Clandestina) T-rror Azteca vs Toto vs Próximo vs Baby Extreme vs Soldado Del Invierno (posted by Lucha Vlogs) TERROR AZTECA VS PROXIMO VS BABY EXTREME VS SOLDADO DEL INVIERNO VS TOTO (posted by Baja Wrestling)
vacant title
2) Lady Flammer © b Christina Von Eerie [THE CRASH WOMEN] | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Lady Flamer (C) vs Christina Von Eerie (R) | (posted by Arena Clandestina) LADY FLAMMER VS CHRISTINA VON EERIE (posted by Baja Wrestling)
3) Oráculo b Jonathan Gresham ©, Black Danger, Dinámico [THE CRASH CRUISER] | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | BlackDanger vs Oraculo vs Dinamico | (posted by Arena Clandestina) BLACK DANGER VS ORÁCULO VS JONATHAN GRESHAM VS DINÁMICO (posted by Baja Wrestling)
Orraculo won the title. Extreme Tiger challenged Oraculo to a title match.
4) Negro Navarro b Solar I | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Negro Navarro vs Solar | (posted by Arena Clandestina) Negro Navarro vs Solar - The Crash 8vo Aniversario (posted by mluchatv) SOLAR VS NEGRO NAVARRO (posted by Baja Wrestling) The Crash Negro Navarro vs Solar (posted by MegaKakashi619)
5) Bestia 666 & Mecha Wolf © b Trauma I & Trauma II [The Crash TAG] | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Bestia666 & MechaWolf (C) vs Trauma l & ll (R) |#CampeonatodeParejasTheCrash (posted by Arena Clandestina) BESTIA 666 Y MECHA WOLF VS HERMANOS TRAUMA (posted by Baja Wrestling) The Crash Hermanos Trauma vs Mecha Wolf & Bestia 666 (posted by MegaKakashi619)
Damian 666 and Negro Navarro got involved in the finish, teasing a match
6) Rey Horus © b CIMA, Jeff Cobb [THE CRASH HEAVY] | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Rey Horus (C) vs Cima vs Jeff Cobb | #CAMPEONATOCOMPLETOTHECRASH | (posted by Arena Clandestina) REY HORUS VS CIMA VS JEFF COBB (posted by Baja Wrestling) Rey Horus vs Cima vs Jeff Cobb Campeonato Completo The Crash (posted by videoslucha3000) Rey Horus vs Jeff Cobb vs Cima - Campeonato Completo The Crash - 8vo Aniversario (posted by mluchatv)
Bandido appeared to challenge Rey Horus for th enext show.
7) Arandú, Star Boy, Zarco b Animal, Demencia, Silver Star [hair, mask] | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Haraganes vs La Triple Amenaza | (posted by Arena Clandestina) ARANDU, ZARCO Y STAR BOY VS DEMENCIA, SILVER STAR Y BLACK ANIMAL (posted by Baja Wrestling) Los Haraganes vs La Triple Amenaza - Máscaras vs Máscaras - The Crashh (posted by mluchatv) Mascaras vs. Cabelleras Triple Amenaza vs Los Haraganes - The Crash 11/1/19 (posted by liolio liopaque) TRIPLE AMENAZA VS HARAGANES LUCHA DE APUESTAS 2019 (posted by videoslucha3000)
Triple Amenaza beats Los Haragnes in the triple apuesta match
8) Penta 0M & Rey Fénix DQ Dragón Lee (Munoz) & Rush [Full Match] Lucha Brothers vs. Dragon Lee and Rush in Tijuana (posted by SoCal UNCENSORED) | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Rush & Dragon Lee vs Penta Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix | (posted by Arena Clandestina) Penta Zero M & Rey Fenix vs Rush & Dragon Lee 2019 (posted by videoslucha3000) REY FENIX Y PENTA 0M VS RUSH Y DRAGÓN LEE (posted by Baja Wrestling) Rush y Dragon Lee vs Penta 0m y Rey Fénix - The Crash 8vo Aniversario (posted by mluchatv) The Crash Rush & Dragon Lee vs Penta OM & Rey Fenix (posted by MegaKakashi619)
Bestia del Ring ran in after Fenix ahd removed Dragon Lee's mask.

source: https://scontent-ort2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/47379527_2158273917537968_4425862991350595584_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.xx&oh=8737114d84ae069786a274ec8920882c&oe=5C9FC40F


DTU (TUE) 12/18/2018 Arena Aficion [+LuchaTV, Critero Hidalgo, DTU, Funcion Estelar, Marco Iván Patiño López]
***11th Anniversary***
1) Corazón Latino, Davami, Lobo Blanco Jr. b Destino, Sky Boy, Zadok
2) Aero Panther & Vengador Radioactivo b Fight Panther & Mandala DTU O11CE | Arena Afición, Pachuca HGO (posted by mluchatv)
3) Cobre b Anarquía, Hard Boy, Camuflaje, Drolux, Kalibus, Moria, Josh Sniper ` (posted by mluchatv)
4) Aero Boy & Drastik Boy b Hermes & Luigui and Black Fire & Jitsu DTU O11CE | Arena Afición, Pachuca HGO (posted by mluchatv)
5) Gallito Tapatío & Microman b Mije & Perico Zacarías DTU O11CE | Arena Afición, Pachuca HGO (posted by mluchatv)
6) Kaleth & Tiburón © b Dark Cuervo & Dark Scoria [DTU NEXO] DTU O11CE | Arena Afición, Pachuca HGO (posted by mluchatv)
7) Jimmy b Felino DTU O11CE | Arena Afición, Pachuca HGO (posted by mluchatv)
8) Crazy Boy, Paranoiko, Pesadilla b Damián 666, Halloween, Nicho el Millionario DTU O11CE | Arena Afición, Pachuca HGO (posted by mluchatv) La Familia de Tijuana vs La Pandilla DTU, Arena Afición DTU O11CE (posted by mluchatv)
9) Crazy King © b Crazy Frank [DTU CHAMP] DTU 11 ESTELAR (posted by mluchatv) DTU O11CE | Arena Afición, Pachuca HGO (posted by mluchatv)

source: https://scontent-ort2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/43514649_2352738734741839_4854754083317219328_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&oh=819458d8208f51a692e78d86761838d6&oe=5C5AC439


The Crash (SAT) 11/03/2018 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California [El Sol de Tijuana, TJ Sports, Zona Ruda]
***The Crash 7th Anniversary***
1) Star Boy, Talibán, Viento, Zarco b Jonathan, Rubi Gardenia, Súper Caló Jr., Victorino 1ra Lucha  Zarco, StarBoy, Viento, Taliban  VS  Jonathan, Super Calo Jr  Valentino, Ruby Gardenia (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) STARBOY, VIENTO, ZARCO Y TALIBÁN VS RUBY GARDENIA, JONATHAN, SÚPER CALO JR Y VALENTINO (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine) Triple Amenaza y Taliban Vs Jonathan, Super Calo Jr, Valentino y Rubi Gardenia - The Crash VII Aniv (posted by LNDLC)
2) Xperia b Torito Negro ©, Tiago, Baby Star, Rayo Star [The Crash JUNIOR] 2da Lucha  Xperia VS Baby Star VS RayoStar VS Tiago VS Torito Negro c (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) CAMPEONATO THE CRASH JR: TORITO NEGRO VS TIAGO VS XPERIA VS RAYO STAR VS BABY STAR (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine) Torito Negro vs Baby Star vs Tiago vs Rayo Star vs Experia- Campeonato LigeroThe Crash VII (posted by mluchatv) Torito Negro Vs Xperia Vs Baby Star Vs Tiago Vs Rayo Star - The Crash VII Aniversario (posted by LNDLC)
3rd defense
3) Oráculo b Templario (CMLL), Éxtasis 3ra Lucha  Extassis  VS  Templario  VS  Oraculo (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) ÉXTASIS VS TEMPLARIO VS ORÁCULO (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine) Oráculo vs Templario vs Extassis- The Crash VII Aniversario (posted by mluchatv) Oraculo Vs Templario Vs Extasis - The Crash VII Aniversario (posted by LNDLC)
4) Mecha Wolf b Rey Horus, Shane Strickland, Austin Theory 4ta Lucha  Austin Theory  VS  Shane Strickland  VS Mecha Wolf  VS Rey Horus (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Austin Theory vs Mecha Wolf vs Rey Horus vs Shane Strickland- The Crash VII Aniversario (posted by mluchatv) Mr  450 Vs Austin Theory Vs Rey Horus Vs Shane Strickland - The Crash VII Aniversario (posted by LNDLC) REY HORUS VS MR 450 VS SHANE STRICKLAND VS AUSTIN THEORY (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine)
Mecha Wolf wasn't originally in this match but ended up winning it.
5) Tessa Blanchard © b Lluvia, Keira Hogan, Lady Flammer [The Crash WOMEN] 5ta Lucha  Lluvia VS Kiara Hogan VS Lady Flamer VS Tessa Blanchard (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) CAMPEONATO FEMENIL THE CRASH: TESSA BLANCHARD VS LLUVIA VS LADY FLAMER VS KIERA HOGAN (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine) Tessa Blanchard Vs Kiera Hogan Vs Lluvia Vs Lady Flammer - The Crash VII Aniversario (posted by LNDLC) Tessa Blanchard vs Lady Flamer vs Kiara Hogan vs Lluvia- Campeonato Femenil- The Crash VII (posted by mluchatv) The Crash VII Aniversario (posted by mluchatv)
1st defense. Reina Isis was replaced by Lluvia & Lady Flammer on 10/30. Christi Jaynes returned (injury) to challenge Blanchard for the next title match.
6) Penta Zero M & The King b Adam Thornstowe & Luster The Legend and Cuatrero & Sansón [THE CRASH TAG] 6ta Lucha   Reno Scum, Adam Thornsstone, Luster the Legend  VS  NGD Sanson, Cuatrero  VS  Los Lucha (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Los Lucha Brother´s vs La Nueva Generación Dinamita vs Reno Scum. #CampeonatodeParejasTheCrash (posted by Arena Clandestina) Lucha Brothers reciben reconocimiento a su trayectoria al ganar campeonato de parejas The Crash (posted by LNDLC) LUCHA BROTHERS VS NUEVA GENERACIÓN DINAMITA VS RENO SCUM (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine) Lucha Brothers vs Sanson y Cuatrero vs Reno Scum (posted by Lucha Libre De Tijuana) Penta OM y King Fénix vs Sansón y Cuatrero vs Reno Scum y Adam Thornstowe Campeonato de parejas (posted by mluchatv) Reno Scum Vs Lucha Brothers Vs Nuevos Dinamita - The Crash VII Aniversario (posted by LNDLC) The Crash VII Aniversario (posted by mluchatv)
Vacant titles (Bandido & Flamita - though the announcers went with the idea it had been vacant since the Hardys lost it. No belts were ever shown.) Fatu & Mecha Wolf were advertised but didn't participate; Mecha Wolf was moved to a different match.
7) Willie Mack b El Mesías, Michael Elgin, Bárbaro Cavernario [THE CRASH HEAVY] 7ma Lucha  Barbaro Cavernario  VS  Michael Elgin  VS  El Mesias  VS  Willie Mack (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) CAMPEONATO DE PESO COMPLETO THE CRASH: WILLIE MACK VS MESÍAS VS BÁRBARO CAVERNARIO VS MICHAEL ELGUIN (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine) Michael Elgin vs Bárbaro Cavernario vs El Mesias vs Wllie Mack- Campeonato Completo- The Crash (posted by mluchatv) The Crash VII Aniversario (posted by mluchatv) Willie Mack Vs El Mesias Vs Barbaro Cavernario Vs Michale Elgin - The Crash VII Aniversario (posted by LNDLC) Willie Mack vs Mesias vs Michael Elguin vs Barbaro Cavernario #CampeonatoPesosPesadosTheCrash (posted by Arena Clandestina) Willie Mack vs Michael Elgin vs Barbaro Cavernario vs Mesías (posted by Lucha Libre De Tijuana)
vacant title (Rey Mysterio)
8) Bestia 666 b Garza Jr. [hair] 8va Lucha  Bestia 666  VS  Garza Jr (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Bestia 666 vs Garza Jr (posted by Lucha Libre De Tijuana) Bestia 666 vs Garza Jr CABELLERA VS CABELLERA. #TheCrashLuchaLibre (posted by Arena Clandestina) BESTIA 666 VS GARZA JR POR LAS CABELLERAS (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine) Bestia Vs Garza - Cabellera Vs Cabellera - The Crash VII Aniversario (posted by LNDLC) Garza Jr. vs Bestia 666 Cabellera contra Cabellera- The Crash VII Aniversario (posted by mluchatv) The Crash Highlight Bestia 666 vs Garza jr (Cabellera vs Cabellera) (posted by Arena Clandestina) The Crash VII Aniversario (posted by mluchatv)

source: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DQYqkifUQAAH4U9.jpg


DTU (THU) 12/14/2017 Arena Aficion [ Marco Iván Patiño López, +LuchaTV, Funcion Estelar]
***DTU 10th Anniversary***
1) Irving b Flash Boy, Ángel Negro, Steel Dragón
2) Anarquía & Angelito Mágico b Drolux & Tiburón
3) Billy Gamer & Toto Gamer b Devitt Rodríguez & Hard Boy
4) Black Fire, Corsario Negro Jr., Crazy Boy, El Exótico, Hormiga, Kevin b Ángel o Demonio, Camuflaje, Cerebro Negro, Junior, Paranoiko, Súper Mega
DTU defeated X-LAW. Paranoiko was the surprise X-LAW lucahdor.
5) Jimmy & Príncipe Cometa b Mickey Midas & Myron Reed © [DTU NEXO]
New champs. Midas/Reed fall on their first defense.
6) Ovett b Halloween © [DTU CONSAGRADO]
New champ. Halloween falls on his first defense.
7) Flamita b Cobre
Scheduled as a five way, turned into a four way. Flamita beat Cobre. Not sure which other two were in the match.
8) Dezmond Xavier b Moria ©, Drastik Boy [DTU AI] Dezmond Xavier vs Cobre vs Lokillo vs Moria vs Draztick Boy en DTUX (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
Moria falls on his 2nd defense
9) Crazy King b Shlak ©, Cíclope, Miedo Extremo [hair, mask, DTU] Miedo Extremo, Cíclope y Tiburón vs Ángel o Demonio, Camuflaje y Junior en lucha EXTREMA (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
Crazy King putting up his mask, Ciclope & Miedo putting up their hair. Crazy King got the win. Shlak falls on his fourth defense (two in the US).

source: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DPp_5UqV4AAjV0R.jpg:large


IWRG (SUN) 12/03/2017 Arena Naucalpan [+LuchaTV, The Gladiatoers]
***55th Anniversary of Promoting in Mexico State***
1) Alas de Acero b Demonio Infernal, Skanda, Lunatic Xtreme, Kanon
Kanon replaced Atomic Star.
2) La Maligna, Lili Dark, Ludark Shaitan b Dulce Luna, Lady Cat, Mary Caporal Ludark, La Maligna y Lilith Dark vs Dulce Luna, Lady Cat y Mary Caporal (posted by LuDarKShAiTAN)
La Maligna was the surprise luchadora. Mary Caporal replaced Diosa Atenea.
3) Alas de Acero, Dr. Cerebro, El Bandido b Aramis, Freelance, Imposible Imposible, Aramis y Freelance vs Dr. Cerebro, Alas de Acero y Bandido (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
Alas de Acero & Bandido replaced Toxin & Fandango (who had declared IWRG was his new home after his debut last week.) Cerebro pinned Imposible and wants a shot at the Rey del Ring title.
4) Centvrión, Fly Warrior, Séptimo Rayo b Diablo Jr., Dinamic Black, Emperador Azteca * Emperador Azteca, Diablo JR y Bandido vs Centvrion, Séptimo Rayo y Fly Warrior (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
Fulgor I ran into help the rest of Indy Nation. Another masked man joined them for the victory celebration, but attacked Indy Nation instead, then revealed himself to be Bandido. He said he was putting together a trio of himself, Ciclon Ramriez, and Emperador Azteca (ELITE?) to stop Indy Nation.
5) Sharly Rockstar, Trauma I, Trauma II b Rokambole Jr., Villano IV, Villano V Jr. * Sharlie Rockstar y Los Traumas vs Villano IV, Villano V Jr. y Rokambole Jr. IWRG *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv) Trauma I, Trauma II y Y Sharly Rockstar vs Villano IV, Villano V JR y Rocambole Jr (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Villano IV, Villano V Jr. y Rokambole Jr. vs Mr. Electro y Los Traumas, en IWRG TV (posted by IWRG tv)
This Rokamble Jr. is the former Kaving. Trauma/Sharlie won in straight falls when Sharly snuck in a foul on Villano V.
6) Black Dragón & Rayan L Spector & Teelo and Liderk & Mike [relevos suicidas] * Tortuga telo, Spector vs Black Dragón, Rayan vs Tortuga Mike, Liderk (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
The Comando Elite and the Turtles didn't want to fight their usual partners. Mike & Liderk escaped the match first, then Spector & Teelo. Black Dragon & Rayan will now face off in a mask match on 12/17.
7) Ray Mendoza Jr. DQ Mr. Electro [hair] *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Mr. Electro vs Ray Mendoza JR Cabellera vs Cabellera (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Ray Mendoza Jr Vs Mr Electro cabelleras (posted by thegladiatores.com) Ray Mendoza Jr. vs Mr. Electro, cabellera vs cabellera en IWRG *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv) Ray Mendoza Jr. vs Mr. Electro, cabellera vs cabellera en IWRG TV (posted by IWRG tv) Recordando a VILLANO V | Mr. Electro vs Ray Mendoza Jr. Cabellera vs Cabellera | Lucha Completa (posted by mluchatv)
Electro was DQ for accidentally hitting the referee with a chair shot. Sharlie Rockstar argued in favor of his brother to no success.

source: https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13240141_514916435364388_7568674493247686233_n.jpg?oh=a9545c478cd9e7f563d8273df06a398c&oe=57D4C442


WWS (SUN) 05/29/2016 Museo del Juguete Antiguo México, Cuauhtémoc, Distrito Federal [+LuchaTV, Black Terry Jr. (Flickr), Funcion Estelar]
***WWS 3rd Anniversary show***
1) Lilith Dark b Lady Cat
Lady Cat's debut
2) Samira b Mordea
3) Hetzza & Lady Drago b Ishtar & Jezebeth
4) Keneisha b Sexy Ángel, Blue Danger, Bomberita
5) Lola González & Zuzu Divine b La Comandante & Princesa Mohicana

source: https://scontent-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xat1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11243641_973922395965516_5135947914620481298_n.jpg?oh=6b835820a51e9a9a5f6c85faa2689b84&oe=55D18FB8


Cara Lucha (SAT) 05/30/2015 Arena San Juan Pantitlan, Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, Estado de México [Black Terry Jr. (Flickr), Black Terry Jr. (videos), El Pancracio, Mano a Mano, The Gladiatores]
***CaraLucha 1st Anniversary***
1) Príncipe Diamante & Tribal b Atomic Star & Látigo Príncipe Diamante y Tribal vs Látigo y Atomick Star, en Caralucha (posted by mluchatv)
2) Aramis b Wasson [Bestario I] Aramis VS Wasson (posted by Canal Imparable del Ring) Lucha libre Final del Bestiario I Wasson vs Aramis (posted by RUDO VISION) WASSON  vS  ARAMIS  fINAL  DEL  BESTIARIO 2015 (posted by Canal Imparable del Ring) Wasson vs Aramis, final del Bestiario I, 1er aniversario de Caralucha (posted by mluchatv)
Aramis won the match, but the winner of the tournament was up to the voters. Aramis scored a 9 from Flamita, 9 from Rafeal el Maya, 9 from Black Terry Jr., 10 from a fan and 9 from CaraLucha for a total of 46. Wasson scored a 10, 9, 9, 9, 10 for a 47, winning by 1 point.
3) Wotan b Imposible, Dinamic Black, Hombre Bala Jr. Imposible vs Dinamic Black vs Hombre Bala Jr. vs Wotan, en Caralucha (posted by mluchatv) Impsible vs Dinamic Black vs wotan vs El Hijo de Hombre Bala Jr (posted by Canal Imparable del Ring)
Fought to first fall, with Wotan beating Dianmic BLack.
4) Eterno b Aero Boy Eterno vs Aero Boy, en el 1er aniversario de Caralucha Promociones (posted by mluchatv)
Eterno won via Styles Clash
5) Andy Boy L Fly Star, Toxin Boy, Kilvan, Rey Lobo Jr., Yoruba, Danger King, Guerrero Mixtico, Rayo Star, Sky Man [mask, hair, cibernetico, winner escape] Guerra de Facciones- Torneo Cibernético (Máscaras y Cabelleras) CARALUCHA Promociones (posted by FollingDT) Guerra de Facciones- Torneo Cibernético (Máscaras y Cabelleras) CARALUCHA Promociones Parte 2 (posted by FollingDT) Guerra de Facciones- Torneo Cibernético (Máscaras y Cabelleras) CARALUCHA Promociones Parte 3 (posted by FollingDT) Guerra de Facciones- Torneo Cibernético (Máscaras y Cabelleras) CARALUCHA Promociones Parte 4 (posted by FollingDT) La Resistencia vs Neza Kings vs Kriminal Boys vs Skystars, en Caralucha (posted by mluchatv)
Cara Lucha settled on a winners escape cibernetico for the rules - you left the match by beating someone. Yoruba beat Andy Boy to take Andy Boy's hair.
6) Rush b Hechicero Hechicero VS Rush, Aniversario CARALUCHA, Arena San Juan, 30-05-15 (posted by MisticieroTV) Lucha libre Rush vs Hechicero mano a mano Caralucha (posted by RUDO VISION) Rush Vs Hechicero En Arena San Juan (posted by Canal Imparable del Ring) Rush vs Hechicero, en el 1er aniversario de Caralucha Promociones (posted by mluchatv)
Rush Driver for the win
7) Titán & Volador Jr. b Bestia 666 & Flamita Cool Volador Jr. / Flamita exchange, 2015/05/30 (posted by TKD117) Flamita 450 splash on Titán, 2015/05/30 (posted by TKD117) Lucha libre Volador Jr y Titan vs Flamita y Bestia 666 (posted by RUDO VISION) Volador jr y titan vs Flamita y Bestia 666 (posted by Canal Imparable del Ring) Volador Jr. y Titán vs Flamita y Bestia 666, 1er aniversario de Caralucha (posted by mluchatv) Volador Jr./Titán dives on Flamita/Bestia 666, 2015/05/30 (posted by TKD117) Volador-Titán VS Flamita-Bestia 666, Aniversario I CARALUCHA, 30/05/15 (posted by MisticieroTV)
CMLL team won. Volador and Flamita made singles match challenges.

source: https://scontent-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10959600_920034598020963_5037059763183254699_n.jpg?oh=2d88983ab085fb97c51f829b25ae7f56&oe=558A13EF


Chilanga Mask (SUN) 03/22/2015 Coliseo Coacalco, Coacalco, Estado de México [Estrellas del Ring, TerceraCaida, TKD]
***2nd Anniversary Show***
1) Draego b Astro Rey Jr., Dragón Celestial, Electro Boy, Emperador Azteca, Freelance, Mike Segura, Toxin Boy, Fly Warrior Lucha Aérea, 2do Aniversario de Chilanga Mask en Coliseo Coacalco (posted by mluchatv)
Aerial Assualt. Kriminal Boys were added to the match. Very good match.
2) Impulso b Jason Gory Impulso vs Jason Gory, en el 2do aniversario de Chilanga Mask (posted by mluchatv)
Impluso won with a figure four leglock (!!)
3) Herodes Jr. b Violento Jack Violento Jack vs Herodes Jr., 2do aniversario de Chilanga Mask (posted by mluchatv) Violento Jack vs Herodes Jr., 2do aniversario de Chilanga Mask (posted by mluchatv)
Not nearly as hardcore as would be expected.
4) Mr. Maldito & The Platino b Trauma I & Trauma II Trauma I y Trauma II vs Mr. Maldito y Platino, 2° aniversario Chilanga Mask (posted by mluchatv)
Mr. Maldito, eliminated, snuck back in to foul Trauma II. Crowd like the Tijuana pair.
5) David Star, Keira, Latin Dragón b Arez, Belial, Chik Tormenta Latin Dragon, David Starr y Keira vs Belial, Arez y Chik Tormenta, en Chilanga Mask (posted by mluchatv)
JT Dunn & Kimber Lee were supposed to be in this match, but replaced by Latin Dragon and Chik Tormenta (with some changes to sides.) Keira accidentally removed Belial's mask, but the referee decided to let the match continue. Latin Dragon won with a piledriver variant on Arez.
6) Negro Navarro b Fulgor I
7) Guerrero Maya Jr. b Black Terry, Rey Hechicero, Aero Boy Aero Boy vs Guerrerro Maya Jr. vs Hechicero vs Black Terry, en Chilanga Mask (posted by mluchatv)
Hechicero out first by DQ for pulling Maya's mask. Aeroboy submitted Terry. Maya submitted Aeroboy for the win.
8) ACH b Extreme Tiger ACH vs Xtreme Tiger, en el 2do aniversario de Chilanga Mask (posted by mluchatv)
Great match. ACH won with a double German suplex. Money thrown in. Extreme Tiger led the match in honoring Perro Aguayo Jr. Show was held up because so many people wanted ACH autographs.
9) Masada b Pagano Pagano vs Masada, en el 2do aniversario de Chilanga Mask (posted by mluchatv)

source: http://luchamaniamonterrey.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/CartelLLF14Aniversario05Dic2014page.jpg


LLF (FRI) 12/05/2014 Arena Femenil, Monterrey, Nuevo León [Luchamania Monterrey]
***LLF 14th Anniversary Show***
2) Poly Star vs Flor de Loto, Baby Puma, Guerrera Negra
3) Amazona & Angelica © b Hija de Karonte & Tsunami [LLF TAG]
first defense.
4) Barbi Hayden DRAW Princesa Maya [NWA ? WOMAN, LLF Juvenil]
5) Alicia b Lady Jaguar [mask, hair]
Lady Jaguar was unmasked as Veronica Quintanilla

source: https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1.0-9/q71/s720x720/531972_688567024508672_641922909_n.jpg


DTU (SAT) 12/21/2013 Arena Lopez Mateos [Black Terry Jr. (flickr), Estrellas del Ring, R de Rudo]
***S6is (Sixth Anniversary Show)***
1) Macizito, Robin (Porros), Súper Boy b Lunatick Boy, Lunatick Extreme, Rudock
DTU Kids match, featuring kids from the Porros school. 10 minute time limit
2) Kalibus b Jhonky, Cruz Del Silencio, Crazy King, Gremlin, Chica Ye-Ye, Benji, Energy
3) Christine, Jc Mclean, Keira, La Magnifica, Zuzu Divine b Diosa Atenea, Mystique, Princesa Ahy Leen, Reina Dorada, Star Fire [Copa Femenil de Super Luchas]
DTU vs WWS. Christine (a masked Canadian who probably has a different character name but it was lost along the way) was the mystery woman on the DTU side. Keira was the ultimate winner.
4) Jinzo b Hacker, Poison, Black Fire, Séptimo Dragón, Hormiga [DTU AI]
vacant title after Tomahawk was unable to return to defend. Slayer Pack was announced but did not appear, making this another six way. Jinzo appears to have beaten Hacker.
5) Lanzeloth, Lethal, Pesadilla b Artikus, Crazy Boy, Súper Crazy
Format was never clear going into the show but turned out to be a trios. Upset win.
6) Ángel o Demonio b Joe Lider ©, Dance Boy, Shyru Dragón [DTU CONSAGRADO]
Joe Lider is champ, but Angel o Demonio won the championship.
7) Aero Boy b Violento Jack
Tag team partners fighting each other in celebration of 10 years being luchadors. All sorts of extreme spots end with an Aero Boy MMA armbar.
8) Kaleth b Ángel del Misterio, Rey Celestial, Pequeño Cobra, Drastik Boy, Slayer Pack [mask]
Slayer Pack replaced Gemelo Muerte. No extreme spots. Order of escape: Slayer Pack, Drastik Boy, Angel del Misterio, Rey Celestial leaving Kaleth as the loser. Kaleth is Carlos Alberto Briseño López, 27, 6 years a wrestler.
9) Cíclope L Paranoiko, Onita Santana, Ovett, Miedo Extremo, Demente Extreme [hair]
All extreme spots. Order of escape: Miedo Etremo, Dement Extreme, Paranoiko, Ovett. That left young Ciclope versus vet Onita Santana (replacement for X-Fly, who lost his hair earlier in the week.) It looked like Ciclope was going to win, but Angel o Demonio & Ovett attacked him and Santana hit Ciclope with a brick for the win. Ciclope loses an apuesta match on a DTU anniversary show.

LLF (FRI) 12/06/2013 Arena Femenil, Monterrey, Nuevo León [Estrellas del Ring, LuchaMania Monterrey]
***LLF 13th Anniversary***
1) Katary & Shekinah b La Gacela & Lady Maldad [LLF TAG, semifinal]
2) Lady Flammer & Lady Puma b Baby Puma & Lady Star [LLF TAG, semifinal]
Lady Star replaced Justiciera
3) Diana La Cazadora b La Chacala [bull terrier]
4) Lady Flammer & Lady Puma b Katary & Shekinah [LLF TAG, final]
5) La Sádica © b Tsunami, Lady Star [LLF Juvenil]
Sadica kept her title.
6) Angelica b Estrella Explosiva [mask]
Angelica's mask vs Estrella's hair. Unusually long match, taking the show past midnight. Angelico submitted Estrella to save her mask and cost Explosiva here hair.

source: https://i.imgur.com/ydWqq8H.jpg


IWL (SAT) 09/14/2013 Centro de Convenciones, Tlalnepantla, Estado de México [@luchablog, Black Terry Jr. (flickr), Estrellas del Ring, La WagnerMania, R de Rudo]
***IWL 3rd Anniversary***
1) Chamuel b Guapito, Gallito Feliz
Guapito wrestled in dress clothes. Played to crowd long before starting. Chamuel split his pants. Guapito broke holds but stayed out of the action for long periods. Chamuel beat Guapito with a guillotine dropkick and Gallito with a top rope senton con giro. Bad match.
2) ????, ?????, Heavy Boy, Medics I, Medics III, Muerte Negra b ?, ??, Brazo Jr., Epidemia, Kid Jaguar, Mystery Man In Orange [cibernetico]
Listed as a 10 man cibernetico, ended up as a 12 man tag that went way long. Participants were announced but inaudible and mostly anonymous, but probably more luchadors from Arena Aficion.
3) Flyer b Concord, Gotita de Plata [lightning]
Added match. Flyer beat both men (Gotita, Concord) to win in a match with high spots and low spots.
4) Infierno Kid, Ojo Diabólico Jr., Sepulturero I, Último Vampiro b Arkanos, Kilvan, Shadow, Yoruba * Sepulturero/Ojo Diabólico/Infierno Kid/Último Vampiro vs Arkanos/Yoruba/Kilvan/Shadow (posted by terceracaidanet)
Crowd was very into Yoruba and Shadow as soon as they tagged in. Turned into a chaotic light tube brawl. Vampiro used an Abismo Negro fire can to blind Shadow for the pin.
5) ATM, ATM Gold, ATM Súper b Dinamic Black, Freelance, Pantera and El Pulpo, Hijo del Fishman, Kung Fu Jr. * Pantera/Freelance/Dinamic Black vs ATM/ATM Gold/ATM Super vs H de Fishman/Kung Fu Jr./Pulpo (posted by terceracaidanet)
Pulpo (with two sons) replaced Carta Brava Jr. ATM Gold stole the (single) pin from Freelance after Freelance had given him a top rope headscissors and was aiming for a moonsault. Freelance challenged Gold to a single immediate fall mask/hair match.
6) Carta Brava Jr. (IWL), Cerebro Negro, Fantasma de la Ópera b Súper Muñeco, Súper Pinocho, Súper Ratón [WWA TRIOS] * Trio Fantasia vs Secta Negra [WWA TRIOS] (posted by luchablogvault) TVCD (posted by terceracaidanet)
Very bloody brawl, unlike what you'd expect from Trio Fantasia. Pinocho's unnamed valet threw in a chain, Super Muneco got it, whipped it around until he hit the ref by accident, Carta Brava got in a foul and pinned Muneco (though Muneco had a shoulder very visibly and purposefully off the mat.) IWL announced Carta Brava's mother had passed away earlier in the day and the other luchadors on the show (including Monsther II, who did not wrestle) came to the ring to console and congratulate him. Trio Fantasia demanded a title rematch.
7) Ángel o Demonio, León Rojo, Ovett, Perico b Aeroboy, Demente Extreme, Hormiga, Violento Jack * Ángel o Demonio, León Rojo, Ovett, Perico vs Aeroboy, Demente Extreme, Hormiga, Violento Jack (posted by luchablogvault) TVCD (posted by terceracaidanet)
total extreme blood match. Porros won after throwing someone thru a wood panel. Everyone held each other's arms up after the match. Crowd was really behind the Porros and into the match.
8) Súper Crazy b Último Gladiador, Fantasma de la Ópera, Loco Max, Tony Rivera, Zumbido, Flamita, Cerebro Negro, Ninja de Fuego, Mike Segura, Pesadilla [IWL IC, TLC] * Batalla campal por el título intercontinental IWL, función del 3er aniversario (posted by terceracaidanet)
Chaotic brawl for a new title. Despite it being a ladder match, pinfalls and submissions were treated as if legal at times.
9) LA Park b Canek, Justin Credible, Dr. Wagner Jr. [IWL HEAVY] * LA Park vs Canek, Justin Credible, Dr. Wagner Jr. [IWL HEAVY] (posted by luchablogvault) TVCD (posted by terceracaidanet)
New title, which was supposed to handed out in a failed 2010 tournament. LA Park pinned Justin Credible, Canek got himself DQed pulling Wagner's mask, and LA Park beat Wagner after a ref bump, Wagner pulling LA Park's mask and LA Park ignoring it to pin Wagner.

source: https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/382559_662185327142176_4536154_n.jpg?oh=d2ce5766ea11e4f7970b2d0bd9f2bc74&oe=5760EE32


LEGEND (SAT) 07/20/2013 Arena Lopez Mateos [SL506]
***LEGEND 10th Anniversary Show***
1) Chapuline Negro & Homicida b Rey Maya & Titán Del Espacio
2) Candy White, Chik Tormenta, Sexy Violeta b Barbie, Princesa Ahy Leen, Sexy Flor
Candy White replaced Big Mama.
3) Epidemia b Aramis, Dinamic Black [GALLI CHAMP] highlights (posted by TVLuchaMundial)
Aramis replaced Aeroboy and was first out. Epidmeia beat Freelance to keep the title.
4) Epitafio, Leviatham, Tormento b Oficial 911, Oficial AK47, Oficial Fierro
Tormento replaced Samael. Epitafio snuck in a foul on 911.
5) Danny Boy & Rocky Santana b Gran Apache II & Romano García [losers advance]
Santana beat Apache
6) Romano García b Gran Apache II [hair]
Garcia snuck in a foul on Apache to win and take his hair.
7) Canek & Villano IV b Dr. Wagner Jr. & Rayo de Jalisco Jr.
Appeared to be a four way, turned out to be a tag match with Villano IV replacing LA Park (who was in the building at one point and had an issue with the promotion.) Canek's team took 1/3.

source: https://scontent.ford1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/935886_372431722858387_1655138229_n.jpg?oh=ae6781ab99f2a2e8d70d7b373cc29f85&oe=590942BD


PdM (SUN) 06/09/2013 Domo del Deportivo Plan Sexenal, Distrito Federal
***Perros del Mal 5th Anniversary show***
1) ? vs ??
2) ? vs ??
3) Faby Apache & Mary Apache vs Trauma I & Trauma II
4) Psicosis I vs Daga, Ricky Marvin, Peligro, Dowki, Eita [PdM MIDDLE]
new championship
5) el Hijo del Perro Aguayo vs Cibernético, Canek, Dr. Wagner Jr.

source: https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/60930_554782847882425_633047457_n.jpg?oh=5d4beb7940f54af6174a313cfa39bd95&oe=5759019C


DTU (SUN) 12/16/2012 Arena Lopez Mateos [Estrellas del Ring, R de Rudo, The Gladiatores]
***DTU 5th Anniversary***
1) Lucky Boy & Niño de Ébano b Avaricia & Talaxis and Rey Celestial & Slayer Pack
2) Celestial b Cósmico, Rocky Lobo, Ángel del Misterio, Lanzeloth, Extreme Boy, Konami
Septimo Dragon was scheduled to participate, does not appear in results.
3) Keira b Felina Metálica, Paloma Rouse, Sherry Diva, Chica Ye-Ye Sherry Diva vs Chica Ye Ye vs Felina Metalica vs Paloma Rouse vs Keira DTU 5 Años (posted by pakorusell)
Chica YeYe was added to this match.
4) Araña de Plata Jr. & Pequeño Cobra b Niño Hamburguesa & Tacubo Tacvbo y Niño Hamburguesa vs Araña de Plata y Pequeño Cobra (posted by dtutv)
the Macizos bullies defeated the boy they're bulling and the anti-bullying luchador
5) Hacker b Príncipe Halcón, Tribal [NWG AZTECA] * Príncipe Halcón vs Tribal vs Hacker, por el Campeonato Azteca NWG (posted by dtutv)
Hacker is listed as retaining the title, which appears to be the NWG Azteca title instead of the DTU Alto Impacto title Eita still holds. Sadico was scheduled but did not participate. Eita did not appear here (needed to be at Naucalpan), while Eterno was moved to a later match.
6) Flamita b Rich Swann * Flamita vs Rich Swann (posted by dtutv) Richard Swann VS Flamita (Mano a Mano)  Alto Impacto DTU 5 Años (posted by pakorusell)
Said to be a great match.
7) Psicosis I b Jorge Kebrada, Pesadilla, Joe Lider, Muerte Bucanera, Hormiga Joe Lider vs Jorge Kebrada vs Hormiga vs Pesadilla vs Muerte Bucanera vs Psicosis DTU 5 Años (posted by pakorusell)
Super Mega, Cerebro Negro and Black Fire were replaced by Jorge Quebrada & Muerte Bucanera (his first DTU match in 18 months.) Elimination, Psicosis beating Joe Lider with an unseen foul. Crazy Boy made the save for Lider after the match and announced he'd return in 2013 to battle Psicosis.
8) Perro Mocho Jr. L Demente Extreme, Paranoiko, Eterno [hair, mask] * Paranoiko y Dement Xtreme vs Perro Mocho Jr. y Eterno (posted by dtutv) Perro Mocho jr. Pierde la cabellera ante Paranoiko, Eterno y Dement Xtreme DTU 5 Años (posted by pakorusell)
Eterno replaced Onita Satana, and was the first to save his hair. Dement Xtreme was next, and Paranoiko defeated Perro Mocho Jr. and took his hair.
9) Cíclope L Drastik Boy, Aero Boy [mask] * dtutv (posted by dtutv) live (posted by pakorusell)
Ciclope and Drastik Boy tried to work together, but Drastik hit Ciclope with a chair by mistake and Aeroboy beat Ciclope to escape the match. Hardcore stunts included a bed of spikes on fire, which caused Ciclope severe burns. He was then beat, and unmasked as Jhonny Serrano Yedra, originally from Pachuca, 21 years ago, and 6 years a wrestler.

LLF (FRI) 12/07/2012 Arena Femenil, Monterrey, Nuevo León [LuchaMania Monterrey]
***15th Anniversary Show***
1) Novia Jason b Dark Fantasy
2) Gladiadora b Baby Puma
3) Angelica, Dark Fantasy, Hija de Karonte b Lady Jaguar, Lady Maravilla, Lady Puma
4) La Sádica b Poly Star
5) Lady Puma vs Simply Luscious

NGX (SAT) 12/01/2012 Edificio de la Gran Logia, Monterrey, Nuevo León [LuchaMania Monterrey (details), LuchaMania Monterrey (fast)]
***NGX 10th Anniversary Show***
1) Murder Ángel b Optimus, Slade, Vértigo, Neurosis
2) Lord Byron & Xtreme Dragón b Bestia 666 & Sick Boy and Aeroboy & Violento Jack
3) Cachorro Zapata b Rey Hechicero
Money thrown in the match. Zapata announced his retirement from lucha libre after the match.
4) Extreme Tiger © b Dralion, Erick Snake [NGX EXTREME]
Xtreme Tiger is the champ and kept the title by beating Snake with a 450 splash.
5) Joe Lider b Kaientai [mask, hair]
Kaientai was unmasked as Jose Ignacio Rodriguez Cisneros. Said to be another good match.
6) Damián 666 b Supreme
Damian tore off a part of the skin on his arm, and fire and syringes came back into play.

Event Notes: Recap mentions Mayhem is the promoter of the group, and former wrestlers X-Rider, Amazing Kid, Dash and Hellhammer were in attendance.

LLF (FRI) 11/30/2012 Arena Femenil, Monterrey, Nuevo León [Estrellas del Ring, LuchaMania Monterrey]
***12th Anniversary Show***
1) Dark Fantasy & Lady Jaguar b Gladiadora, RBD, Lady Maravilla, Princesa Quetzal [royal rumble]
a draw in a royal rumble
2) Angelica b Lady Fantasy, Lady Maravilla [LLF JUNIOR]
both got the title shot because of the draw, but Angelica kept the belt.
3) Poly Star b Lady Puma
Originally a mask match with Lady Puma and Perla Negra, but Negra backed out due to a wrist injury. Poly Star was a surprise replacement in a normal match, winning and challenging Sadica for next week.
4) Chik Tormenta b Dark Magic [TLC]

Event Notes: Originally the 12th Anniversary Show, but that was moved to next week. Many changes, as usual.

NWG (MON) 11/19/2012 Arena Roberto Paz, Guadalajara, Jalisco [Estrellas del Ring]
***NWG 10th Anniversary Show***
1) Lacandon Jr. b Black Golden, Red Swan, Sangre Fría Jr., Dorado Jr., Príncipe Escorpión, Avispón De Plata, Hijo De Andy Barrow, Rey Nerón, Dark Paymon, Rey Star, Kal-El, Hades, Hyspano, Black Tod, Luxor, Baby Cerratos, Belzebu, Latin Brother [royal rumble]
2) Draego, Mercurio Jr., Niño Hamburguesa b Alex Romano, Crazy King, Príncipe Egipcio
3) La Vaquerita b Keira, La Pantera
4) Reggae Boy b Shyru Dragón Jr., Rey Dinámico [NWG CRUISER]
Shyru Dragon Jr. came in as champion, but Reggae won thet itle.
5) Capitán Cobra, Güero Loco, Makabre, Roberto Paz Jr., Tigre Negro, Tony Rodríguez b Aero Boy, Cíclope (DTU), Demente Extreme, Drastik Boy, Eterno, Rudy Santana, X-Fly [Copa Fundadores]
Makabre and Aero Boy were the final survivors, Makabre winning it for the hometeam over the outside alliance
6) Loco Zandokan b Índio Cheroke [hair]
7) Damián 666 b Shyru Dragón [hardcore]
stip was Dragon had to retire from extreme matches if he lost (unclear if Damian agreed to the same.) Eterno & X-Fly ran in to help Damian, locals Luxor, Crazy King, Reggae Boy, Rey Dinámico and Lacandón Jr. (as Clika Rasta) ran in to help Dragon, but then turned on him and joined FdT, causing Dragon to lose. More NWG wrestlers and family members (Tony Rodríguez, Roberto Paz Jr, Draego, Mercurio Jr y Shyru Dragon Jr.) attacked the turncoats after the match, but Damian demanded Dragon live up to the stipulation.

IWL (SUN) 09/16/2012 Centro de Convenciones, Tlalnepantla, Estado de México [Estrellas del Ring, La WagnerMania, R de Rudo, The Gladiatores]
***IWL 2nd Anniversary Show***
1) Black Aztek, Xtassis, Zumbido Jr. b Estrella Negra, Infierno Kid, Scarlett
2) Centinela b Impulso, Arkanos, Ninja de Fuego, Químico Jr., Payaso Carroña, Payaso Terror, Cenovio Pitt, Juan el Ranchero, Niño de Ébano [IWL INTERNET, #1 Contenders]
3) Carta Brava Jr. (IWL) b Carta Brava Jr. (IWRG) [bull terrier]
Carta Brava IWL won with a martinete.
4) Kung Fu Jr. b Hijo de Máscara Sagrada, Fishman Jr., Canek Jr., Hijo del Brazo, Kato Kung Lee Jr., Universo 2000 Jr., Talisman Jr. [Copa Junior]
Killer Jr. was listed but did not appear.
5) Black Terry & Zumbi b Cerebro Negro & Pesadilla and León Rojo & Ovett and Tony Rivera & Zumbido and Ojo Diabólico & Sepulturero I and Fresero Jr. & Loco Max
Loco Max & Fresero Jr. were added to the match. Cerebro Negro replaced Aero Boy.
6) Canek & Fantasma de la Ópera b Nimrod JJ & Steve Corino
Mexicans beat foreigners.
7) Ovett L Ángel o Demonio, Joe Lider, Extreme Tiger, Ludark Shaitan, Violento Jack, Súper Mega, Aeroboy, X-Fly [electrified cage] LLNEI (posted by luchalibrenacional)
moved to the main event because of the cage. Aeroboy, X-Fly & Ovett & Ludark were added to the match, replacing Cerebro Negro and Ultimo Gladiador. Ludark had been campaigning to be included on Facebook. People climbed the cage to escape, so unsure how electrified part worked. Last two in were Angel O Demonio and Ovett, with Ovett taking the loss.

source: https://scontent.ford1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/336758_296958257002886_1731131044_o.jpg


DTU (SUN) 12/11/2011 Arena Lopez Mateos [Black Terry Jr. (flickr), Estrellas del Ring, R de Rudo, The Gladiatores]
***Cuatro Cumpleanos***
1) ? & Niño Hamburguesa vs ??? & Radical and Extreme Boy & Flyer and ??????? & Sacristán del Diablo Part 1 (posted by dtuoficialextremos) Part 2 (posted by dtuoficialextremos)
2) Araña de Plata Jr., Black Fire, Dement Extreme, Slayer b Alan Extreme, Carta Brava Jr., Comando Negro, Saruman Part 1 (posted by dtuoficialextremos) Part 2 (posted by dtuoficialextremos)
Team DTU over Team IWRG.
3) Cíclope b Flamita ©, Fénix (AAA), Pequeño Cobra [DTU AI] Ciclope Campeon de Alto Rendimiento y Pequeño Cobra nuevo DTU Cuarto aniversario 2011.VOB (posted by dtuoficialextremos)
Champion Flamita had Ciclope beat, but had accidentally knocked the ref down. Pequeno Cobra took Flamita's mask, allowing Ciclope to get the pin and win the title. Pequeno Cobra was added to Los Mazisos after the match.
4) Chik Tormenta ?? La Magnifica Chika Tormenta vs La Magnifica
unclear finish, except tables were involved
5) Eterno b Demoledor [hair] Demoledor vs Eterno DTU 4 Aniversario (posted by pakorusell) Part 1 (posted by dtuoficialextremos) Part 2 (posted by dtuoficialextremos)
Originally announced as a hair match, but Eterno lost his hair to Bugambilia del Norte in IWRG prior to this match. Eterno was forced to put up his leadership of Los Mazisos instead, but still won Demoledor's hair.
6) Onita Santana DRAW Paranoiko Onita Santana vs Paranoiko DTU 4 Aniversario (posted by pakorusell)
draw, with both being angry about it.
7) Drastik Boy b Aeroboy [loser must retire from extreme matches] part 1 (posted by pakorusell) part 2 (posted by pakorusell)
Drastik Boy got some help from Cyclope of Los Mazizos to get the win. Aeroboy, one of the DTU originals, now can no longer wield a light tube in anger. Ciclope turned on Drastik after the match, and Los Mazizos beat up both men.
8) Hormiga b Violento Jack [hair] Part 1 (posted by dtuoficialextremos) part 1 (posted by pakorusell) Part 2 (posted by dtuoficialextremos) part 2 (posted by pakorusell) Part 3 (posted by dtuoficialextremos)
Violento Jack's hair and La Hormiga's mask were on the line. Hormiga said he was going to retire regardless of the finish. Hormiga had Violento beat, but Hacker (!) ran in and attacked the referee, then put on the ref shirt himself and counted the three count. Crazy Boy and the lucha commissioner at the show came out to put a stop to that and restarted the match with a new ref. Hormiga put Violento Jack with light tubes and came off the top rope to win. Violento Jack got his hair shaved and shook Hormiga's hand.
9) LA Park b Joe Lider, Súper Mega Part 1 (posted by dtuoficialextremos) Part 2 (posted by dtuoficialextremos) Part 3 (posted by dtuoficialextremos)
Second show of the day for LA Park, winning after putting both rivals thru light tubes.

source: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/--KtWcB2onTE/TtCSGlgnMqI/AAAAAAAARcc/YmUqJC6BIn4/s1600/plan%2Bsexenal%2Bnw.jpg


PdM (SUN) 12/11/2011 Domo del Deportivo Plan Sexenal, Distrito Federal [Estrellas del Ring, La WagnerMania, Luchas 2000, R de Rudo, The Gladiatores]
***4th Anniversary Show***
1) Centvrión & Keira b La Vaquerita & Tritón (IWRG) * .PDM. Centvrión & Keira Vs La Vaquerita & Tritón (IWRG) (posted by LuchaLibreDeMexico)
2) Cósmico & Dinamic Black b Alan Extreme & Talisman Cósmico y Dynamic Black vs. Alan Extreme y Pequeño Talismán (posted by asrafilarkangel)
Talisman Jr. was stretchered out.
3) Celestial, Golden Magic, Turbo b Black Thunder, El Hijo del Medico Asesino, Mr. Aguilita * * Part 1 (posted by LuchaLibreDeMexico) Part 2 (posted by LuchaLibreDeMexico)
4) Bestia 666 b Súper Nova [super libre] * Part 1 (posted by LuchaLibreDeMexico) Part 2 (posted by LuchaLibreDeMexico) Part 3 (posted by LuchaLibreDeMexico)
Pesadilla distracted the referee to set up Peligro attacking Super Nova. Bestia got the pin, but Pesadilla & Peligro turned him to, demanding a shot at the Perros Light Heavyweight championship.
5) Halloween & X-Fly b Peligro & Pesadilla and Eterno & Zumbi * Part 1 (posted by LuchaLibreDeMexico) Part 2 (posted by LuchaLibreDeMexico) Part 3 (posted by LuchaLibreDeMexico)
Pesdailla & Peligro replaced the DTU duo of Violento Jack & Aeroboy. They took the loss.
6) LA Park, Texano, Toscano DQ Damián 666, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Héctor Garza *
Team Park seemed to get along, and all wore Park aprons to the ring. Perro and Park brawled around the entire building. Perro eventually hit the ref by mistake. Park pinned Perro, but Halloween, X-Fly, Peligro and Pesadilla all came out to distract Park, and Perro snuck in a foul. Ref ruled a DQ. Perro and Park talked about a super libre match between them at some point.

LLF (FRI) 12/02/2011 Arena Femenil, Monterrey, Nuevo León [El.Fredy @ LuchaMania, Estrellas del Ring]
***LLF 11th Anniversary***
1) Maligna b Princesa Quetzal
2) Princesa Maya b Alicia
3) Keira b La Vaquerita, Angelica [LLF JUNIOR, #1 Contenders]
4) Ludy Puma b Chik Tormenta [LLF JUNIOR]
5) Baby Puma L Perla Negra, Hija de Karonte, La Bandida, Flor de Loto, Baby Star

PdM (SUN) 05/29/2011 Domo del Deportivo Plan Sexenal, Distrito Federal [@thegladiatores, Black Terry Jr. (flickr), Estrellas del Ring, Mi Lucha Libre (2), Mi Lucha Libre (5), Mi Lucha Libre (6), R de Rudo, Record (1-5), Record (6), SuperLuchas, The Gladiatores]
***Perros del Mal 3rd Anniversary Show***
1) Drastik Boy & Keira b Dinastía & Sexy Pólvora
Originally a singles match with the men.
2) Celestial & Cósmico b Mr. Aguilita & Talisman Jr. Part 1 (posted by WarriorsX2000PPV) Part 2 (posted by WarriorsX2000PPV)
Celestial did another dive off a balcony here.
3) el Ángel, Golden Magic, Heaven, Skayde b Ek Balam, Guerrero negro, Maldito Jr., Samot
Heaven & Guerrero Negro were added to this match. Not sure if it's the MTY Guerrero Negro. Golden Magic beat the large Ek Balam with a plancha. Balam was strechered out.
4) Peligro & Pesadilla b Black Fire & Low Rider Part 1 (posted by WarriorsX2000PPV) Part 2 (posted by WarriorsX2000PPV)
Peligro replaced Ragde and pinned Black Fire.
5) Bestia 666, Halloween, X-Fly b Tony Rivera, Turbo, Zumbi Part 1 (posted by WarriorsX2000PPV) Part 2 (posted by WarriorsX2000PPV) Part 3 (posted by WarriorsX2000PPV)
Perro destroyed the tecnicos. Zumbi went thru a table for the finish.
6) Súper Crazy L Psycho Clown, Monster Clown, Damián 666, Murder Clown, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo [cage, hair] Part 1 (posted by WarriorsX2000PPV) Part 2 (posted by WarriorsX2000PPV) Part 3 (posted by WarriorsX2000PPV)
Brawl started out of the cage and included weapons. Damian took a stapler to the forehead. First out was Perro Jr., who was actually booed and chanted against. He was followed by Murder, Damian, and Monster. Super Crazy tried to put Psycho thru a table, Psycho stopped him and spinebusted him thru the table and left. Super Crazy was shaved in the ring.

source: https://scontent.ford1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1513228_692091277489580_367132832_n.jpg?oh=e3aee57cc2b949aceb67d6e3f516633b&oe=57976BEE


DTU (SAT) 12/13/2008 Autolavado VM, Tulancingo, Hidalgo
***DTU Uno***
1) Black Master vs Flamita, Dinastía
2) Konami vs Gato Eveready
3) Crazy Boy vs Money Pack, Dance Boy, Drastik Boy, Demente Extreme, Hormiga, King Cobra, Black Fire, Muerte Bucanera, Demoledor, Águila Misteirosa
4) Paranoiko vs Toxico AAA
5) Aeroboy vs Furor, Talaxys
6) Radge © vs Freelance [DTU] Part 1 (posted by WarriorsX2000) Part 2 (posted by WarriorsX2000)
7) Último Gladiador vs Pesadilla, Súper Mega Part 1 (posted by WarriorsX2000) Part 2 (posted by WarriorsX2000)
8) Violento Jack vs Extreme Tiger Part 1 (posted by WarriorsX2000) Part 2 (posted by WarriorsX2000) Part 3 (posted by WarriorsX2000)

source: http://i2.wp.com/superluchas.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/29-006.jpg?resize=400%2C431


LLI (SUN) 01/29/1989 Toreo de Cuatro Caminos, Naucalpan, Estado de México [RB, SuperLuchas]
***UWA 14th Anniversary***
1) El Falcón & El Halcón b El Canalla & Rocky Santana
2) Espanto Jr., Negro Casas, Ricky Boy b Black Man, Kung Fu, Yoshihiro Asai
3) Drago, El Fantasma, Texano b Ángel Blanco Jr., Black Power II, El Indómito
4) Dos Caras, Gran Hamada, Perro Aguayo, Villano III b Fishman, Kahoz, Rambo, Zandokan I
5) el Signo b Kato Kung Lee [hair]
6) Canek © b Konnan [UWA Heavy]

Event Notes: 14th Anniversary Show

MORA (SUN) 01/27/1985 Toreo de Cuatro Caminos, Naucalpan, Estado de México [Arena 1379, DJ Spectro, luchablog photolog (2013-09-16 03.19.14), Super Luchas 514]
***10th Anniversary***
1) Blue Panther © b Cobarde II [UWA WELTER]
Blue Panther is champion, took falls 2/3 to keep the title
2) Satánico © b Súper Astro [UWA MIDDLE]
Satanico was champion and kept it by taking falls 1/3.
3) Mano Negra DCOR Fishman © [UWA LH]
Fishman is champion, kept the title
4) Villano III b el Signo [WWF LH]
Villano is champion, kept the title falls 1/3.
5) Canek & Dos Caras DQ Babe Face & Stan Hansen
straight falls.

last updated: 2024-11-26 15:27

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