Autolavado VM, Tulancingo, Hidalgo : 2013
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DTU (THU) 10/10/2013 Autolavado VM, Tulancingo, Hidalgo [Funcion Estelar]
1) Tony Days & Zuzu Divine b Jason & Jc Mclean
2) Alexis X b Jhonky, Corey, Corazón Latino
Alexis pinned Corazon Latino for the win.
2) Ángel Suicida & Rex Estampida b Eminecia & Toro De Guanoro
4) Kaleth & Slayer Pack b Miedo Extremo & Pequeño Cobra
5) Black Fire & Drastik Boy b Cíclope & Paranoiko
6) Lanzeloth & Rocky Lobo b Artikus & Crazy Boy and Aeroboy & Violento Jack and Joe Lider & Lethal
DTU (SAT) 07/13/2013 Autolavado VM, Tulancingo, Hidalgo
1) Flyer vs Sope Fox, Alexis X, JC MaClean
2) Artikus & Pequeño Cobra vs Lanzeloth & Rocky Lobo and Miedo Extremo & Sacristán
3) Drastik Boy, Hacker, Kaleth vs Black Fire, Hormiga, Jhonky
4) Cíclope, Paranoiko, Slayer Pack vs Ángel o Demonio, Big Memo, Ovett
DTU (SUN) 07/07/2013 Autolavado VM, Tulancingo, Hidalgo
1) Kalibus vs Corazón Latino, Yuta, Sacristán, Mantra, Factor Miedo, ?
2) JC MaClean & La Magnifica vs ? & Zuzu Divine
3) Ángel del Misterio & Príncipe Halcón vs Jhonky & Jorge Kebrada
4) Black Fire & Slayer Pack vs Crazy King & Príncipe Escorpión and Lanzeloth & Rocky Lobo and Miedo Extremo & Pequeño Cobra
5) Aero Boy, Cíclope, Paranoiko, Violento Jack vs Artikus, Drastik Boy, Hormiga, Príncipe Orión
6) Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards vs Crazy Boy & Joe Lider and Hacker & Kaleth
DTU (SAT) 05/04/2013 Autolavado VM, Tulancingo, Hidalgo [La Copa]
1) Kandy & Zusu Divine b JC MaClean & Letty Star
2) Miedo Extremo b Artikus, Arsenal, Corazón Latino, Koreli
3) Drastik Boy © b Black Fire, Lanzeloth, Mazivo, Pequeño Cobra, Rocky Lobo [DTU AI]
Drastick Boy is champion, first defense by defeating Rocky Lobo.
4) Niño Hamburguesa & Slayer b Hacker & Kaleth and Hard Man & Jhonki [chairs]
5) Demente Extreme b Cíclope, Hormiga, Paranoiko, Súper Mega, X-Fly [DTU, #1 Contenders]
Dement Xtreme earns a shot at Pesadilla by beating Super Mega. Ciclope earlier beat Paranoiko, and Hormiga and X-Fly attacked Nino Hamburguesa during the match.
DTU (SAT) 04/13/2013 Autolavado VM, Tulancingo, Hidalgo [Black Terry Jr. (flickr), GL, Ultra]
1) Jhonky b Hellboy, Artikus, Atomik Star
Extreme Boy was listed but did not participate.
2) Araña de Plata & Pequeño Cobra b Kaleth & Slayer Pack
3) Gemelo De Chilpancingo I & Gemelo De Chilpancingo II b Lucky Boy & Niño de Ébano
One of the twins snuck in a foul on Nino de Ebano.
4) Hormiga b Príncipe Halcón
5) Paranoiko b Súper Mega, Comando Negro, Jorge Kebrada, Eterno
Kebrada missed Paranoiko on dive, hit the floor, and bled. He was helped to the back.
6) Crazy Boy, Lanzeloth, Niño Hamburguesa b Ángel Del Futuro, Ángel del Misterio, Jinzo
7) Eita, Flamita, Tomahawk T.T. b CIMA, Hacker, Rocky Lobo
ALRT (SUN) 04/07/2013 Autolavado VM, Tulancingo, Hidalgo
1) Guerrero Azteca & Korey vs Dk & Terroristas
2) Jhionki vs Artikus
3) El Engendro, Eminencia, Impostor vs Comander, Estampida, Toro De Guanoro
4) Amo de la Noche, De Luto, Príncipe Rebelde vs Dragón de Plata, Rocky Lobo, Talaxys
5) Pesadilla, Piloto Infernal, Piloto Suicida vs El Sable, Tarasco II, Violento Jack
DTU (SAT) 03/30/2013 Autolavado VM, Tulancingo, Hidalgo
1) ? vs ??
Women trainees match
2) Lanzeloth vs Ángel del Misterio, Black Fire, Rocky Lobo [Torneo Liguilla Premier, 2nd stage]
3) Araña de Plata, Cíclope, Pequeño Cobra vs Hard Man, Hellboy, Jhonky
4) Lucky Boy & Niño de Ébano vs ? & Demente Extreme
5) X-Fly vs Paranoiko, Crazy King, Niño Hamburguesa
6) Príncipe Escorpión vs Hacker, Príncipe Halcón, Hormiga
7) Séptimo Dragón vs Drastik Boy, Tribal [Salamanca CHAMP]
8) Crazy Boy & Juventud Guerrera vs AR Fox & Slayer Pack and Flamita & Willie Mack
indy (SUN) 03/17/2013 Autolavado VM, Tulancingo, Hidalgo [Ultra]
1) Amo de la Noche, Anarquía, Sangre Guerrera b Rocky Lobo, Talaxis, Violento Jack
rudos cheated to win three fall match. First match for Anarquia (surprise) in ten years; the rudos were previously a trio named creatures of the night.
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last updated: 2024-12-29 06:22