
source: https://i.imgur.com/ibhjVIu.jpg


Indy (SUN) 02/11/2024 Arena Jalisco, Guadalajara, Jalisco [Mas Lucha]
***Arena Jalisco 50th Anniversary***
1) Continental, Dinastik, Hilux, Príncipe Quetzal b Andar Jr., Frayle De La Muerte Jr., Laxus, Puma Salvaje Jr.
2) Azteca de Oro, Furia Nocturna, Onix b Destino, Riesgo, Santi Betancourt
3) Kaiju, Master Crazy, Rey Plata b Anteuz, Dengue Asesino, Destrucción
money thrown in
4) Black Terry & Mr. Reggae b Águila Guerrera & Charles Lucero
5) Metalik & Rey Tritón b Makabre & Pentagón Jr.
6) Maravilla Azteca L Sombra Dorada, Abadón, Reycko [mask]
Order of escape: Abadon (beat Sombra Dorada), Sombra Dorada, Reycko (Maravilla Azteca.) Maravilla Azteca is Francisco Javier Ramelero Ramírez, 37 years old, 15 years a wrestler.

source: https://scontent-dus1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/288208724_2621361767996250_901865402740961965_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s720x720&_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=W-L7u64-XnEAX9KsWws&_nc_ht=scontent-dus1-1.xx&edm=AJdBtusEAAAA&oh=00_AT9gzaKFyVfJB9rRYm0f_WDdcxkrUiNCmW-u2H-_iA44Ew&oe=62AFCF6F


CMLL (TUE) 06/21/2022 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Arena Coliseo Guadalajara]
***Arena Coliseo Guadalajara 63rd Anniversary***
1) Furia Roja, Guerrero de la Muerte, Ráfaga b Cris Skin, Crixus, Flash * 20220621cmll_match1Cris Skin, Crixus, Flash vs Furia Roja, Guerrero de la Muerte, Ráfaga.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive))
2) Difunto, Fúnebre, Zandokan Jr. b Joker, Omar Brunetti, Vaquero Jr. * 20220621cmll_match2Joker, Omar Brunetti, Vaquero Jr. vs Difunto, Fúnebre, Zandokan Jr..mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive))
3) Micro Gemelo Diablo I & Micro Gemelo Diablo II b Chamuel & Perico Zacarías * 20220621cmll_match3Micro Gemelo Diablo I & Micro Gemelo Diablo II vs Chamuel & Perico Zacarías.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive))
4) Dark Silueta, Stephanie Vaquer, Valkiria b Lluvia, Náutica, Sexy Sol * 20220621cmll_match4Lluvia, Náutica, Sexy Sol vs Dark Silueta, Stephanie Vaquer, Valkiria.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive))
5) Atlantis, Blue Panther, Negro Casas DQ Fuerza Guerrera, Rey Bucanero, Satánico * 20220621cmll_match5Atlantis, Blue Panther, Negro Casas vs Fuerza Guerrera, Rey Bucanero, Satánico.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive))
Fuerza & Satanico fouled Negro Casas & Blue Panther
6) Atlantis Jr., Místico, Soberano Jr. b Averno, Hijo del Villano III, Mephisto * 20220621cmll_match6Atlantis Jr., Místico, Soberano Jr. vs Averno, Hijo del Villano III, Mephisto.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive))

Event Notes: CMLL 63rd Anniversary

source: https://scontent-dus1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/275851260_977637623124602_3306946527452771752_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s720x720&_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=110474&_nc_ohc=SXCA7BceTiwAX_S1fU9&_nc_ht=scontent-dus1-1.xx&edm=AJdBtusEAAAA&oh=00_AT9Xp86mhFu1roAI2wl35QCcCMsF3moNg-Iwuy48sphinw&oe=62358655


NWG (FRI) 03/18/2022 Arena Roberto Paz, Guadalajara, Jalisco [Mas Lucha]
***15th Anniversary***
1) Pequeño Rayito b Pequeño Celestial [NWG KIDS CHAMP]
2) La Maxima b Pequeño De Occidente, Necros, Hijo Del Vaquero, Zafado, Guerrero Infernal, Evil Dragón, Darketo, Insólito, Azbel, Estrella Celestial, Kid Gol, Golden Dragón, Dark Paymon, Artem, El Catrín, Hijo Del Kosako, Águila Azteca
3) Demencía, Devoly, Dragón Kid b Artemiz, Olimpo, Príncipe Dragón
4) Alex Romano, Bengaly, Roberto Paz b Aero Xtreme, Kraken, Rey Plata Alex Romano, Roberto Paz Jr y Bengaly vs Aero Xtreme, Rey Plata y Kraken | Arena Roberto Paz (posted by mluchatv) Máscara VS Máscara: Magno VS Fuerza Latina | XV Aniversario Arena Roberto Paz (posted by mluchatv)
5) La Máscara & Mr. Leo b Crazy King & Willy Banderas and Cometa Galáctico & Príncipe Ángel La Máscara y Mr.Leo vs G-Nocidas vs Cometa Galáctico y Principe Ángel | ( Lucha Completa ) NWG (posted by lucha libre select 11) La Máscara y Mr.Leo vs G-Nocidas vs Cometa Galáctico y Principe Ángel | Arena Roberto Paz (posted by mluchatv) Máscara VS Máscara: Magno VS Fuerza Latina | XV Aniversario Arena Roberto Paz (posted by mluchatv)
La Mascara replaced Latigo, Rudy Sanana helped that team win
6) Golden Boy L Abadón, Sobek, Diamante Negro, Golden Fly, Drako, Dark Power, Amperaje, Poder Negro, Danger King, Luxor, Shyru, Dark Pain, Kal El, Príncipe Quetzal, Mercurio, Stryker [mask, hair, cage] Lucha en Jaula | 15º Aniversario Arena Roberto Paz (posted by mluchatv) Lucha En Jaula Caerá Una Mascara o Cabellera 16 Luchadores, ( Lucha Completa) Arena Roberto Paz NWG (posted by lucha libre select 11) Máscara VS Máscara: Magno VS Fuerza Latina | XV Aniversario Arena Roberto Paz (posted by mluchatv)
Golden Fly lost his har to Diamatne Negro
7) Magno b Fuerza Latina [mask] Magno vs Fuerza Latina  | Máscara vs Máscara | 15º Aniversario Arena Roberto Paz (posted by mluchatv) Magno Vs Fuerza Latina Mano a Mano - Arena Roberto Paz (Evento Completo) (posted by lucha libre select 11) Mascara Contra Mascara / Magno Vs Fuerza Latina - Arena Roberto Paz  (Mitad de Evento) (posted by lucha libre select 11) Máscara vs Mascara Magno Contra Fuerza Latina ( Lucha Completa) Aniversario 15 Arena Roberto Paz (posted by lucha libre select 11) Máscara VS Máscara: Magno VS Fuerza Latina | XV Aniversario Arena Roberto Paz (posted by mluchatv)
Fuerza Latina is Francisco Manuel Ley, 4 years a wrestler

source: https://scontent-ort2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/210088691_2940076016322454_6695586330481616543_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=vXxD9BjIDKoAX-LDZ-F&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-1.xx&oh=b3e569e712ba30582d6c1c0bf376e366&oe=60E0B8D6


indy (SUN) 07/18/2021 Arena Jalisco, Guadalajara, Jalisco [Mas Lucha]
***Arena Jalisco 47 Anniversary***
1) Dinastik, Neblina, Tolentino, Valioso Jr. b Androide, Charro Negro, Nocturno, Puma Salvaje
2) Amenaza Negra Jr., Ángel Aéreo, El Enviado, Príncipe Quetzal b Azteca de Oro, Azteca Warrior, Dengue Asesino, Sombra Dorada ¡Legado Wagner y Lucha de Cabelleras! | 47 Aniversario Arena Jalisco (posted by mluchatv) Enviado, A.Negra, P. Quetzal y A.Aéreo vs Som.Dorada,D.Asesino, Azt.de Oro y Azt.Warrior (posted by mluchatv)
3) Águila Guerrera vs Gallo, Draego, Reggae Boy, Rudy Santana, Fumanchu, Nuevo Titán, Gran Misterio, Sunny, Maravilla Azteca, Anteuz [Copa Dinastia Carrillo Arterga] ¡Legado Wagner y Lucha de Cabelleras! | 47 Aniversario Arena Jalisco (posted by mluchatv) Copa Dinastía Carrillo Arteaga | 47 Aniversario Arena Jalisco (posted by mluchatv)
4) Destrucción & Zatura b Aero Xtreme & Rey Plata [? TAG] ¡Legado Wagner y Lucha de Cabelleras! | 47 Aniversario Arena Jalisco (posted by mluchatv) Zatara y Destrucción vs Rey Plata y Aero Xtreme  | 47 Aniversario Arena Jalisco (posted by mluchatv)
5) Makabre b Al Carrillo Jr. [hair, super libre] ¡Legado Wagner y Lucha de Cabelleras! | 47 Aniversario Arena Jalisco (posted by mluchatv) Makabre vs All Carrillo |  Cabellera vs Cabellera | 47 Aniversario Arena Jalisco (posted by mluchatv)
6) Hijo del Espectro Jr., Mr. Power, Sniper DQ Dr. Wagner Jr., Galeno del Mal, Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. ¡Legado Wagner y Lucha de Cabelleras! | 47 Aniversario Arena Jalisco (posted by mluchatv) Dr.Wagner Jr ,H.de Dr.Wagner y Galeno del Mal vs H.del Espectro Jr Mr.Power y Sniper|  Arena Jalisco (posted by mluchatv)
Mr. Power beat Wagner with a foul.

source: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E4gRZG0XEAsiRH6?format=jpg&name=medium


CMLL (TUE) 06/22/2021 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [CMLL, Fuego en el Ring, R de Rudo]
***Arena Coliseo Guadalajara Anniversary show***
1) Adrenalina, Estrella Oriental, Minotauro b Destello, Destructor, Thunder Boy
2) Bestia Negra, Demonio Maya, Zandokan Jr. b El Divino, Mr. Samuray, Reycko
3) Lluvia, Sexy Sol, Silueta, Stephanie Vaquer b La Magnifica, Reyna Isis, Sexy Sol, Valkiria [OCCIDENTE WOMEN]
vacant title (last held by Lola Gonzalez 40 years ago). Reina Isis and Lluvia replaced Mystique & Soberbia. A four way tag match with individual elimination rules, effectively making it a cibernetico with the final four advancing to next week. Eliminations: Nautica, La Magnifica, Valkiria, Reina Isis, leaving Vaquero, Silueta, Sexy Sol and Lluvia to advance to next week.
4) Crixus, Flash, Gallo, Vaquero Jr. DRAW Black Warrior Jr., Furia Roja, Guerrero de la Muerte, Ráfaga
no word on the draw.
5) Explosivo, Fantástico, Star Black b Difunto, Espíritu Negro, Rey Cometa
6) Felino Jr., Hijo del Villano III, Mephisto, Satánico b Argos, Atlantis Jr., Carístico, Joker
Black Warrior scheduled but pulled off the show due to medical issues.

source: https://scontent.ford1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/31499183_2109338152440369_3675183376085549056_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=430b8197019518f91e165f57b47bb009&oe=5B54AAFC


AAA, LEGEND (SAT) 05/26/2018 Arena Lopez Mateos [+LuchaTV, Estrellas de la Lucha Libre]
***51st Anniversary***
1) Alas de Oro, Centella Oriental, Mexica b Ciber Punk, Rey Inmortal, Súper Dragón Jr. ALAS DE ORO, MEXICA Y CENTELLA ORIENTAL VENCEDORES EN LA LUCHA INICIAL (posted by hector godfrey) Mexica alas de oro y centella oriental vs ciber ponk Black Dragons inmortal (posted by CaritaJC LuchaLibre)
money thrown in
2) Big Mami, Lady Cat, Lady Shani b La Hiedra, Lilith Dark, Polvo de Estrellas LADY SHANI DERROTA A POLVO DE ESTRELLAS Y SE LLEVAN EL TRIUNFO (posted by hector godfrey) Lady Shani, Big Mami y Lady Cat vs Polvo de Estrellas, La Hiedra y Lilith Dark, Legend (posted by mluchatv) Legend 51 Aniversario Arena López Mateos: Lady Shani, Big Mami y Lady Cat derrotan a La Hiedra, Polv (posted by CaritaJC LuchaLibre)
Lady Cat replaced Keneisha Moon, Polvo de Estrellas rpelaced La Hechicera.
3) Dante, Dragón Force, Filder b Chico del Barrio, Chilango, Mr. Pachuco © [AULL TRIOS] DANTE FILDER DRAGON FORCE DEFIENDEN CAMPEONATO DE TRIOS (posted by hector godfrey) DANTE FILDER DRAGON FORCE SON LOS INCONTENIBLES (posted by hector godfrey) DANTE FILDER Y DRAGON FORCE VS LA TRIBU URBANA (posted by Videoblog Tortas Súper Astro) MR PACHUCO CHICO DEL BARRIO Y CHILANGO RETADORES (posted by hector godfrey) MR PACHUCO CHICO DEL BARRIO Y CHILANGO SON LA TRIBU URBANA (posted by hector godfrey)
4) Argenis b Drago, Aerostar, Lancelot Aerostar vs Drago vs Argenis vs Lanzelot, Legend (posted by mluchatv) ARGENIS VS DRAGO VS AERO STAR VS LANZELOT (posted by Videoblog Tortas Súper Astro) DRAGO AEROSTAR ARGENIS Y LANCELOT (posted by hector godfrey)
5) Pagano DRAW Joe Lider [street] JOE LÍDER VS PAGANO (posted by Videoblog Tortas Súper Astro) Joe Líder vs Pagano, mano a mano en Legend (posted by mluchatv) Mano a mano Joel líder vs pagano lucha extrema 51Aniversario de la Arena López Mateos (posted by CaritaJC LuchaLibre) PAGANO VS JOE LIDER AAA (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Pagano vs Joe Líder mano a mano en el 51 Aniversario de la Arena López Mateos (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
6) Hijo del Fantasma b Psycho Clown, Rey Escorpión, Texano Jr. [Copa Universal] PSYCHO CLOWN VS HIJO DEL FANTASMA VS REY ESCORPIÓN VS TEXANO JR (posted by Videoblog Tortas Súper Astro) Psycho Clown vs Hijo del Fantasma vs Rey Escorpión vs Texano Jr  COPA UNIVERSO 2018 (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Psycho Clown vs Hijo del Fantasma vs Texano Jr vs Rey Escorpión, Copa Universo (posted by mluchatv) PSYCHO VAPULEADO POR EL HIJO DEL FANTASMA, TEJANO JUNIOR Y REY ESCORPION (posted by hector godfrey)
Fantasma continues to tease a rudo turn.

source: https://scontent-ort2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/31662132_2115602898480561_2797873174153265152_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=6c64577d017d399763f828c6598b179c&oe=5B5A48F8


AULL (SAT) 05/19/2018 Arena Lopez Mateos [+LuchaTV, Black Terry Jr. (Flickr), Estrellas del Ring]
***51st Anniversary***
1) Hijo De Black Shadow II & Pegazus b Pequeño Demonio & Último Conde ULTIMO CONDE PEQUEÑO DEMONIO VS BLACK SHADOW Y PEGAZUS (posted by hector godfrey)
2) Guerrero Mixtico, Lokillo, Sádico, Yoruba b Falcón Jr., Freelance, Hijo del Zumbido, Iron Love 21 de mayo de 2018 (posted by CaritaJC LuchaLibre) La Hermandad Clandestina vs Iron Love, Freelance, Falcon Jr. (posted by Estrellas del Ring) SADICO YORUBA LOQUILLO IRON LOVE FREELANCE MIKE SEGURA E IMPULSO EN UNA LUCHA CAMPAL (posted by hector godfrey)
Guerrero Mixtico replaced Danger (Injury), Hijo de Zumbido, Iron Love and Falcon Jr. (the last bumped down from the cage match) all replaced people on the tecnico side.
3) Esther Moreno & Rossy Moreno b Chica Tormenta & Diosa Atenea Rosy Moreno y Esther Moreno vs Chica Tormenta y Diosa Atenea (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
4) Canek, Dos Caras Sr., Mil Máscaras b Fuerza Guerrera, Octagón, Villano IV [Relevos Increíbles] 51 aniversario de la Arena López Mateos villano 4 fuerza guerrera y octagon vs dos vatas canek y mia (posted by CaritaJC LuchaLibre) MIL MÁSCARAS DOS CARAS Y CANEK VS FUERZA GUERRERA OCTAGÓN Y VILLANO IV (posted by Videoblog Tortas Súper Astro) MIL MÁSCARAS, CANEK, DOS CARAS LUCHA DE ESTRELLAS EN EL 51 ANIVERSARIO DE LA ARENA LÓPEZ MATEOS (posted by hector godfrey) MIl Máscaras, Dos Caras y Canek vs Fuerza Guerrera, Octagón y Villano IV (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
listed as the main event, but took placed 4th. Mil Mascaras was honored before the match.
5) Rey Wagner b Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. Dr Wagner Jr (Rey Wagner) vs Hijo del Dr Wagner Jr (posted by R de Rudo) Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Hijo de Dr. Wagner, Aniversario 51 Arena López Mateos *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv) Mano a Mano: Rey Wagner vs Hijo del Dr. Wagner c/ Rosy Moreno (51 Aniv. Arena Lopez Mateos) (posted by Estrellas del Ring) REY WAGNER  VS HIJO  DEL DR WAGNER (posted by Estrellas del Ring) REY WAGNER VS HIJO DE DR WAGNER EN VIOLENTO MANO A MANO (posted by hector godfrey) Rey Wagner vs Hijo De Dr Wagner mano a mano (posted by Videoblog Tortas Súper Astro) Rey Wagner vs hijo de Wagner aniversario de la Arena López Mateos (posted by CaritaJC LuchaLibre)
said to be a good match
6) Yakuza L Gallo Tapado Jr., Golden Magic, Chucho el Roto, Zumbi, Dante, Hijo del Fishman, Trauma II, Hijo del Villano III [mask, hair] Aniversario de la Arena López Mateos jaula de la muerte (posted by CaritaJC LuchaLibre) CAE DE LO MÁS ALTO DE LA JAULA Y A PESAR DE ESO GANA UNA MÁSCARA (posted by hector godfrey) CHUCHO EL ROTO APUNTO DE LESIONARSE AL CAER FUERA DE LA JAULA (posted by hector godfrey) Jaula de Máscaras, Aniversario 51 Arena López Mateos *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv) Lucha en Jaula 9 Máscaras en juego (51 Aniv. Arena Lopez Mateos) (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Lucha en jaula en la que Yakuza perdió la máscara (posted by R de Rudo) LUCHA EN JAULAS EN DONDE CAYÓ UNA MÁSCARA EN 51 ANIVERSARIO DE LA ARENA LÓPEZ MATEOS (posted by hector godfrey) Mil Máscaras, Canek y Dos Caras vs Octagón, Fuerza Guerrera y Villano IV *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv) YAKUZA PIERDE LA MÁSCARA A MANOS DE CHUCHO EL ROTO (posted by Videoblog Tortas Súper Astro) Yakuza se quita la máscara en el centro del ring (posted by R de Rudo)
Trauma II & Hijo del Villano III were added to the match (and Falcon Jr. was moved down.) Chucho el Roto attempted a plancha off the top of the cage, but slipped and fell to the floor. He recovered and climbed back in the cage (which might have not been legal, but was needed to result.) Chucho el Roto defeated Yakuza to take his mask. Yakuza is Rodolfo Romero Castañeda, 22 years a wrestler, 42 years old, from Mexico City.

source: https://scontent-ort2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/31498199_1756115894446729_5352322428196356096_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=b5672141d4f32a3ac852b3cffacd5566&oe=5B51E62B


indy (SUN) 04/29/2018 Arena 23 de Junio, Nicolás Romero, Estado de México
***18th Anniversary***
1) Rich Beda & Robin vs Fórmula & Furia Guerrera
2) Mongauillo & Príncipe Tihegus vs Conde Bartok & Misterio and Rider 23 & Sonte Magic
3) Esther Moreno vs Candy Swing
4) Reina del Sur & Terry 2000 vs ? & Último Conde
5) Spartaco vs Nimrod, Jeque, Símbolo
6) Yuma vs Flanagan [mask] Mascara vs Mascara Yuma vs Flanagan // 18 Aniversario Arena 23 de Junio// (posted by Kanelito Yisus)

source: https://s15.postimg.org/v4g88cep7/1127630.jpg


indy (SUN) 11/27/2016 Arena Azteca Budokan, Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl, Estado de México [The Gladiatores]
***Arena Azteca Budokan 55th Anniversary***
1) Dark Metálico, Halcón Guerrero, Mayem b Rally, Rey Lince, Súper Alfa
2) Bastet b Barbie, Diva Virtual, Guerrillera, Barem, Lily Star, Diablita Roja, Sexy Pólvora, Gitana, Lady Coral, Lady Frozen, Reyna De Ciria [cibernetico]
3) Lagarde Jr. b Iron Fly, Kid Xtreme, Taylor Wolf, Kid Jaguar, Séptimo Ángel, Fly Xtreme, Juventud Azteca, Imperial, American Cat, Poseidón, Golden Bull, Arlequín, Corcel De Plata, Bizarro [Copa Acorazado Moreno]
4) Logan, Rey Caballero, Soldado del Futuro © b Dowki, Hanaoka, Yakuza and Leo, Mike, Rafy [AAB TRIOS]
5) Espartaco, Esther Moreno, La Parkita, Ultramán Jr. b Cinthia Moreno, Mini Electro, Yuriko, Zumbido
6) Ángel Blanco, Hijo De Dos Caras, Oriental b Halloween, Mr. Águila, Sharly Rockstar

source: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ChnuVMBUYAEdzJA.jpg


UWE (SAT) 05/21/2016 Arena Lopez Mateos [+LuchaTV, Kronosport, R de Rudo]
***Arena Lopez Mateos 49th Anniversary***
1) Holkan & Ironía b Shibata & Spider Boy
2) American Sweetness & Hijo del Zumbido b Chucho el Roto & Johnny Idol
bonus match
3) Ángel Del Amor, Terry 2000, Yakuza b Dr. Cerebro, Sádico, Yoruba Terry 2000, Yakuza y Ángel del Amor vs Dr. Cerebro, Sádico y Yoruba, AULL (posted by mluchatv)
4) Gallego, Rocky Santana, Romano García © b Ángel Mortal, Bronco (UWA), Marabunta [AULL TRIOS] Diabólicos vs Diabólicos en aniversario 49 de Arena López Mateos AULL (posted by mluchatv)
5th defense
5) Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. & Máscara Sagrada DQ Máscara Año 2000 Jr. & Silver King Silver King e Hijo de Máscara Año 2000 vs Máscara Sagrada e Hijo de Dr. Wagner, AULL (posted by mluchatv)
Scheduled to be a title match with Hijo de Dos Caras, apparently not one without him. (He was at Elite instead.) Silver King fouled Hijo del Wagner. Rossy Moreno, Hijo del Wagner's mom, made the save and attacked Silver King.
6) Blue Demon Jr. DQ LA Park, Canek, Pagano [Copa Universo] L.A. Park vs Blue Demon Jr. vs Pagano vs Canek, Copa Universo AULL 2016 (posted by mluchatv)
Park foul lead to the finish.

source: https://scontent.ford1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/1917174_467553490100683_2306832599166167558_n.jpg?oh=a53ad92d48679cec52ec7b26eb64d87d&oe=573F4807


AAA (THU) 01/28/2016 Arena Aficion [Funcion Estelar]
***Arena Aficion 64th Anniversary***
1) Diosa Atenea © b Tania [WWS WORLD]
Fourth defense for Diosa Atenea
2) Niño Hamburguesa & Súper Nova b Mamba & Polvo de Estrellas
3) Aerostar, Drago, Flamita b Hijo del Pirata Morgan, Súper Fly, Taurus
Flamita replaced Fenix, Taurus & Super Fly replaced Daga & Pentagon Jr.
4) Aeroboy & Violento Jack b Hanaoka & Susumu Yuuya [XLAW TAG]
??th defense for Aeroboy & Violento Jack.
5) El Mesías b Averno, Electroshock, La Parka [Copa Aficion 2015]

source: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CQg-_XoUAAAFsgC.jpg


PROLLM (SUN) 10/18/2015 Coliseo Coacalco, Coacalco, Estado de México [+LuchaTV, Black Terry Jr. (Flickr), Estrellas del RIng]
***18th Anniversary show***
1) Dinamic King b Aeronix, Golden Cat, Lobo Escarlata, Haziel, Vengador, Abner, Betos Boy, Forastero, Macho IV, Macho V Lucha Libre Coacalco (posted by makuilpoali ixtin)
2) Chicago Rush b Jhon Crazy [mask, hair] Lucha Libre Coacalco (posted by makuilpoali ixtin)
Chicago Rush kept his mask and took Jhon Crazy's hair.
3) Eterno & Rocky Santana b Aeronix & Boby Zavala
Aeronix replaced Virus.
4) Dr. Cerebro b As Charro Jr., Tony Rivera Dr. Cerebro vs As Charro Jr vs Tony Rivera (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
said to be a good match
5) Guerrero Maya Jr., La Máscara, Rush b Aramis, Judas el Traidor, Magnífico Rush, La Máscara y Guerrero Maya vs Judas el Traidor, Aramis y Magnifico. (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
Maya fouled Magnifico as Mascara & Rush distracted the referee.
6) Canek, Heavy Metal, Solar I DQ Máscara Año 2000, Negro Navarro, Universo 2000 Máscara Año 2000, Universo 2000 y Negro Navarro vs Solar, Heavy Metal y Canek (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
Mascara fouled Metal.
7) Justiciero b Jeque [hair] Justiciero vs Jeque CABELLERA vs CABELLERA (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Lucha Libre Coacalco (posted by makuilpoali ixtin)

source: https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/p228x119/10408916_371314746401857_914846752480199847_n.jpg?oh=6b659209b1845998d0c034a3536fbb6b&oe=56016325


AULL (SAT) 06/13/2015 Arena Lopez Mateos [Black Terry Jr. (flickr), El Pancracio, Estrellas del Ring, Kronosport, The Gladiatores]
***48th Anniversary***
1) Shibata, Sky Fly, Spider Boy b Comodín Jr., Ironía, José el Caporal
2) Rey Cristal, Tormento, Yakuza b Dante, Euro, Filder
Tormento replaced Golden Magic (double booked in Deportivo Pavon)
3) Esther Moreno & Lady Apache b Keira & Rossy Moreno Lady Apache y Esther Moreno vs Keira y Rossy Moreno (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Lady Apache y Esther Moreno vs Rossy Moreno y Keira, AULL. (posted by mluchatv) Rossy Moreno y Keira vs Esther Moreno y Lady Apache en AULL (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
Esther Moreno replaced Vaquerita on Monday.
4) Leviatham, Psicópata, Sádico b Flamita, Spider Boy, Terry 2000  (posted by Powerbomb.TV) Flamita, Terry 2000 y Spider Boy vs Sádico, Psicópata y Leviatham, AULL. (posted by mluchatv) Highlights Flamita, Terry 2000 y Spider Boy vs Sádico, Psicópata y Leviatham (posted by TVLuchaMundial) Terry 2000-Flamita y Spider Boy vs Sádico-Psicópata- (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
Sadico beat Flamita. Spider Boy replaced Super Nova (double booked in Pavon.) Flamita & Sadico fought well and Terry 2000 had some great dives.
5) Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr., Máscara Sagrada, Octagón b Fuerza Guerrera, Máscara Año 2000, Silver King Máscara Sagrada-Octagon-Hijo de Wagner vs Máscara 2000-Silver King-Fuerza (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Silver King, Fuerza Guererra y Máscara Año 2000 vs Máscara Sagrada, Octagon e Hijo de Wagner (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Silver King, Máscara 2000 y Fuerza Guerrera vs Octagón, Máscara Sagrada e H. de Wagner. (posted by mluchatv)
Hijo de Dr. Wagner & Mascara Sagrada replaced Atlantis & Rayo on Monday.
6) LA Park b Dr. Wagner Jr., Pirata Morgan, Pagano [Copa Universal] Dr  Wagner Jr vs L A Park vs Pagano vs Pirata Morgan COPA UNIVERSO 2015 (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Dr. Wagner vs L.A. Park vs Pagano vs Pirata Morgan, por la Copa Universo. (posted by mluchatv) L.A Park vs Dr. Wagner Jr vs Pagano vs Pirata Morgan por la Copa Universo 2015 MOMENTOS (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Pagano vs Pirata Morgan vs L.A. Park vs Dr. Wagner jr (posted by LuDarKShAiTAN)
Pagano replaced Ultimo Guerrero on Monday. Pirata Morgan also replaced Mr. Niebla unannounced (double booked in Deportivo Pavon.) Pagano beat Pirata, Wagner beat Pagano, and Wagner and Park's usual antics ended with Parka beating Wagner.

source: http://i1191.photobucket.com/albums/z479/gladiatores3/Programas/IWRG7deDiciembre2014_zps35345092.jpg


IWRG (SUN) 12/07/2014 Arena Naucalpan [Black Terry Jr. (flickr), Estrellas del Ring, LV, Semiotica del Deporte]
***52nd Anniversary of Lucha Libre in Estado de Mexico***
1) Metaleón b Araña de Plata
2) Leo, Mike, Rafy, Teelo b Apolo Estrada Jr., Avisman, Liderk, Rayan *
3) Chicano, Trauma I, Trauma II b Dr. Cerebro, Emperador Azteca, Negro Navarro * 20141207iwrg_match3Dr. Cerebro, Emperador Azteca, Negro Navarro vs Chicano, Trauma I, Trauma II.avi (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Negro Navarro, Dr. Cerebro y Emperador Azteca vs Los Traumas y Chicano (posted by mluchatv)
The Traumas went after their father their whole match and more after the match. Black Terry tried to calm them down and the Traumas attacked him too.
4) Canis Lupus & Eterno b Danny Casas & Oficial 911 [super libre] * Resumen: Dany Casas y Oficial 911 vs Eterno y Canis Lupus, en Súper Libre (posted by mluchatv)
Everyone bled. Danny Casas turned on 911 after mishaps earlier in the match.
5) Cien Caras Jr., Hijo de Máscara Año 2000, Máscara Año 2000 b Hijo De Dos Caras, Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Súper Nova *
Rayo/Mascara Sr. challenges, as usual.
6) Toscano b Veneno [hair] * 20141207iwrg_match6Toscano vs Veneno for the hair.avi (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Resumen: Toscano vs Veneno, cabellera vs cabellera en la Arena Naucalpan (posted by mluchatv)
Mascara Ano 2000 and Rafy were seconds - except Rayo de Jalisco replaced Rafy at the last second. Veneno bled a lot. In the last fall, Mascara attacked Toscano and Veneno covered him for an apparent three count, but Rayo alerted the referee to the cheating. Veneno argued the decision and Toscano cradled him for the win. Toscano took 2/3.

Event Notes: 52th Anniversary

source: https://o.twimg.com/2/proxy.jpg?t=HBgpaHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0cGljLmNvbS9zaG93L2xhcmdlL2VjaTN5ZC5qcGcUwAcU7gsAFgASAA&s=G50SlTLPG_8vEvCTCySsJ3FlbVo45UcXqquWqTCNDRo


PROLLM (SUN) 10/19/2014 Coliseo Coacalco, Coacalco, Estado de México
***17th Anniversary Show***
1) Hip Hop Man vs Teseo, Ukkonen, Chicago Rush, Dinamic King, Kruenen, Haziel, Golden, Yakuza, Dragón Negro, Demonio Baltazar, Forastero, Gárgola Extreme, Dragosth [royal rumble] Lucha Libre Coacalco (posted by makuilpoali ixtin)
2) Judas el Traidor & Magnífico vs Trauma I & Trauma II and Daga & Eterno and Impulso & Wotan
3) Loki vs Inmortal [mask] Loki VS Inmortal Mascara VS Mascara (posted by RINGEXTREMO) Lucha Libre Coacalco (posted by makuilpoali ixtin)
4) Solar I vs Rocky Santana, Negro Navarro ©, Cachorro Mendoza [FLLM MASTER]
5) Aramis vs Juana La Loca [hair, mask]
6) Canek, Heavy Metal, Máscara Sagrada vs Justiciero, Máscara Año 2000, Universo 2000

source: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t1.0-9/q71/s720x720/10492438_604485296335527_4083927475858087174_n.jpg


indy (SUN) 07/20/2014 Arena Jalisco, Guadalajara, Jalisco [Fuego en el Ring]
***19th Anniversary***
1) Azteca Warrior, Pequeño Ángel, Pokarito Jr. vs Calavera Charra, El General, Psicótico
2) Cometa, El Vailoso, Star Flayer, Último Ángel vs Bestia Roja, Dengue Asesino, Linterna Verde Jr., Ultra Cara
3) Aononimus, El Príncipe, Maravilla Azteca, Sunny vs El Brujo, Guerrero Negro, Impacto Negro, Omega
4) Centella, Chucho García, Tiger King vs Guerrero de la Muerte, Monje Maldito, Toxico
5) Al Carrillo, Puma Negra, Rudy Santana, Yenesis vs Arlequín II, Black Jack, Fumanchu, Vengador Nazi
6) Hit Man L Makabre, Gran Misterio [mask]
Gran Misterio took Hitman's mask. Hitman is Manual Aceves, 38 years old, 20 years a luchador.

source: http://s29.postimg.org/px4khhu9z/531730.jpg


AULL (SAT) 05/31/2014 Arena Lopez Mateos [Estrellas del Ring]
***48th Anniversary***
1) Chucho el Roto, Ironía, Zumbido Jr. b Estrella Oriental, Freelance, Pegazus
2) Mike Segura, Solar I, Zumbi b Dr. Cerebro, Máscara Año 2000, Sádico
3) Ave Negra, Kiuby, Rey Inmortal, Seiya b Euro, Sangre De Lobo, Spider Boy, Stryker [relevos suicidas]
four way tag match, with the losing two tag teams facing off in a double mask match.
4) Euro & Spider Boy b Sangre De Lobo & Stryker [mask]
Sangre de Lobo is Oscar Fernandez and Stryker is Roberto Fernandez. (It's not mentioned if they are or are not related.)
5) Yakuza b Holkan [mask]
Double pin in the first fall, DCOR in the second fall. Bloody third fall, with Yakuza winning via martinete. Holkan is Juan Manuel Carbajal Tena, from Neza.
6) Negro Navarro, Trauma I, Trauma II b Barba Roja, Pirata Morgan, Pirata Morgan Jr.
7) Gallego L Black Terry, Rocky Santana [hair]
Black Terry escaped first, and Santana beat Gallego
8) Canek b Dr. Wagner Jr., Octagón, Fuerza Guerrera [Copa Universo]
Octagon defeated Fuerza, Wagner beat Octagon, Canek pulled Wagner's mask and beat him for the win.

source: https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/v/t1.0-9/58497_617842071576502_827725617_n.jpg?oh=37944a4acbff65e6c20514e90299545a&oe=57501768


AULL (SUN) 05/19/2013 Arena Lopez Mateos [Black Terry Jr. (Flickr), Estrellas del Ring (main), Estrellas del Ring (rest), R de Rudo, R de Rudo (photos), The Gladiatores]
***46th Anniversary show***
1) Beda & Tortuguillo Ninja b King Dragón & Meta Dragón and Holkan & Kiuby [final, nuevo valores] Torneo Interclubs Función Aniversario Arena Lopez Mateos 19 Mayo 2013 (posted by RINGEXTREMO)
Finals of previous weekend tag team tournament. Tortuguillo Ninja replaced Spider Boy
2) Chik Tormenta, Judas el Traidor, Pequeño Demonio b Keira, Mini Alebrije, Sepulturero I Keira  Sepulturero Mini alebrije  VS Chica Tormenta Judas el traidor  Pequeño demonio (posted by RINGEXTREMO)
3) Yakuza b Flamita, Mike Segura, Sádico, Rey Krystal, Eita, Spider Boy, Freelance [AULL Light]
Yakuza won the vacant championship. He beat Sadico for the win.
4) Ricky Marvin & Súper Crazy © b Crazy Boy & Joe Lider [UWE TAG]
First defense for Crazy & Marvin. Crowd did not like the match at all, which annoyed Marvin.
5) Dr. Wagner Jr. b Canek, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Blue Demon Jr. [Copa Universo] * Canek vs Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Hijo del Perro Aguayo vs Blue Demon Jr., Arena López Mateos (posted by terceracaidanet)
Brawl all around the building. Wagner and Perro (who bled a lot) stopped fighting each other long enough for Perro to foul Canek to set up the win. Canek was very unhappy. Perro beat Demon with a double stomp; Demon was claiming a back or shoulder injury after the match. Ref got laid out, Perro had Wagner pinned but no count, Canek returned to foul Perro, Wagner added a Wagner Driver for the win.
6) Cerebro Maligno L Chucho el Roto, Leviatham, Zumbi, Aeroboy, Violento Jack, Herejía, Trauma I, Epitafio, Trauma II [cage, mask] cage part 1 (posted by RINGEXTREMO) cage part 2 (posted by RINGEXTREMO) Canek Dr Warger Jr Hijo del Perro Aguayo Blue Demon Jr  19 Mayo 2013 (posted by RINGEXTREMO)
Seven minute period before anyone could leave. Trauma I was first out, followed by Leviatham, Violento Jack, Aeroboy, Epitafio, Trauma II and Herejia, leaving Chucho el Roto & Cerebro Maligno. Herejia tried to come back in to help Maligno, but the commissioner would not allow it. Chucho pinned Cerebro Maligno for the win. Maligno was announced as Marco Antonio Jimenez Jimenez, 30 years old, 8 years a wrestler, originally from Tultitlan, Estado de Mexico.

Event Notes: Full house.

indy (SUN) 04/14/2013 Arena el Jaguar, Monterrey, Nuevo León [LuchaMania Monterrey]
***Arena el Jaguar 13th Anniversary***
1) Charly Contreras, Chostoman, El Padrino b Baby Luna, Cavernícola, Kamaleon
2) Chamaco Bonilla, Chipendale, El Pocho, Jaguar Boy, Lady Maravilla, Muerte Guerrera, Novato, Rudy El Buitre b 7 Mares, Black Scorpió, Danger Boy, Gallo de Oro, Goliath XXX, King Fénix, Lady Puma, Ultratumba [cibernetico]
El Jaguar Generacion 2011-2012 (Lady Maravilla team) vs El Jaguar Generacion 2007-2008 (Lady Puma team). Puma beat Maravilla with a Styles Clash to win for her team; Ultratumba also survived the match.
3) 30-30 b Flecha [hair]
Muerte Guerrera was Flecha's second and helping thru the match,but 30-30 fought them both off and won. Flecha had a little hair cut off and Muerte Guerrera challenged Flecha.
4) Babe Fox, Pedro Navajas, Súper Jack b Ciber Payaso, Príncipe Guerrero I, Príncipe Guerrero II [semifinal]
5) Big Neurosis, El Coyote, Mortifero b Dulce Kanela, Erika Sotelo, Larry Miranda Jr. [semifinal]
6) Babe Fox, Pedro Navajas, Súper Jack b Dulce Kanela, Erika Sotelo, Larry Miranda Jr. [final]
7) Rey Demonio b Símbolo, Golden Boy, Silencio [mask]
Simbolo & Golden Boy put their hair on the line, Silencio & Rey Demonio put their hair up. Elimination match. All four are sons of David Valdez with Valdez as referee. Good match. All four bled, both mask guys had their masks ripped. Simbolo escaped first, Silencio beat Golden Boy with an Atlantida, and Golden Boy beat Rey Demonio with some outside help from Rosa Salvaje. Fans were not all happy about the circumstances of the finish. Demonio complained about Golden Boy not being a professional, but he is one and would unmask. Rey Demonio's mother and wife (Perla Negra) helped unmask him. Rey Demonio is David Alejandro Valdez González, 31, 15 years a wrestler. The family hugged after the match.

CMLL (THU) 01/31/2013 Arena Aficion [Hidalgo Sport]
***Arena Aficion 61st Anniversario***
1) Canelo Casas & Príncipe vs Destroyer & Estruendo
2) Estrellita, Goya Kong, Luna Mágica b Amapola, Princesa Sugheit, Tiffany
3) Atlantis, La Máscara, Shocker b Mephisto, Último Guerrero, Volador Jr.
4) Marco Corleone, Máximo, Rush DQ Felino, Mr. Niebla, Negro Casas
tecnicos took 2/3, Niebla fouling Marco.

Event Notes: Arena Aficion 61st Anniversario

AAA, LyC (SUN) 10/21/2012 Arena Coliseo Monterrey
***Arena Coliseo 57th Anniversary***
1) Chamaco Gurrola, Dark Genis, Mini Hator b Crazy 93, Extreme Boy, Mini Neurosis
2) Jennifer Blake b Lady Puma, La Hiedra *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Jennifer Blake vs Lady Puma vs La Hiedra (posted by luchablogvault)
3) Antifaz del Norte b Máscara Púrpura, Rico Rodríguez, El Tackle, Lumino, Gabanelli, Genocida, Perseus, Bengalí, Ángel Dorado Jr., Rey Imagen, Caballo Dorado, Potro Jr., Rey Orión [Copa 57 Anniversary] *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Copa 57 Anniversary (posted by luchablogvault)
Antifaz defeated Mascara Purpura to win the cup (though no trophy was actually seen)
4) Difunto I, Monje Negro Jr., Pirata Morgan b Gemelo Muerte I, Gemelo Muerte II, Súper Parka *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Difunto I, Monje Negro Jr., Pirata Morgan vs Gemelo Muerte I, Gemelo Muerte II, Súper Parka (posted by luchablogvault)
Pirata was with LUM's Hombre de Negro & La Monjita, and won with an unseen foul on Super Parka.
5) Hijo del Ninja, Humberto Garza, Zumbi DQ Cuervo, Espíritu, Ozz *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Cuervo, Espíritu, Ozz vs Hijo del Ninja, Humberto Garza, Zumbi (posted by luchablogvault)
Zumbi replaced Hector Garza, who appeared earlier in the show with the rest of his family (Mascara Purpura, Humberto Jr. and Hijo del Ninja.) Humberto thanked the fans on Hector's behalf, saying Hector couldn't talk. Perro interrupted to challenge Hector to get better so he could beat him for his hair in his home town of Monterrey. Humberto and Ninja angrily challenged Perro. Perro didn't seem interest, so Hector took the microphone and talked to make the challenge on behalf of his family (Pupura included.) Perro promised to cause the Garza's problems later. The men in the crowd have turned on Hijo de Ninja. Garzas were about to win when Perros ran in for the DQ.
6) Jack Evans & La Parka b el Hijo del Perro Aguayo & Nicho el Millionario *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) el Hijo del Perro Aguayo & Nicho el Millionario vs Jack Evans & La Parka (posted by luchablogvault)
Nicho replaced Teddy, said to be out with an injury but wrestling in Canada the night before. Crowd was divided. Jack took out Nicho with his dive, Parka knocked down the ref by mistake, Perro fouled him and covered, Humberto Garza ran in to foul Perro and put Parka on top for the win. Challenges followed.

CMLL, CURROS (SUN) 09/02/2012 Arena Coliseo San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí [El Teatro de Memo]
***56th Arena Coliseo San Luis Potosi Anniversary***
1) Mágico & Simón Blanco b Bogar Jr. & Dragón Fury
2) Gemelo Del Averno I & Gemelo Del Averno II b Astral & Shockercito
Rudos cheated to beat Shockercito for the win.
3) Amapola & Princesa Blanca b Dalis la Caribeña & Marcela
Princesa Blanca returning to the arena she started in (and so the rudas were cheered.)
4) Black Extreme & Hijo del Signo b Oro Azul & Sagrado
Mexico guys mostly worked with the SLP guys instead of each other.
5) Máscara Dorada, Místico, Valiente b Dragón Rojo Jr., Misterioso Jr., Rey Escorpión
They shot off fireworks for Mistico. Mistico submitted Rey Escorpion for the win.

Event Notes: Said to be a sell out.

AAA AULL (SAT) 07/14/2012 Arena Lopez Mateos
***Arena Lopez 45th Anniversary Show***
1) Kid Tornado & Spider Boy vs Beda & Stryker
2) La Vaquerita vs Keira
3) Cerebro Maligno, Herejía, Judas el Traidor, Rey Krimen vs Epitafio, Leviatham, Samael, Tormento
4) Súper Nova, Terry 2000, Yakuza vs Sádico, Trauma I, Trauma II
5) Gran Apache, Rocky Santana, Solar I vs Black Terry, Fuerza Guerrera, Negro Navarro
6) LA Park vs Electroshock, Súper Crazy

source: http://blog-imgs-44.fc2.com/j/i/k/jikolucha/20120617guadalajara.jpg


CMLL (SUN) 06/17/2012 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Fuego en el Ring]
***Arena Coliseo Guadalajara 53rd Anniversary Show***
1) Metatrón & Virgo ?? Demonio Maya & Ráfaga
2) Último Dragóncito b Astral, Eléctrico, Meteoro, Azteca de Oro, Demus 3:16, Pierrothito, Pequeño Olímpico, El Hippie, Spark [cibernetico]
Teams were rudos vs tecnicos. Elimination order: Spark (by Pequeno Olimpico), Meteoro (by Pierrothito), Hippie (Electrico), Olimpico (by Dragoncito), Azteca de Oro (by Pierrothito), Astral & Electrico were eliminated at some point, Demus beat Pierrothito, and Dragoncito beat Demus.
3) Demonio Maya, Niebla Roja, Puma King, Vangelis b Dragón Lee, Sky Kid, Smaker, Tritón
Smacker replaced Rey Cometa. Niebla Roja's GDL debut, with a win.
4) Atlantis, Delta, Guerrero Maya Jr. b Felino, Mr. Niebla, Sangre Azteca
Sangre Azteca replaced Negro Casas. Atlantis pinned Niebla with a 'rana.
5) La Máscara © b Mephisto [MEX LH]
Puma and Guerrero Maya were the seconds. Mephisto won the first fall with "a half crab that almost split La Mascara in two." Mascara won the second with a casita, and the long third fall with the campana to keep the title.

source: http://blog-imgs-44.fc2.com/j/i/k/jikolucha/20120610guatemala.jpg


CMLL FMLL (SUN) 06/10/2012 Arena Guatemala México, Guatemala City, Guatemala [FMLL]
***Arena Guatemala Meixco 22nd Anniversary***
1) Destroyer & Javi Antony b Huracán Diaz & Príncipe Negro
2) Action Man, El Musical, Starman Sr. b El Brujo, Fobia Infernal, Tornado I
3) Kamikaze Rojo & Terminator b Ángel Negro & Violencia
4) Rayo de Oro, Slayer, Starman Jr. b Big Ban, El Aspirante, Punisher
60 wins in a row for Rayo de Oro.
5) El Padrino L Atlantis, Voltron, Último Guerrero [mask]
El Padrino - not the guy from AAA - lost his mask to Atlantis via the Atlantida. Padrino is Rolando Villalta, from Guatemala City. Challenges all around after the match.

Event Notes: Amapola and Lady Apache will be in on 07/15 for the 78th anniversary of wrestling in Guatemala.

indy (SUN) 12/18/2011 Arena Coliseo Acapulco, Acapulco, Guerrero
***58th Anniversary Show***
1) Gas Man & Mariachi 2000 vs Cuchillo De Plata & Furia Nazi
2) Fushion & Mega Boy vs Crazy Thengu & Gargola
3) Aquiles, Baxter, Jet Tiger, Orión vs Centinela, Fire Man, Gurkhan, Sexy Lola
4) Capitán Átomo, Darkness, Elegante Roy, Guerrero, Guerrero Jr., King Panther, Limberg, Saurom vs Dr. Aéreo, Dr. Peligro, Fénix, Mhunra, Pez Diablo, Thuengu, Titere Maldad, UVA Rebelde [Gladiador Super Campeon]
5) Fuego Negro vs Pócima Letal [mask]

source: https://scontent.ford1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/388573_282729831759062_1709074394_n.jpg?oh=2b0a9a44bc7e09715ca4ee206c6285fa&oe=57515600


DTU, Academia (SAT) 11/19/2011 DTU Academy, Tulancingo, Hidalgo [Estrellas del Ring, R de Rudo]
***Academia 2nd Anniversary***
1) Ángel Suicida, Elastick Boy, Sacristán del Diablo b Arsenal, Miedo Extremo, Rocky Lobo
2) Kalibus & Tacubo b ? & Águila Misteriosa
Tacubo was knocked out by an Aguila Misteriosa legdrop in a very scary situation, but then ended up coming back into the match for the win
3) Eterno & Pequeño Cobra b Jhonky & Violento Jack and Araña de Plata & Dinastía [DTU Gran Alternativa, semifinal]
Not the official name of the tournament - there doesn't appear to be one - but essentially what the tournament is. 9 teams of vets and trainees, 3 triangle matches to set up the final.
4) Aeroboy & Flyer b Cíclope & Slayer and Demente Extreme & Lanzeloth [DTU Gran Alternativa, semifinal]
5) Extreme Boy & Paranoiko b Drastik Boy & Radical and Hormiga & Kaleth [DTU Gran Alternativa, semifinal]
6) Aeroboy & Flyer b Extreme Boy & Paranoiko and Extreme Boy & Paranoiko [DTU Gran Alternativa, final]

PROLLM (SUN) 10/16/2011 Coliseo Coacalco, Coacalco, Estado de México [Estrellas del Ring]
***Coliseo Coacalco 14th Anniversary Show***
1) Tahura & Ukkonen vs Kid Shadow & Monumental
2) Albatros, Chicago Rush, Forastero, Rey Dinámico b Raiden & Sangre Imperial and Aramis & Maverick and Arez & Dragón Cósmico and Dragón Negro & Nekir and Kalibus & Wizard and Ciclón Infernal & Rey Justicia and Demonio Baltazar & Golden Cat and Gander & Ztizan
3) Albatros & Chicago Rush DRAW Forastero & Rey Dinámico
4) Black Jaguar, Cyborg, Judas el Traidor b Jeque, Miss Gaviota, Último Vampiro
5) Solar I b Negro Navarro [MASTER]
6) Cien Caras, Emilio Charles Jr., Máscara Año 2000 b Cachorro Mendoza, Justiciero, Ringo Mendoza
Cien got away with a foul on Justiciero
7) Magnífico b Dr. Cerebro [hair]
Magnifico took falls 2/3 to win the match.

AAA (SUN) 09/04/2011 Arena Azteca Budokan, Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl, Estado de México [Mi Lucha Libre, The Gladiatores]
***Arena Azteca 50th Anniversary***
1) Rey Neza b Soldado del Futuro, Shaman, Rey Lobo, Arlequín, Demente, Chavo Ventura, Tony Cirio, Dinámico II, Piloto Fantasma, Ricky González, Espiral Negro, Toby, Dr. Jekill, Cocolores, Kiora, Ángel Del Silencio, Máquina De La Muerte, Alfange, Jhon Terry, Vigilante Extremo, Mini Mohicao, Lord Frizz, Chico Che, Rey Cobra, Saint Seiya, Comando Rivera, Lince Dorada, Hellboy, Imperial, Yzonnaca, Golden Bull, Z4, Spartaco, Pillo, Sangre De Toro, Estrella De Fuego, Caballero Bush, Brozo [Copa Acorazado Moreno]
2) Mini Oriental, Striper Yozan, Yuriko b Estrella Del Futuro, Mini Cibernetico, Reina del Sur
3) Extreme Tiger, Súper Nova, Zumbi b El Puma, Heddi Karaoui, Ozz
moved down a spot, no Tony/Zumbido, bigger guys dominated match but lost.
4) Cinthia Moreno, Rossy Moreno, Vanely b La Chola, La Hechicera, Sexy Star
No Esther Moreno; Vanely moved over to the Moreno side, and La Chola filled in for her.
5) Dr. Wagner Jr., Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr., Oriental DQ Monster Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown
win by DQ when Psycho fouls Dr. Wagner Jr.

indy (SUN) 08/21/2011 Arena Solidaridad [FPC @ LMDLL, LuchaMania]
***20th Anniversary Show***
1) Dama de Hierro L La Justiciera, La Chacala, Nahomi, Dark Fantasy, Poly Star [hair, mask]
Dama de Hierro lost her mask to Dark Fantasy. Her name is Rocio Valdez, from Monterrey, five years a wrestler. I hope this means she's changing her name too.
2) Ángel Espacial & El Fuerte b Koko Viper & Memo Valles and Galactar & Rey Apóstol and Dark War & Halcón Maltés [losers advance, mask]
Actually a three match tournament with the losing team losing their masks. El Fuerte was Hugo Gamez, 20 years old, 2 years a wrestler, from Monterrey. He also had just lost his mask four months ago at a lucha expo.
3) Difunto I & Difunto II b Potro Jr. & Vaquero Romo [money in a bag]
Vaquero Romo and Potro Jr. are La 818, and would have preferred to have a title match because "they have plenty of money". First decent match on the show, bloody brawl with bottles used. Difunto won with helep from El Millonario. Bengali ran out to help out the Difuntos, and Voltaje Negro also helped the rudos.
4) Pimpinela Escarlata b Orquídea Negra [hair]
Pimpi won, of course. Two short falls, one long fall. Orquidea fouled Pimpi and got a visual pin, but the ref would not count. Pimpi did the same and got the pin.
5) Tigre Universitario L Caifan Rockero I, Diluvio Negro II, Silver Star, Voltaje Negro, May Flowers, Diluvio Negro I [hair, mask]
Advertised as War Games, but really everyone for themselves with someone new entering every 3 minutes. Tigre Universitario was stretchered out without actually losing the match, then of course came back and lost his hair to Diluvio Negro I (or Silver Star, depending on the recap)
6) Cassandro, LA Park, Súper Crazy b Carlito, Chavo Guerrero, Magno
Casandro was quite good. Chavo did his usual stuff but did not impress. Super Crazy submitted Carlito and LA Park beat Magno for the win.

UWE (SUN) 05/15/2011 Arena Lopez Mateos [@lawagnermania, Al Filo del Ring, Estrellas del Ring, Mi Lucha Libre, The Gladiatores]
***Arena Lopez Mateos 44th Anniversary Show***
1) Dark Devil, Tortuguillo Ninja, Zyrus b Hombre sin Rostro, Ronny Ventura, Tormento
2) Fabi Apache & La Vaquerita b Rossy Moreno & Sexy Star
Tecnicas team was listed as Oyuki & Lolita. Rudas took falls 1/3 for the win.
3) Terry 2000 b Cerebro Negro, Black Terry, Rocky Santana, Romano García, Robin Maravilla, Sádico, Yakuza, Dr. Cerebro, Oficial AK47, Comando Negro, Herejía, Rambo, Oficial Fierro [cibernetico] Part 1 (posted by drlandru) Part 2 (posted by drlandru)
IWRG vs AULL cibernetico. No Negro Navarro; Rambo replaced him. Terry 2000 submitted Cerebro Negro to win it for the home team.
4) Chucho el Roto & Iron Love b Aeroboy & Violento Jack [losers advance]
5) Daga & Eterno b Trauma I & Trauma II [losers advance]
6) Trauma I & Trauma II b Chucho el Roto & Iron Love © [AULL TAG]
Chucho el Roto & Iron Love were putting up the AULL tag team titles up here. Not sure when they won them back. Trauma I & II put up their masks. Daga & Eterno ran back out and attacked Iron Love, allowing the Trauma to pick up the titles.
7) Hijo de LA Park & LA Park DQ Dr. Wagner Jr. & Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. Part 1 (posted by drlandru) Part 2 (posted by drlandru) Part 3 (posted by drlandru) Part 4 (posted by drlandru)
Park took fall 1 & 3. Final fall saw Park beat Hijo de Wagner, Wagner Sr. beat Park, and Hijo de Park toss his mask to Wagner to draw the DQ.

source: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_WVjWH012JCI/TTWXwMYOxGI/AAAAAAAAAWw/f2SXEntXHcc/s1600/PACHUCA.jpg


PdM AAA, IWL (TUE) 02/01/2011 Arena Aficion [Mi Lucha Libre, R de Rudo]
***Arena Aficion 59th Anniversary Show*** Attendance: 2800
1) El Silencioso b Blazer
R de Rudo calls Blazer 'erratico'
2) Arenita & Magia Jr. b El Intruso & Kevin
3) Black Soul, Fantasma de la Ópera, Kung Fu Jr. DQ El Hijo del Medico Asesino, Fishman Jr., Samot
Sure appears to be the same Medico Asesino who signed with FCW. Foul for the DQ.
4) Monster Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown DDQ Bestia 666, Ek Balam, X-Fly
Halloween ran in to foul Psycho Clown. Killer did the same to X-Fly, and the ref just called the whole thing off.
5) Extreme Tiger, Jack Evans, La Parka Jr. DQ Damián 666, el Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Halloween
After Tiger & Jack dives, Perro yanked Parka's mask for the obligatory end to a Perros del Mal show. Everyone (including the Circus) challenged everyone else to every match possible.

Event Notes: Sold out building with people standing to watch. Arena Aficion's local only shows seem to draw 200 or less, and appearances by the lesser Perros haven't boosted the attendance near this height. Fans were more behind the Perros.

AAA (THU) 06/21/2007 Arena Azteca Budokan, Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl, Estado de México [Box y Lucha 2824]
***Azteca Azteca 46th Anniversary***
1) Évola, Scorpion King, Sobredosis b Espacial, Estigma, Máquina De La Muerte
2) ?, Galáctico, Metal Boy, Rey Neza b Escarabajo, Kagura, M1, Rey Dragón
3) Chris Stone, Jordy Stone, Ricky González b Brazo de Plata Jr., Pasion Cristal, Súper AAA
4) Cinthia Moreno, Estrellita, Fabi Apache b Miss Janeth, Rossy Moreno, Tiffany
5) Cuervo, Escoria, Ozz vs Charly Manson & Chessman
skipped in the results but included in photos
6) Cibernético b El Mesías, Kenzo Suzuki

source: http://i.imgur.com/YabsoO3.png


MORA (TUE) 01/26/1982 Arena Aficion
***Arena Aficion Anniversary***
1) José Luis Mendieta & Justiciero vs Luis Mariscal & Villano I
2) Rizado Ruiz & Rudy Reyna vs Mano Negra & Solar I
3) Hamada, Saito, Takano vs el Signo, Negro Navarro, Texano
4) Perro Aguayo vs Fishman

Event Notes: Anniversary show

source: http://www.thecubsfan.com/cmll/images/cards/19740630acg.PNG


EMLL (SUN) 06/30/1974 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [El Informador 1974-06-30, Halcon 105]
***15 anniversary show***
1) Astro Rey vs José Luis Mendieta
2) Gemelo Diablo II vs El Marquez
3) Gemelo Diablo I vs Pantera Negra
4) Paco Pardines, Rayo de Jalisco, Super Star vs Ángel Blanco, Coloso Colosetti, Dr. Wagner
5) Demonio Blanco & Pantera Azul b José Escobedo & Martin Escobedo [mask, hair]
Halcon 105 confirms Demonio & Pantera held on to their mask and took the hair of the Escobedos.

source: http://i.imgur.com/NT10JB2.png


EMLL (SUN) 06/21/1964 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [El Informador 1964-06-21, Lucha Libre 36, SuperLuchas]
***5th Anniversary show***
1) ? vs ??
2) ? vs ??
3) ? vs ??
4) ? vs ??
5) ? vs ??
6) Ulises © b Dick Angelo [MEX LIGHT]
first defense, straight falls
7) Vick Amezcua © b Pantera Blanca [OCCIDENTE WELTER]
first defense
8) Benny Gallant © b Rayo de Jalisco [NWA MIDDLE]
first defense

source: http://www.thecubsfan.com/cmll/images/cards/19630621acg.PNG


EMLL (FRI) 06/21/1963 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [SuperLuchas]
***Arena Coliseo Guadalajara 4th Anniversary show***
1) Conde Negro vs Raúl Reyes
2) Pantera Blanca & Rito Romero b Espanto I & Espanto II
3) Black Killer b Alfonso Dantes [hair]

last updated: 2024-11-26 15:27

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