Gimnasio Olímpico Juan de la Barrera, Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal : 2024

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AAA TV (SAT) 12/07/2024 Gimnasio Olímpico Juan de la Barrera, Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal [AAA, Lucha Libre TM]
1) Colmillo de Plata, Garra de Oro, Puma de Oro b Andy Panda Jr., Dragón Suicida, Radioactivo CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 2 | ORÍGENES DICIEMBRE 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Unadvertised match. Dark match? Puma, Panda, Dragon Suicida and Radioactivo won the recent INJUVE/AAA Lucha x el Barrio talent search and earned AAA contracts.
2) Adelicious, Mini Vikingo, Pimpinela Escarlata b Andrómeda, Mini Psycho Clown, Sussy Love *  (posted by ) CIUDAD DE MÉXICO | ORÍGENES DICIEMBRE 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
The two teams argued post match.
3) Kento, Nobu San, Takuma b Emperador Azteca, Niño Hamburguesa, Tigre Universitario Jr. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 2 | ORÍGENES DICIEMBRE 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
The former Halcon Suriano Jr./Stukita revealed himself to be Tigre Universitario Jr. on IG prior to the show.
4) Reina Dorada DCOR Flammer, Julissa, Valentynna Reis * CIUDAD DE MÉXICO | ORÍGENES DICIEMBRE 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) FLAMMER VS VALENNTYNA VS REINA VS JULISSA en CDMX | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
everyone fought outside for the 20 count. Dalys, who had been watching the match, attacked Flammer afterward.
5) El Fiscal & Octagón Jr. b El Mesías & Pierroth Jr. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 2 | ORÍGENES DICIEMBRE 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Fiscal had new, more Abismo Negro-ish gear. Penta appeared at the entrance, distracting Mesias into losing. Mesias and Pierroth destroyed the tecnicos post match.
6) Laredo Kid b Matt Riddle [AAA CRUISER] ¡EXPONE EL CAMPEONATO MUNDIAL CRUCERO AAA! | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Laredo Kid is the champion. Riddle fall on 3rd defense
7) El Patrón Alberto © b Cibernético [AAA MEGA] * CIBERNÉTICO vs PATRÓN ALBERTO por el MEGACAMPEONATO de LUCHA LIBRE AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) CIUDAD DE MÉXICO | ORÍGENES DICIEMBRE 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
3rd defense. Rapper Aczino, seen on TripleManias, rapped Alberto to the ring with a new El Patron song. Latin Lover banned Hijo del Tirantes from referring the match. Hijo del Tirantes ended up referring the end of the match, even trying to attack Cibernetico. Dorian Roldan hit Cibernetico with a guitar and Alberto crawled on top to win. Latin Lover distracted the heels post match, allowing Cibernetico to chokeslam Roldan, who was stretchered out.

Event Notes: Prior to match 3, an Alberto and Dorian promo was interrupted by Latin Lover. He introduced a surprise, one he had heavily teased on social media. A countdown played, ending into the 0M logo, introducing Pentagon Jr. He ran off the rudos, then cut a promo saying he was going away to make a big decision about his career, would be saying goodbye to Mexico for now, but would return to AAA someday.


AAA TV (SAT) 06/22/2024 Gimnasio Olímpico Juan de la Barrera, Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal [AAA, AS, Luigirocker, Mas Lucha]
1) Adelicious, Jessy Queen, Nobu San, Noisy b Bengala, Black Andrómeda, Chik Tormenta, Pathfinder * * CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 2 | JUNIO 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
A debuting Path Finder and Noisy were added to the match. AAA debut of Black Andromeda, a Guatemalan exotico seen in Big Lucha (and this year's tryouts.) Nobu San is Check Shimatani (they used his real first name.) Tormenta beat Adelicious.
2) Abismo Negro Jr., El Fiscal, Taurus b Aerostar, Brazo De Oro Jr., Karis La Momia Jr. * * CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 2 | JUNIO 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) Karis La Momia Jr, Brazo de Oro Jr y Aerostar vs Los Vipers (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Vipers won despite Fiscal and Abismo having problems. Fiscal seemed out of the group in some of the many Viper segments on this show, though he was back in the end. The Vipers later confronted Latin Lover, and said they didn't trust him or Konnan. Psicosis had to be held back from fighting Latin Lover. Hijo del Tirantes and Latin Lover got into a dance off after this.
3) Octagón Jr. © b Drago, Dinámico, Galeno del Mal [AAA LA] * * CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 2 | JUNIO 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
billed as a #1 contenders match for the cruiserweight title, turned into a Octagon Jr. title defense with Galeno del Mal (not a cruiserweight) added. Fifth defense, fourth on TV. Mesias, Scoria and Espiritu, now calling themselves Los Apostoles del Mesias, attacked Octagon after the match. That attack led into the new match
4) Cibernético & Dark Cuervo b Dark Scoria, Dark Spíritu, El Mesías * * CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 2 | JUNIO 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) LOS APÓSTOLES DEL MESÍAS VS LA SECTA CIBERNÉTICA | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Leading straight into the match helped disguise that Ozz didn't show up. Cibernetico's team won despite the numbers disadvantage. Cibernetico beat Mesias, returning the result from Tijuana. Los Vipers attacked Cuervo and Cibernetico after the match, still upset Cibernetico betrayed them at the start of the year.
5) Dave The Clown, Murder Clown, Psycho Clown b Alan Stone, Scorpió Jr. (original), Zumbido * * CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 2 | JUNIO 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Alan Stone was the mystery wrestler (and not Decnnis, who had said he'd be on this show earlier in the week.) Stone used his Desvelado theme and AAA used old audio clips of Arturo Rivera singing along and talking over, as he used to do when Los Guapos were around. Guapito was with Los Guapos. The Vipers, making their fourht appearance of the night, attacked Los Psycho Circus after the match and took Psycho's mask.
6) Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. b Matt Riddle * * CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 2 | JUNIO 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) Matt Riddle vs Hijo de Dr Wagner JR (Lucha Completa AAA Juan de la Barrera) (posted by )
Wagner won with some help from Galeno, a foul and a Wagner Driver.


AAA TV (SAT) 05/11/2024 Gimnasio Olímpico Juan de la Barrera, Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal [AAA, Lucha Central, LucharlandoMx, Mas Lucha]
1) Karis La Momia Jr. b Noisy, Bengala * CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 1 | MAYO 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) Karis La Momia Jr vs Noisy Boy vs Bengala | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
TV debut for Karis and Noisy (Boy)
2) Brazo De Oro Jr. b Vengador (Querétaro), Tigre Blanco * * ¡TRIANGULAR DE LOCURA! | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 1 | MAYO 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
3) Adelicious, Centella, Faby Apache b Dalys, Flammer, Tiffany * * CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 2 | MAYO 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Faby and Tiffany (returning) teased a feud.
4) Octagón Jr. © b Dinámico, Taurus, Belcegor, Australian Suicide [AAA LA] * * ¡PELIGRA EL CAMPEONATO LATINOAMERICANO! | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide. (posted by luchalibreaaatv) CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 2 | MAYO 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
3rd defense, 2nd on TV. Drago on the lineup but didn't appear. Suicide did a shooting star press off the upper level.
5) Abismo Negro, El Fiscal, Psicosis b Dark Cuervo, Dark Ozz, Dark Scoria [AAA TRIOS] * *
Debut of the newest version of Los Vipers, who won the trios title held by the version of Los Vipers. Fiscal got Toxin's belt, though this was treated as a match for vacant titles. Wasn't made clear it was a title change until photos turned up with the belts a couple of days later.
6) Electroshock & Zorro b Charly Manson & Mecha Wolf * * CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 2 | MAYO 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Scheduled as a trios with Pagnao (shoulder surgery) and a mystery person, switched to a 2v2, no finish known
7) El Patrón Alberto & Vampiro b Cibernético & Dr. Wagner Jr. * * ¡La ÚLTIMA LUCHA del VAMPIRO en el Juan de la Barrera! | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 1 | MAYO 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
La Secta, Los Vipers and Latin Lover got involved. Vampiro beat Cibernetico


AAA TV (SAT) 03/16/2024 Gimnasio Olímpico Juan de la Barrera, Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal [AAA, IG: Orizabaluchalibre]
1) Adelicious, Belcegor, Taurus b Colmillo de Plata, Garra de Oro, Reina Dorada * ¡Lucha de PODER A PODER! | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Marzo Parte 2 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Adelicious appeared to be the former Miss Delicious.
2) Faby Apache, La Parkita, Mr. Iguana, Pimpinela Escarlata b Bengala, Dalys, Jessy Queen, La Parkita Negra * ¡Relevos atómicos DE LOCURA! | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Marzo Parte 2 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Faby/Dalys are feuding.
3) Oscar Sevilla & Súper Caló b Charly Manson & Nygma * CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Marzo Parte 2 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
4) Laredo Kid b Myzteziz Jr., Aerostar * ¿QUÉ LE PASÓ A MYZTEZIZ? | Orígenes AAA | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) TRIPLEMANÍA XXXII Monterrey Parte 3 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Octagon Jr. got moved up and AAA didn't replace him, just switched this tag to a three way.
5) Octagón Jr. © b Mecha Wolf [AAA LA] * CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Marzo Parte 1 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Earlier, a segement officially introduced Pagano, Charly Manson and Mecha Wolf as the new Vatos Locos. Pagano is still out of action due to an arm injury and this was made a title match instead. Octagon Jr. retrained, then the debuting Parker Boudreaux attacked everyone.
6) Dark Cuervo, Dark Ozz, Dark Scoria b Dave The Clown, Murder Clown, Panic Clown * ¿QUÉ LE PASÓ A PANIC CLOWN? | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Marzo Parte 1 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Secta won after putting Murder Clown through a table. Mesias showed up and had a secret conversation with La Secta.
7) El Patrón Alberto b Psycho Clown, Cibernético [AAA MEGA, #1 Contenders] * ¡UN ATAQUE INESPERADO! | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Marzo Parte 1 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) Facebook video (posted by )
Earlier, Konnan announced Vikingo was stripped of the Megachampionship due to injury, and the winner of this match would fight for an opponent TBA at TripleMania Monterrey. Vampiro appeared and asked to be added to the match; Konnan said no, but introduced the return of old friend Mesias, who said he'd team with Vampiro on his retirement tour. La Secta ran in the match to help Cibernetico, Psycho Circus ran them off. Alberto submitted Psycho to win. Three masked men attacked everyone after the match, while an eye logo appeared on the screen.

Event Notes: announced on 01/07, next show here on 05/11


AAA TV (SAT) 01/06/2024 Gimnasio Olímpico Juan de la Barrera, Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal [AS, Heraldo Deportes, Mas Lucha] Attendance: 5000
1) Látigo & Toxin b Epydemius Jr. & Monster Extreme * 20240106aaa_match1Látigo & Toxin vs Epydemius Jr. & Monster Extreme.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) REY DE REYES 2024 Parte 2 | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Appeared to be a dark match but did end up airing. Monster Extreme was a (young) teenager.
2) Colmillo de Plata, Garra de Oro, Lady Wind b Dick Angelo 3G, Legendario, Reina Dorada * 20240106aaa_match2Colmillo de Plata, Garra de Oro, Lady Wind vs Dick Angelo 3G, Legendario, Reina Dorada.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 2 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Dick Angelo (1st), Legendario (2nd) and Lady Wind (3rd) were the Lucha x el Barrio winners. Colmillo de Plata is the former Mr. Leo, Garra de Oro is Leon Dorado Jr., keeping "The Money Machine" team name and gimmick.
3) Arez, Jessy Ventura, La Parkita, Lady Shani b El Elegido, Estrellita, Mini Charly Manson, Pimpinela Escarlata * ¡REGRESAN LOS RELEVOS ATÓMICOS DE LOCURA EN ORÍGENES 2024! | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) 20240106aaa_match3Arez, Jessy Ventura, La Parkita, Lady Shani vs El Elegido, Estrellita, Mini Charly Manson, Pimpinela Escarlata.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 2 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Arez replaced Aramis on 12/21. Prior to the match, Abismo, Latigo, Toxin and Arez (back in Los Vipers) questioned Cibernetico for teaming with La Secta instead of them. Los Vipers attacked Pimpinela after the match. Between matches, Konnan came to the ring and introduced Cien Caras. They hugged. Vampiro interrupted to offer a handshake of peace to Konnan. Cibernetico made the second interruption, then Los Vipers made the third interruption to attack him. Vampiro and Konnan cleaned house on Los Vipera and hugged to a big reaction.
4) Abismo Negro & Flammer © b Aerostar & Faby Apache and Drago & Sexy Star [AAA MIXED TAG] * 20240106aaa_match4Abismo Negro & Flammer © vs Aerostar & Faby Apache and Drago & Sexy Star for the AAA World Mixed Tag Team Championship.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 1 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) EL REGRESO de FABY APACHE en LUCHA de CAMPEONATO | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
5) Mr. Iguana, Myzteziz, Niño Hamburguesa b El Ángel, Electroshock, Heavy Metal * 20240106aaa_match5Mr. Iguana, Myzteziz, Niño Hamburguesa vs El Ángel, Electroshock, Heavy Metal.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 1 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) TEAM IGUANA vs TEAM ELECTROSHOCK ORÍGENES Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
El Angel was the mystery person on the Retro team.
6) Forastero, Negro Casas, Sansón b Charly Manson, Súper Caló, Zorro * 20240106aaa_match6Forastero, Negro Casas, Sansón vs Charly Manson, Súper Caló, Zorro.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 2 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) La TRAICIÓN al Negro Casas | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
7) Cibernético, Dark Cuervo, Dark Ozz, Dark Scoria b Hijo Del Vikingo, Octagón Jr., Pagano, Psycho Clown * 20240106aaa_match7Hijo Del Vikingo, Octagón Jr., Pagano, Psycho Clown vs Cibernético, Dark Cuervo, Dark Ozz, Dark Scoria.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) CIUDAD DE MÉXICO Parte 1 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) EL ASCENSO de LA SECTA | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Cibernetico pinned Psycho after a mask pull


AAA , INJUVE (SAT) 01/06/2024 Gimnasio Olímpico Juan de la Barrera, Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal [La Tijera, thecubsfan]
1) Rey Espartano, Skyler, Vengador (Querétaro) b Andy Panda Jr., Epydemius Jr., Kenji * #FinalLuchaxelBarrio. Skyler, Vengador y Rey Espartano Vs Epidemius Epidemius Jr. y Andy Panda (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) 20240106injuve_match1Rey Espartano, Skyler, Vengador (Querétaro) vs Andy Panda Jr., Epidemus Jr., Kenji.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) GRAN FINAL de Lucha X El Barrio | Proyecto del Injuve y Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by CAPITAL 21)
2) Mary Caporal & Satania b Lady Wind & Princesa Azul * #FinalLuchaxelBarrio. Mary Caporal y Satania Vs Lady Wind y Princesa Azul (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) 20240106injuve_match2Mary Caporal & Satania vs Lady Wind & Princesa Azul.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) GRAN FINAL de Lucha X El Barrio | Proyecto del Injuve y Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by CAPITAL 21)
3) Estrellato b Piraña * #FinalLuchaxelBarrio. Estrellato Vs Piraña (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) 20240106injuve_match3Estrellato vs Piraña.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) GRAN FINAL de Lucha X El Barrio | Proyecto del Injuve y Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by CAPITAL 21)
4) Alfa Jr., Dragón Suicida, Steven Manson b Black Shadow II, Shere Khan, Thunder Storm * #FinalLPEB. Black Shadow II, Thunder Storm y Shere Khan Vs Dragón, Suicida Steven Manson y Alfa Jr (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) 20240106injuve_match4Alfa Jr., Dragón Suicida, Steven Manson vs Black Shadow II, Shere Khan, Thunder Storm.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) GRAN FINAL de Lucha X El Barrio | Proyecto del Injuve y Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by CAPITAL 21)
5) Dick Angelo 3G, Forneo, Legendario b Éxtasis, Osiris, Radioactivo * #FinalLuchaxelBarrio. Forneo, Dick Ángelo 3G y Legendario Vs Éxtasis, Osiris y Radiactivo (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) 20240106injuve_match5Dick Angelo 3G, Forneo, Legendario vs Éxtasis, Osiris, Radioactivo.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) GRAN FINAL de Lucha X El Barrio | Proyecto del Injuve y Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by CAPITAL 21)
6) Rey Espartano, Shere Khan, Vengador (Querétaro) b Alfa Jr., Epydemius Jr., Steven Manson * #FinalLuchaxelBarrio. Vengador, Shere Khan y Rey Espartano Vs Steven Manson, Alfa Jr. y Epidemius Jr (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) 20240106injuve_match6Rey Espartano, Shere Khan, Vengador (Querétaro) vs Alfa Jr., Epidemus Jr., Steven Manson.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) GRAN FINAL de Lucha X El Barrio | Proyecto del Injuve y Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by CAPITAL 21)
7) Dick Angelo 3G, Estrellato, Legendario, Radioactivo b Andy Panda Jr., Dragón Suicida, Éxtasis, Lady Wind * #FinalLuchaxelBarrio. Radioactivo, Estrellato y Legendario Vs Andy Panda, Éxtasis y Dragón Suicida (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) GRAN FINAL de Lucha X El Barrio | Proyecto del Injuve y Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by CAPITAL 21)

Event Notes: afternoon show, pre-taping, Lucha X el Barrio. Judges were Faby Apache, Arez, Myzteziz Jr., Chessman, Negro Casas, Abismo Negro and Dalys. Dick Angelo 3G won 1st place, with Legendario 2nd and Lady Wind 3rd. Andy Panda Jr., Estrellato, Radioactivo, Vengador, Dragon Suicida, Steven Manson, and Extasis were honorable mentions

2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993

last updated: 2025-03-01 01:34

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