Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California : 2020

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2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986
1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971

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AAA TV (SAT) 04/25/2020 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California
1) ?, ??, ??? NM ????, ?????, ??????
2) ?, ??, ??? NM ????, ?????, ??????
3) ?, ??, ??? NM ????, ?????, ??????
4) ?, ??, ??? NM ????, ?????, ??????
5) ?, ??, ??? NM ????, ?????, ??????
6) ?, ??, ??? NM ????, ?????, ??????


The Crash (SAT) 03/28/2020 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California
1) Terror Azteca vs Próximo, Legacy King, Latino, Ángel Jr., Rencor
2) Adam Brooks & Chris Dickinson vs Steve Filip & Tome Filip
3) Black Danger, D Luxe, Gelus vs ?, ??, Oráculo
4) Dinámico © vs Iron Boy [The Crash JUNIOR]
3rd defense
5) Arandú, Tony Casanova, Zarco vs El Dragón (Chihuahua), Hijo Del Impostor Jr., Súper Nova
6) Dragón Lee (Indie), El Bandido, Pco vs Bestia 666, Damián 666, Mecha Wolf
7) Rayman & Rayo de Jalisco Jr. vs Hijo del Pirata Morgan & Pirata Morgan


AAA , EMW , MLW (FRI) 03/13/2020 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California [The Gladiatores, TJ Sports]
1) Carta Brava Jr., Mocho Cota Jr., Tito Santana b Black Destiny, Fantastik, Rayo Star | #EMWPromociones | El Poder del Norte vs Blackdestiny, Rayo Star & Fantastik | (posted by Arena Clandestina) EL PODER DEL NORTE VS BLACK DESTINY, FANTASTYK Y RAYO STAR (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine) Poder del norte VS. black destiny Fantastic y Rayo star (posted by Lucha Vlogs)
Viva Van was seconding the local team.
2) Filthy Tom Lawlor & Garrini b Puma King & Xtreme Tiger | #EMWPromociones | Xtreme Tiger & Puma King vs Team Filty | (posted by Arena Clandestina) Puma King y Xtreme Tiger vs Filthy Tom y Lawlor Garrini - EMW -  AAA - MLW (posted by mluchatv) TOM LAWLOR Y DOMINIC GARRINI VS XTREME TIGER Y PUMA KING (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine)
3) Richard Holiday © b Chessman [IWA HEAVY] | #EMWPromociones | Chessman vs Richard Holiday | (posted by Arena Clandestina) CHESSMAN VS RICHARD HOLLIDAY (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine) Chessman vs Richard Holliday -  EMW - AAA - MLW Auditorio Fausto Gutierrez TJ. (posted by mluchatv)
4) Mortiz & Pagano b Mance Warner & Savio Vega | #EMWPromociones | Pagano & Mortiz vs Savio Vega & Mance Warner | (posted by Arena Clandestina) Lucha extrema AAA VS MLW (posted by Lucha Vlogs) Pagano y Mortiz vs Savio Vega y Mance Warner - EMW - AAA - MLW (posted by mluchatv) PAGANO Y MORTIZ VS SAVIO VEGA Y MANCE WARNER EN LUCHA EXTREMA (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine)
Hammrestone attacked Wagner, inadvertently helping Pagano
5) Averno b Douglas James | #EMWPromociones | Averno vs Douglas James | (posted by Arena Clandestina) Averno vs Douglas James -  EMW - AAA - MLW Auditorio Fausto Gutierrez TJ. (posted by mluchatv) AVERNO VS DOUGLAS JAMES EN MANO A MANO (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine)
6) Alex Hammerstone © b Laredo Kid [MLW OPENWEIGHT] | #EMWPromociones | Laredo Kid vs Alex HammerStone | (posted by Arena Clandestina) Alex Hammerstone vs Laredo Kid -  EMW - AAA - MLW (posted by mluchatv) ALEX HAMMERSTONE VS LAREDO KID POR EL MLW NATIONAL OPENWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine)
7) Brian Pillman Jr. & Davey Boy Smith Jr. b Rey Escorpión & Texano Jr. | #EMWPromociones | Texano Jr & Rey Escorpion vs Dave Boy Smith Jr & Brian Pillman Jr | (posted by Arena Clandestina) TEXANO JR Y REY ESCORPIÓN VS BRIAN PILLMAN JR Y DAVEY BOY SMITH JR (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine) Texano Jr. y Rey Escorpión vsDavey Boy Smith Jr. y Brian Pillman Jr. -  EMW - AAA - MLW (posted by mluchatv)
8) Hijo Del Vikingo, Myzteziz Jr., Octagón Jr. © b Jordan Oliver, Kotto Brazil, Myron Reed [AAA TRIOS] | #EMWPromociones | Hijo del Vikingo, Mizteziz Jr & Octagon jr vs Injustice | (posted by Arena Clandestina) H. del Vikingo, Octagón Jr. y Myzteziz Jr. vs Myron Reed, Jordan Oliver y Kotto Brazil - EMW (posted by mluchatv) LOS JINETES DEL AIRE VS MYRON REED, KOTTO BRAZIL Y JORDAN OLIVER POR EL CAMPEONATO DE TERCIAS AAA (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine)
2nd defense
9) Hijo de LA Park, LA Park, LA Park Jr. b Nicho el Millionario, Niño Hamburguesa, Psycho Clown | #EMWPromociones | LaPark, HD.L.A.Park & LaParkJr vs PsychoClown, N el Millonario & N Hamburguesa | (posted by Arena Clandestina) LA FAMILIA REAL VS. NICHO. PSYCHO CLOW. NIÑO HAMBURGUESA. AAA VS MLW (posted by Lucha Vlogs) Psycho Clown, Nicho El Millonario y Niño Hamburguesa vs L.A. Park, H. de L.A Park y L.A Park Jr. (posted by mluchatv) PSYCHO CLOWN, NICHO EL MILLONARIO, NIÑO HAMBURGUESA VS LA FAMILIA REAL (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine)
Pagano tried to attack LA Park, got Nicho instead, challenged Park to a match after.


The Crash (SAT) 02/22/2020 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California [The Crash, TJ Sports]
1) Black Danger & Gelus b El Dragón (Chihuahua) & Hijo Del Impostor | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Black Danger & Gelus vs Hijo del Impostor & El Dragón | (posted by Arena Clandestina) 1a Lucha h  del Impostor, El Dragon  VS  Black Danger, Gelus (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) BLACK DANGER Y GELUS VS HIJO DEL IMPOSTOR Y EL DRAGÓN (posted by Baja Wrestling)
Jonathan & Tony Casanova (jumping from EMW? working both groups?) attacked Dragon & Gelus after their win.
2) Dinámico b Terror Azteca, Baby Xtreme [THE CRASH JUNIOR] | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Dinamico vs Babyxtreme vs Terror Azteca | Lucha de Campeonato | | (posted by Arena Clandestina) 2a Lucha  Campeonato Crucero Jr  The Crash,  Baby Xtreme  VS  Dinamico VS  Terror Azteca c (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Baby Xtreme vs Dinámico vs Terror Azteca - Campeonato Crucero Jr. The Crash Lucha Libre (posted by mluchatv) TERROR AZTECA VS DINAMICO VS BABY EXTREME (posted by Baja Wrestling)
2nd defense
3) Brazo De Oro Jr., Ciclón Ramírez Jr., Hijo de Octagón b Arandú, Star Boy, Zarco | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | La Triple Amenaza vs Hijo de Octagon, Brazo de Oro Jr y Ciclón Ramirez Jr | (posted by mluchatv) 3a Lucha  Arandu, Zarco, Star Boy  VS  Ciclon Ramirez Jr, Brazo de Oro Jr, H  de Octagon (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) ARANDU - STAR BOY Y ZARCO VS CICLON RAMIREZ JR.- HIJO DE OCTAGÓN Y BRAZO DE ORO JR. (posted by Baja Wrestling) Arandú, Zarco y Starboy vs Ciclón Ramírez Jr., Brazo de Oro Jr. e Hijo de Octagón - The Crash (posted by mluchatv)
Ciclon Ramirez Jr. replcaed Hijo de Mascara Sagrada. Star Boy was hurt and not allowed to finish. Money thrown in.
4) Angélico b Jonathan | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Jonathan vs Angelico | Mano a Mano Internacional | (posted by mluchatv) 4a Lucha  Angelico  VS  Jonathan (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) ANGELICO VS JONATHAN (posted by Baja Wrestling) Angélico vs Jonathan -  The Crash Lucha Libre (posted by mluchatv)
No Jack Evans (back injury), so Mesias & Oraculo were oved to the cage match and Angelico faced Jonathan. Money thrown in.
5) Bandido (Indie) & Dragón Lee (Indie) b Jay Lethal & Jonathan Gresham | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Bandido & Dragón Lee vs Jay Lethal & Jonathan Gresham | (posted by mluchatv) 5a Lucha   Jay Lethal, Jonathan Greshan  VS  Dragon Lee, Bandido (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Bandido y dragón Lee VS jay lethal y Jonathon Gresham (posted by Lucha Vlogs) BANDIDO Y DRAGÓN LEE VS JONATHAN GRESHAM Y JAY LETHAL (posted by Baja Wrestling) Dragon Lee y Bandido vs Jay Lethal y Jonathan Gresham - The Crash Lucha Libre (posted by mluchatv)
Said to be best match of the night.
6) Trauma I & Trauma II b Bestia 666 & Mecha Wolf © and El Mesías & Oráculo [cage, The Crash TAG] | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Hermanos Trauma vs Rebelión Amarilla vs Legión Boricua | (posted by mluchatv) 6a Lucha  Oraculo, Mesias  VS  Trauma I, TRauma II  VS  Mecha Wolf, Bestia 666 (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Mecha Wolf y Bestia 666 vs Trauma I y Trauma II vs Oráculo y El Mesías -  The Crash Lucha Libre (posted by mluchatv) TRAUMA I Y II VS BESTIA 666 Y MECHA WOLF VS ORÁCULO Y MESIAS (posted by Baja Wrestling)
The cage took a while to set up, which caused people to leave. Mesias & Oraculo added to the match. Traumas won the tag titles.


AAA , EMW (FRI) 01/31/2020 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California [Lucha Vlogs, The Gladiatores, thecubsfan]
1) Adrian Quest, Drake, Griff b Éxtasis, Juve Venegas, Romeo #EMWLUCHALIBRE (posted by PROMOCIONES EMW LUCHA LIBRE) | #EMWPromociones | Juve Venegas, Romeo & Xtasis vs A. Quess, Griff & Drake | (posted by Arena Clandestina) 1a Lucha   Adrian Quest, Griff, Drake  VS  Juve Venegas, Romeo, Xtasis (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) ADRIAN QUEST, GRIFF Y DRAKE VS XTASIS, ROMEO Y JUVE VENEGAS (posted by Baja Wrestling) EMW, Auditorio Fausto Gutiérrez de Tijuana | Jueves de +Lucha & Chill (posted by mluchatv) Extasis, Romeo y Juve Venegas vs Adrian Quest, Griff y Drake, EMW en Tijuana (posted by mluchatv)
Quest beat Extasis
2) La Hiedra b Keyra ©, Miranda Alize [EMW WOMEN] | #EMWPromociones | Hiedra (r) vs Miranda (r) vs Keyra (c) | Por el Campeonato EMW | (posted by Arena Clandestina) 2da Lucha   La Hiedra  VS  Miranda  VS  Keyra (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) AAA TIJUANA EMW LUCHA LIBRE (posted by PROMOCIONES EMW LUCHA LIBRE) EMW, Auditorio Fausto Gutiérrez de Tijuana | Jueves de +Lucha & Chill (posted by mluchatv) KEYRA VS MIRANDA ALIZE VS LA HIEDRA (posted by Baja Wrestling) Keyra vs Miranda vs La Hiedra - Campeonato Femenil EMW (posted by mluchatv) La Hiedra vs Keyra vs Miranda, Campeonato Femenil EMW *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv)
first defense (won title in December 2018). Hiedra (replacing Lady Shani) won the title with some help from Rey Escorpion.
3) Carta Brava Jr., Mocho Cota Jr., Tito Santana b Jonathan, TJ Boy, Tony Casanova and Adrian Quest, Lady Lee, Tiago | #EMWPromociones | ElPoder del Norte vs Tiago,LadyLee & A.Quest vs TjBoy, TonyCasanova & Jonathan | (posted by Arena Clandestina) 3ra Lucha  Tiago, Adrian Quest, Lady Lee vs TJ Boy, Jonathan, Tony Casanova vs Mocho Cota Jr, Tito S (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) AAA EMW LUCHA LIBRE (posted by PROMOCIONES EMW LUCHA LIBRE) El Poder del Norte vs Los Mirreyes vs Tiago, Lady Lee y Adrian Quest, EMW (posted by mluchatv) EMW, Auditorio Fausto Gutiérrez de Tijuana | Jueves de +Lucha & Chill (posted by mluchatv) LADY LEE, TIAGO Y ADRIAN QUEST VS TJ BOY, TONY CASANOVA Y JONATHAN VS PODER DEL NORTE (posted by Baja Wrestling) Tiago, Adrian Quest, Lady Lee vs TJ Boy, Jonathan y  Tony Casanova vs Poder del Norte (posted by mluchatv)
Tiago & Quest (working twice) replaced Danny Limelight (not there) & Medico Asesino (moved up). Poder del norte beat Lady Lee. Tiago bled a lot, feuding with Jonathan
4) Black Boy, Fantastik, Rayo Star b Genio del Aire, Kamik-C, Skalibur [hardcore] | #EMWPromociones | BlackBoy, Rayo Star & Fantastik vs Skalibur, Kamikc & Genio del Aire | (posted by Arena Clandestina) 4ta Lucha  Black Boy, Rayo Star, Fantastik  VS  Kamik C, Skalibur, Genio del Aire (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Black Destiny, Rayo Star y Fantastik vs Genio del Aire, Skalibur y Kamikaze, en EMW (posted by mluchatv) EMW, Auditorio Fausto Gutiérrez de Tijuana | Jueves de +Lucha & Chill (posted by mluchatv) Lucha extrema EMW AAA 31/01/2020 (posted by Lucha Vlogs) LUCHA LIBRE AAA-EMW (posted by PROMOCIONES EMW LUCHA LIBRE) RAYO STAR, BLACK DESTINY Y FANTASTIK VS SKALIBUR, KAMIKC Y GENIO DEL AIRE (posted by Baja Wrestling)
both teams brawled before entrances. The TJ crew wanted an apuesta match after they won, the Mexicali guys were not high on that.
5) El Hijo del Medico Asesino & Nicho el Millionario b Pagano & Puma King and Hijo Del Vikingo & Xtreme Tiger | #EMWPromociones | Puma King & Pagano vs H. Vikingo & X Tiger vs H.d.M. Asesino & N. Millonario (posted by Arena Clandestina) 5ta Lucha  H del Vikingo,Xtreme Tiger VS Puma King,Pagano VS H  del Medico Asesino,Nicho el Millonar (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) EMW, Auditorio Fausto Gutiérrez de Tijuana | Jueves de +Lucha & Chill (posted by mluchatv) H. del Vikingo y Xtreme Tiger vs Puma King y Pagano vs H. del Médico Asesino y Nicho el Millonario (posted by mluchatv) Pagano y Puma King vs Hijo del Vikingo y Xtreme Tiger vs Nicho el Millonario y Médico Asesino, EMW (posted by mluchatv) TRIANGULAR DE PAREJAS (posted by Baja Wrestling)
Medico Asesino replaced Gringo Loco (illness). Puma got a visual pin on him before Medico cheated to beat him.
6) Pentagón Jr., Psycho Clown, Rey Horus b Daga, Monsther Clown, Rey Escorpión | #EMWPromociones | Psycho Clown, Pentagon Jr & Rey Horus vs Daga, Rey Scorpion & Monster Clown | (posted by Arena Clandestina) 6ta Lucha   Rey Horus, Psycho Clown, Pentagon Jr  VS  Rey Escorpion, Daga, Monsther Clown (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) AAA EMW LUCHA LIBRE (posted by PROMOCIONES EMW LUCHA LIBRE) EMW, Auditorio Fausto Gutiérrez de Tijuana | Jueves de +Lucha & Chill (posted by mluchatv) Psycho Clown Rey Horus Pentagon Jr vs Daga Monster Clown Rey Escorpion 2020 (posted by videoslucha3000) Psycho Clown, Pentagon Jr. y Rey Horus vs Rey Escorpión, Daga, Monster Clown y La Hiedra, EMW (posted by mluchatv) Psycho Clown, Rey Horus y Pentagón Jr. vs Monsther Clown, Rey Escorpión y Daga (posted by mluchatv) REY HORUS, PSYCHO CLOWN Y PENTAGÓN JR VS REY ESCORPIÓN, DAGA Y MONSTHER CLOWN (posted by Baja Wrestling)
Daga and Rey Horus teased a title match earlier. Monster Clown turned tecnico during the match. Psycho beat Escorpion.


The Crash (SAT) 01/18/2020 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California [The Crash, Zona Ruda]
1) Baby Extreme b Dinámico | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Dinamico vs Baby Xtreme | (posted by Arena Clandestina)
Baby Extreme immediately challenged Terror Azteca for the Crash Junior championship.
2) Terror Azteca © b Baby Xtreme [The Crash JUNIOR]
immediate title match. Azteca retained. First defense.
3) Christi Jaynes & Lady Flammer b Baronessa & Hija de Gatubela | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Hija de Gatubela & Baronessa vs Lady Flamer Y Christi Jaynes | (posted by Arena Clandestina) Lady Flammer y Christi Jaynes vs H. de Gatúbela y Baronessa - The Crash Lucha Libre (posted by mluchatv)
Alex Garcia was scheduled, didn't appear. Gatubela & Baronessa added to make it a tag match instead.
4) Torito Negro b the Tiger (Tamaulipas) | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Torito Negro vs The Tiger | (posted by Arena Clandestina)
5) Black Danger, D Luxe, Gelus b Demencia, Próximo, Silver Star | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Black Danger, D-Luxe Luchador Sorpresa vs Silver Star, Próximo y Demencia | (posted by Arena Clandestina) Demencia, Silver Star y Próximo vs Black Danger, D - Lux y Black Gelus - The Crash (posted by mluchatv)
Geluz (?) was the new mystery person. Proximo replaced Animal.
6) El Mesías b Angélico, CIMA, Ryu Lee | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Dragón Lee vs Mesías vs Cima vs Angélico | (posted by Arena Clandestina) El Mesías vs Dragon Lee vs Cima vs Angélico -  The Crash Lucha Libre (posted by mluchatv)
Mesias was helped by Orcaulo and masked men, setting up a new group.
7) Flamita & Oráculo b El Lindaman & T-Hawk | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Flamita y Oráculo vs Lindaman y T-Hawk | (posted by Arena Clandestina)
8) Bestia 666, Damián 666, Mecha Wolf b Negro Navarro, Trauma I, Trauma II | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Damian 666, Bestia 666 y Mecha Wolf vs Negro Navarro, Traumas l & ll | (posted by Arena Clandestina) Damián 666, Bea¡stia 666 y Mecha Wolf vs Negro Navarro y Los Hermanos Trauma - The Crash (posted by mluchatv) Damian 666, Mecha Wolf & Bestia 666 vs Negro Navarro & Trauma l & ll (posted by videoslucha3000) UN ENGAÑO BESTIAL al Negro Navarro (posted by 2A3CAIDAS)
Mesias attacked Mecha Wolf after the show


LLT (FRI) 01/10/2020 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California [The Gladiatores]
1) Dragón Chino b El Extraño, Eclipse Jr., Rey Jothan, Gallo Extreme, Joker JOKER VS GALLO EXTREME VS ECLIP-C JR. VS REY JOTAN VS EL EXTRAÑO VS DRAGÓN CHINO (posted by Baja Wrestling)
2) Martinete, Tahúr Jr., Terror Azteca b Blaster, Rencor, Unicornio RENCOR-UNICORNIO-BLASTER VS TERROR AZTECA-MARTINETE-TAHUR JR. (posted by Baja Wrestling)
3) Black Spider, Halcón Tapatío, Juventud 2000 b Scream, Shamu, Súper Rhino SHAMU-RHINO-SCREAM VS HALCÓN TAPATIO-BLACK SPIDER-JUVENTUD2000 (posted by Baja Wrestling)
Spider snuck in a foul on Super Rhino
4) Enfermero Jr. & King Azteca b Camaleón de Oro & Clásico CLÁSICO-CAMALEÓN DE ORO VS ENFERMERO JR.-KING AZTECA (posted by Baja Wrestling)
5) Baronessa, Cinico, Jonathan, Tony Casanova b Demencia, Juventud Venegas, Lady Lee, Silver Star DEMENCIA , SILVERSTAR , JUVE VENEGAS , LADY LEE VS TONY CASSANOVA , JONATHAN , CINICO , VARONESSA (posted by 2A3CAIDAS) Lady Lee, Demencia, Silver Star y Animal vs Baronesa, Jonathan, Tony Casanova y Cínico (posted by mluchatv) LADY LEE, SILVER STAR, DEMENCIA Y JUVENTUD VENEGAS VS LA BARONESSA, TONY CASANOVA, JONATHAN Y CÍNICO (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine) LUCHA DE RELEVOS ATÓMICOS MIXTOS (posted by Baja Wrestling)
6) Efekto & Mozambique L Príncipe Negro Jr. & Xperia and Invasor & Mr. Maldito and Soldado Del Invierno & Súper Xolo and Destroyer & Pequeño Negro Jr. and Estudiante Jr. & Zaeta and Rayo Star & Zarco [relevos suicidas] LUCHA CAMPAL DE PAREJAS (posted by Baja Wrestling) RULETA DE LA MUERTE CON 14 MÁSCARAS EN JUEGO (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine)
7) Efekto b Mozambique [mask] MOZAMBIQUE VS EFEKTO (posted by Baja Wrestling)
Mozambique lost his mask on his partner's retirement show. He is Nicolas Torres Santiago, from Mexico State, 30 years a wrestler. Efekto saved his hair
8) Black Danger, Mazambula, TJ Boy, Toxin b Black Destiny, Mirage, Star Boy, Xtreme Tiger MAZAMBULA-TOXIN-BLACK DANGER-TJ BOY VS BLACK DESTINY-XTREME TIGER-MIRAGE-STARBOY (posted by Baja Wrestling) MAZAMBULA, TJ BOY, BLACK DANGER Y TOXIN VS XTREME TIGER, STAR BOY, BLACK DESTINY Y MIRAGE (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine) Mazambula, TJ Boy, Danger y Toxin vs Xtreme, Mirage, Black Destiny y Star Boy (posted by mluchatv) RETIRO DEL BRUJO MAZAMBULA 2020 (posted by videoslucha3000)
Mazambula won his retirement match with a foul on Tiger.

2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986
1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971

last updated: 2025-02-24 15:27

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