Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois : 2016

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GALLI (SUN) 12/18/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois [GALLI]
1) Rey Furia vs Draconis, Jesus Bryce
2) D Angelo Steele & Will Moah vs Payaso I & Payaso II
3) Atómico Jr., Galactic Boy, Pentagono Jr. vs Fúnebre, Pentagono, Slayer
4) Furia Roja & Zam The Mysterious vs Craig Mitchell & Valentino
5) Chico Suave, Pat Monix, Venus vs Barry Ryte, Dds, Sin Suerte Xxxplicit Content vs. Vennus & Team Chico -- 12/18/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)
6) Billy Star & Golden Dragón vs Skayde Jr. & Steve Pain
7) Atómico, Eros, Golden Star vs Guerrerito, Imperio Azteca, Pierrothito

Event Notes: benefit show for Gringo Loco


GALLI (SUN) 12/11/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Draconis & Mojo McQueen © vs Acid Jazz & Bryce Benjamin and Kenny Sutra & Matt Knicks and Billy Star & Golden Dragón [GALLI TAG]
2) Chico Suave, Mason Conrad, Pat Monix vs Barry Ryte, Dds, Sin Suerte
3) Atómico, Eros, Golden Star vs Guerrerito, Imperio Azteca, Pentagono
4) Halcón Oriental vs Slayer [ELLMEX CHAMP]
5) GPA vs Craig Mitchell [GALLI CHAMP]
6) Furia Roja vs Rey Furia [mask]
7) Ricky Cruz vs El Mesías El Mesías vs. Ricky Cruz -- 12/11/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)


GALLI (SUN) 12/04/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Chico Suave & Pat Monix vs Draconis & Mojo McQueen
2) Atómico, Eros, Golden Dragón vs Barry Ryte, Dds, El Traidor
3) Rey Furia vs Furia Roja
4) ?, Golden Star, Zam vs Payaso I, Payaso II, Payaso III
5) Atomic Jr., Galactic Boy, Majico vs Guerrerito, Imperio, Slayer
6) GPA & Marshe Rockett vs Fúnebre & Valentino
7) Billy Star, Guardián, Phantom (New York) vs Mantis (New York), Skayde, Skayde Jr.


GALLI (SUN) 11/27/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Atómico Jr., Galactic Boy, Indomable vs Payaso I, Payaso II, Payaso III
2) Chico Suave & Pat Monix vs ???? & Sin Suerte
3) Billy Star & Guardián vs Fúnebre & Pentagono
4) Atómico, Eros, Golden Dragón vs Guerrerito, Imperio Azteca, Slayer
5) Mason Conrad & Zam The Mysterious vs Dds & El Traidor
6) Furia Roja & Rey Furia © vs Draconis & Mojo McQueen [GALLI TAG]
7) Skayde © vs Tritón, Skayde Jr., Golden Star [GALLI CLASSIC]

Event Notes: benefit show


GALLI (SUN) 11/20/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Atómico Jr., Galactic Kid, Majico vs Payaso I, Payaso II, Payaso III Galactic Kid, Majico, & Atomico Jr. vs. Payasos -- 11/20/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)
2) Acid Jazz & Bryce Benjamin vs Fúnebre & Venus
3) Billy Star, Furia Roja, Rey Furia vs ?, ??, Valentino
4) Zero Gravity vs La Maldición
5) Atómico, Golden Dragón, Guardián vs Barry Ryte, Dds, El Traidor
6) Eros, Halcón Oriental, Ricky Cruz vs Guerrerito, Imperio Azteca, Slayer
7) Golden Star, GPA, Tritón vs Gringo Loco, Skayde, Skayde Jr.


GALLI (SUN) 11/13/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) ??????, Atómico Jr., Tigre Celestial vs Payaso I, Payaso II, Payaso III
2) Atómico & Golden Dragón vs ????? & Mike Anthony
3) Chico Suave & Indomable vs Draconis & Mojo McQueen
4) El Bandolero & Eros vs Barry Ryte & El Traidor
5) Guardián Del Amor & Halcón Oriental vs Imperio & Slayer Imperio Azteca & Slayer vs. Guardian Del Amor & Halcon Oriental -- 11/13/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)
6) Golden Star & GPA vs ?????? & Fúnebre
7) Aero Boy & Eros vs Gringo Loco & Skayde Jr. Aero Boy & Eros VS Gringo Loco & Skayde Jr (posted by gallilucha)


GALLI (SUN) 11/06/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Súper Crazy & Tritón vs Gringo Loco & Steve Pain Super Crazy & Triton VS Gringo Loko & Steve Pain (posted by gallilucha) Super Crazy & Triton vs. Steve Pain & Gringo Loco -- 11/6/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)


GALLI (SUN) 10/30/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Kylie Rae vs Rey Furia Kylie Rae vs. Rey Furia -- 10/30/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)
2) Chico Suave & Zen vs Draconis & Mojo McQueen
3) Golden Dragón vs Pentagono Del Infierno
4) Golden Star & Zam The Mysterious vs Barry Ryte & El Traidor
5) Atómico & Atómico Jr. vs Fúnebre & Valentino
6) GPA, Mason Conrad, Pat Monix vs Craig Mitchell, Matt Knicks, Sin Suerte GPA, Mason Conrad & Pat Monix VS Matt Knicks, Craig mitchell & Sin Suerte
7) Tritón vs Prince Mustafa Ali
8) Gringo Loco & Isaias Velazquez vs Bryce Benjamin & Laredo Kid Laredo Kid & Bryce Bejamin VS Gringo Loco & Isaias Velasquez (posted by gallilucha)


GALLI (SAT) 10/22/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois

Event Notes: no matches announced.


GALLI (SUN) 10/02/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Atómico & Halcón Oriental vs Imperio & Slayer
2) Eros, Mason Conrad, Tritón vs Fúnebre, Gringo Loco, Mercurio
3) Chico Suave, Will Moah, Zen vs Craig Mitchell, Kenny Sutra, Matt Knicks
4) Billy Star, Golden Dragón, Ricky Cruz vs Barry Ryte, Dds, El Traidor
5) Furia Roja & Rey Furia vs Ben Mccoy & Shigehiro Irie
6) Acid Jazz & Bryce Benjamin vs Draconis & Mojo McQueen
7) GPA & Prince Mustafa Ali vs Skayde Jr. & Valentino


GALLI (SUN) 09/25/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Acid Jazz & Bryce Benjamin vs Pentagoncito & Slayer
2) Eros & Golden Star vs Guerrerito & Imperio Azteca
3) Billy Star & Zima Ion vs Gringo Loco & Skayde Jr.
4) Chico, Golden Dragón, Suave Atómico vs Barry Ryte, Dds, El Traidor
5) ?, Mason Conrad, Tritón vs Draconis, Hesquisofrenia, Mojo McQueen
6) Furia Roja & Rey Furia vs ? & Valentino
7) GPA vs Prince Mustafa Ali
8) El Mesías vs Marshe Rockett


GALLI (SUN) 09/18/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois


GALLI (SUN) 09/11/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois [thecubsfan]
1) Valentino b Golden Dragón
Valentino asked for a surprise opponent. Dragon was the opponent.
2) Chico Suave & Mike Anthony b Dan El Intenso & Pentagono
Mike Anthony attacked his parnter after the match.
3) Acid Jazz & Bryce Benjamin b Barry Ryte & Dds Order 66 vs. N-Words -- 9/11/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)
4) Fúnebre & Slayer b Eros & Golden Star
Someone - Eros? - was hurt in this match, causing a sudden win for the rudo and a delay in the show.
5) Draconis & Mojo McQueen b Mason Conrad & Tritón (CMLL)
Triton landed the 450 splash and they played his music, but he never actually covered. A Unmasked Person (who I didn't recognize) distracted Triton leading to his pin, unmasked Triton and challenges set up a possible hair/mask match.
6) Furia Roja & Rey Furia © b Billy Star & Skayde Jr. [GALLI TAG]
A ladder came into play, and one Furia was taken out with a backdrop onto it. Somehow, the other Furia still won moments later, apparently pinning Billy Star. Skayde Jr., Skayde Sr., Gringo Loko, and Valentino all were angry at Billy Star, eventually attacking him. Discovery made the same (somewhat successfully) and DJZ revealed Discovery would second him for his hair match.
7) El Traidor b Atómico
mask ripping, with Traidor winning clean. A mask match was agreed to for GALLI's December hsow.
8) DJZ b Gringo Loco [hair] * DJZ vs Gringo Loco, hair vs hair (posted by luchablog originals)
Only two out of three falls match on the show. Gringo Loco attacked DJZ from behind and beat him in seconds for the first fall. DJZ eventually railed back to win the second fall. Discovery got involved late in the third fall to foul Gringo Loco, but DJZ (politely) told him he wanted to win on his own, and did. Loco got parts of his head shaved in the ring - not bald, but his head was made to look silly.
9) GPA © b Skayde [GALLI UNIVERSAL CHAMP] * GPA © vs Skayde [GALLI UNIVERSAL CHAMP] (posted by luchablog originals)
GALLI's belts are confusing, but it appeared only GPA's main GALLI championship was on the line. GPA won in about eight minutes and they shook hands after the match. GPA said he was upset the main championship was in the semimain, and added himself to the main event.
10) Pentagón Jr. b Marshe Rockett, Prince Mustafa Ali, GPA * Marshe Rockett vs Pentagón Jr., Prince Mustafa Ali, GPA (posted by luchablog originals)
GPA's GALLI Universal championship and Marshe Rocket's GALLI Junior championship were on the line, but they would only change hands if the champion got pinned. Pentagon beat Prince Ali (so no titles changed hands.) Pentagon thanked the fans. Jaque Mate, who happened to be in Chicago and stuck around an extra day for show, praised Pentagon and the other guys in the match.

GALLI (SUN) 09/04/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Gringo Loco & Skayde Jr. b Billy Star & DJZ

Event Notes: date is a guess


GALLI (SUN) 08/28/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Acid Jazz, Atómico, Bryce Benjamin vs Barry Ryte, Dds, El Traidor
2) Stephan Wolf & Zen vs Draconis & Mojo McQueen
3) Golden Star vs Dan El Intenso
4) Furia Roja, Rey Furia, Shigehiro Irie vs Billy Star, Skayde Jr., Valentino Shigehiro Irie & Furias vs. Revolucion -- 8/28/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)
5) GPA & Mason Conrad vs Alex Romero & Brad Kevins Alex Romero & Brad Kevins vs. Mason Conrad & GPA -- 8/28/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)
6) Marshe Rockett vs Prince Mustafa Ali, Mr. 450, Tritón, Gringo Loco, Zima Ion GALLI VS WWE VS AAA VS CRASH VS CMLL VS Impact (posted by gallilucha) Zema vs. 450 vs. Ali vs. Rockett vs. Triton vs. Gringo -- 8/28/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)

GALLI (SUN) 08/14/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois [thecubsfan]
1) ? & ?? b Coco Negro & Coco Rojo
2) Azucar Morena & Stephan Wolf b Billy Star & Valentino
3) ? & Golden Star b Dan El Intenso & Slayer
4) Furia Roja & Rey Furia © b Draconis & Mojo McQueen [GALLI TAG]
5) Acid Jazz, Atómico, Bryce Benjamin b Barry Ryte, Dds, El Traidor
Atomico & Traidor continue to feud.
6) Mason Conrad, Prince Mustafa Ali, Tritón (CMLL) b Gringo Loco, Skayde, Skayde Jr.
best match on the show
7) GPA © b Shigehiro Irie [GALLI CHAMP]
The Revolution (Skayde Jr., Skayde Sr., Billy Star, Gringo Loco, Valentino) all hit the ring to demand a title shot at GPA. GPA offered it to the one guy he respected, Skayde. Promoter also gave them a tag title shot.

GALLI (SUN) 07/24/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Furia Roja, Rey Furia, Zam The Mysterious vs Draconis, Mojo McQueen, Ovirload
2) GPA, Mason Conrad, Zima Ion vs Billy Star, Gringo Loco, Skayde Jr.
3) Azucar Morena & Matt Knicks vs Chico Suave & Valentino
4) D Angelo Steele, Kendra, Silencio vs Destructor, Destructor Jr., Slayer
5) Shigehiro Irie vs Marshe Rockett Shigehiro Irie vs. Marshe Rockett -- 7/24/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)


GALLI (SUN) 07/10/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
0) Azucar Morena, Sephan Wolf, Will Moah vs Draconis, Mojo McQueen, Ovirload McQueen, Ovirload, & Draconis vs. Moah, Wolf, & A. M. -- 7/10/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)
1) Barry Ryte, Dds, El Traidor vs ?, ??, GPA
2) ?, Golden Star, Punisher 747 vs Billy Star, Discovery, Valentino
3) Atómico, Atómico Jr., Golden Dragón vs Destructor Jr., Destructor Sr., Slayer
4) Prince Ali vs Marshe Rockett [GALLI JUNIOR] Prince Ali VS Marshe Rocket (posted by gallilucha)
5) Furia Roja & Rey Furia vs Chico & Valentino

GALLI (SUN) 06/19/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Payaso Cocoliso vs Yoshihiro Payaso Cocolisto vs. Yoshihiro -- 6/19/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)


AMARO (SUN) 06/12/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Melanie Cruz vs Lucy Mendez Melanie Cruise vs. Lucy Mendez -- 6/12/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)
Melanie Cruz replaced Zeuxis
2) Destructor Jr., Rey Furia, Silencio vs Billy Star, Gringo Loco, Skayde Jr.
3) Marshe Rockett vs Prince Mustafa Ali [GALLI JUNIOR]
4) Mr. 450 vs Jesus Bryce, Aero Boy
5) Carlito b Hernandez Super-Mex Hernandez vs. Carlito Caribbean Cool -- 6/12/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)
6) Blue Demon Jr. DQ Miguel Perez Jr.
foul for a DQ. Savio ran in to help Perez with Aeroboy making the save.


GALLI (SUN) 05/29/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois


GALLI (SUN) 05/22/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Barry Ryte vs ?
open challenge
2) Will Dolla vs Big Jay Knight, Draconis, Willie Richardson, ? [#1 Contenders, GALLI CHAMP]
3) Golden Star vs Golden Dragón, Destructor Jr., Destructor Sr., Atómico, Fúnebre, Pentagono [GALLI CLASSIC]
4) Gavilán vs Silencio [mask]
5) Acid Jazz & Jesus Bryce © vs Furia Roja & Rey Furia [GALLI TAG] Las Furias VS Jesus Bryce & Acid Jaz (posted by gallilucha)
6) Billy Star, Chico Suave, Skayde, Skayde Jr., Valentino vs Gringo Loco, Mahabali Shera, Mason Conrad, Prince Mustafa Ali, Zema Ion GALLI VS La Revolucion GALLIversario 9 (posted by gallilucha) Mahabali Shera 10-Man Tag Team Elimination Match -- 5/22/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)


GALLI (FRI) 05/20/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois


GALLI (SUN) 05/15/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois [ArticulatorSK (highlights)]
1) Jj Garret vs Ovirload
2) Golden Star vs Carlos Robles
3) Atómico Jr., Destructor Jr., Golden Dragón vs Destructor Sr., Payaso I, Payaso II
4) Black Boy & Black Boy Jr. vs Fúnebre & Pentagono
5) Facade & Jason Gory vs Draconis & Mojo McQueen Jason Gory & Facade vs. Ovirload & Firelord Draconis -- 5/17/15 (posted by ArticulatorSK)
6) El Traidor, GPA, Mason Conrad vs Billy Star, Chico Suave, Valentino
7) Prince Mustafa Ali & Zema Ion vs Skayde & Skayde Jr. Zema Ion y Prince Mustafa Ali vs Skayde y Skayde Jr., en GALLI (posted by mluchatv)
8) Acid Jazz, Barry Ryte, Jesus Bryce vs Furia II, Furia Roja, Marshe Rockett


GALLI (FRI) 05/13/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois


GALLI (SUN) 04/24/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Jesus Bryce vs Gringo Loco, Billy Star, Flip Kendrick, Prince Mustafa Ali, Kunai Silence, Rey Furia, Joey Marx [Copa Volador] 2016 High Flyers Cup (posted by ArticulatorSK)


GALLI (SUN) 04/17/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Black Hand Warrior I & Black Hand Warrior II vs Draconis & Mojo McQueen
2) Destructor Jr. & Golden Star vs El Traidor & Gringo Loco
3) Noriega vs GPA [GALLI CAHMP] Noriega vs. GPA -- 4/17/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)
4) Golden Dragón, Ricky Cruz, X-Fly vs Fúnebre, Skayde Jr., Skayde Sr.


Amaro Pro (TUE) 04/12/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois

Event Notes: no matches announced


GALLI (SUN) 04/10/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois [Yo Deportes]
0) Draconis, Ovirload, Will Dolla vs Furia Roja, Golden Dragón, Prince Mustafa Ali Ovirload, Draconis, & Dolla vs. G. Dragon, D. Jr., & Ali -- 4/10/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)
1) Golden Star & Pedro Ocampo b Carlos Robles & Imperio Azteca
ELLMEX invaders defeated GALLI, with the promoters (Ocampo and Robles) wrestling. Bloody match. Rematches were announced for 03/06 in Berwyn (ELLMEX) and 05/15 (GALLI)
2) Billy Star, Skayde, Skayde Jr. b El Traidor, Gringo Loco, Zima Ion

Event Notes: free show. No matches announced.

GALLI (SUN) 03/13/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) X-Fly vs Mojo McQueen El Mosco X-Fly vs. Mojo McQueen  -- 3/13/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)
2) Acid Jazz, Barry Ryte, Jesus Bryce vs Big Jay Knight, Gavilán, Will Dolla Ryte, Bryce, & Jaz vs. Dolla, Knight, & Gavilan -- 3/13/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)


GALLI (SUN) 03/06/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Atómico & Destructor Jr. vs Destructor Jr. & Pentagono
2) Kurt Suave & Zema Ion vs Fúnebre & Gringo Loco
3) Golden Dragón, Golden Star, Halcón Oriental vs El Traidor, Imperio Azteca, Índio Chiricahua
4) X-Fly vs Mojo McQueen
5) GPA vs Jesus Bryce [GALLI CHAMP]


GALLI (SUN) 02/28/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois


GALLI (SUN) 02/21/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Marshe Rockett & Mason Conrad vs Acid Jazz & Jesus Bryce Marshe Rockett & Mason Conrad vs. Jesus Bryce & Acid Jaz -- 2/21/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)


GALLI (SUN) 01/31/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Dds vs Draconis DDS vs. Firelord Draconis -- 1/31/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)
2) Mr. Bank$ & Will Dolla vs Furia Roja & Rey Furia [#1 Contenders, GALLI TAG] Dolla & Knight vs. Las Furias -- 1/31/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)
3) Dave Delorean & Michael Magnuson vs Kurt Suave & Mason Conrad Black Hand Warriors vs. Kurt Suave & Mason Conrad -- 1/31/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)


GALLI (SUN) 01/24/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) ? & ?? vs ??? & ????
2) Mr. Bank$ & Will Dolla vs D Angelo Steele & Kunai Silencio  (posted by ArticulatorSK)
3) Golden Dragón, Matt Knicks, Zema Ion vs El Traidor, Fúnebre, Gringo Loco
4) Barry Ryte vs Prince Mustafa Ali [GALLI JUNIOR]
5) Acid Jazz & Jesus Bryce vs D Steel & Silencio
6) Destructor Jr. vs Pentagono [GALLI JUNIOR]
7) GPA vs Mojo McQueen [GALLIC CHAMP]


GALLI (SUN) 01/10/2016 Arena GALLI, Villa Park, Illinois
1) Brad Kevins vs Marshe Rockett Brad Kevins vs. Marshe Rockett -- 1/10/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)
2) Maxwell Chicago vs GPA Maxwell Chicago vs. GPA -- 1/10/16 (posted by ArticulatorSK)

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last updated: 2025-02-16 19:34

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